I was out of work since September 2011 and getting a job seemed next to impossible. God heard all the prayers that were sent and delivered me a job I hadn't imagined I would get about 6 months later. Against many odds I managed to secure an offer. I really want to thank him for his greatness.
I have been working there for a month now. The job is a bit tough and I don't think I am as efficient as I should be. I pray that I may settle in and adapt. It isn't my ideal job in terms of the work that's involved but it's perfect in terms of the opportunities it will bring.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss this part but I received my first pay cheque today and I'm just trying to decide where to tithe. I want to give to UCB. Does tithe have to be at church or can giving 10% to an organisation like UCB also be regarded as tithe?
Praise the Lord! Its great news that the Lord answered your prayers.
I haven't been sure where to tithe at times in the past but was told that its right to contribute something to where you are spiritually fed .... but there is more to subject of giving (as opposed to tithing).
I read an article called Truth about Tithing – by Colin Lyne and I have found it really helpful and as I'm looking it up now I realise that I still need to revisit the teaching myself about giving in the bible. Here follows some of the information that's in the article, but if you want to read it in full you should be able to find it online.
Firstly, from the article:-
1 Cor 16:1,2 teaches at the start of the week (i guess if paid weekly) we should decide how much to give on the basis of how much God has prospered us. We should store it (which means we could put it aside, perhaps in a bank account until we know what to do with it). We should give what we can afford. While we can give in church collections, we may be led to give to others.
2 Cor 9:7 teaches that we should give cheerfully.
Luke 21:2 Jesus showed that it is the attitude of heart which is really pleasing to God.
The article explains that a tenth was set aside under the Mosaic Law ... and although many churches still teach this, if you study the bible the teaching is different for the New Covenant which we are under.
....a married man should first provide for the needs of his family (1 Tim 5:8).
We are all responsible to give to:
· those in ministry (1 Cor 9:7-14 and Phil 4:10-16)
· Missionaries or evangelists (2 Cor 8:1 to 9:15)
· Elders, especially those who teach (1 Tim 5:17,18)
· The Jews (Romans 13:25-27). We owe them a debt spiritually, so we should help them in earthly things.
· Teachers whose teaching helps us spiritually (Gal 6:6)
· A brother or sister in need (James 2:15)
· Widows (1 Tim 5:3)
(and the poor)
And now i've read that, I realise that i need to still put this teaching into practice too. Thank You Lord for your forgiveness and patience and thank You for Colin and his article.
God bless,