I'm sorry. I know very little about computer stuff and chat rooms. I have spent hours trying to find someone to talk with. So out of desperation I thought I'd try here. This past January I was diagnosed with cancer on my spine. The pain was indescribable. I come from a "religious "family and from what I was taught about hell I certainly didn't want to go there. So I prayed for god to forgive me and save my soul. After radiation and chemotherapy the cancer was gone and I am very grateful for that. I still have pain every day. Can't walk without a walker. While I was in the hospital my water pipes froze and broke. When they finally thawed several days of running water destroyed my house and left me homeless. I'm staying with my sister and her husband while I finish chemotherapy (2 left). There has been so much disappointment in my family. They don't want to help me anymore but they are afraid of what people will think about them. So what it all boils down to is I am having trouble believing in god. Why are things getting worse the more I pray. Sorry again but I can't find anyone to talk with felt like I was going to lose my mind. Thanks.
Dear William
First welcome to Talk Jesus an online community of Jesus Christ believers.
I hope you will find fellowship, and growth in God's Word while you are here.
Seeing the little that you have shared, Belief in God, and why you see things as being worse the more you pray.
First you acknowledge the healing of your cancer which you say, "I am very grateful for that." and yet here you are doubting in His very existence because the temporal things are going by the wayside. (Heavy sigh) We really are like children!

Happy the moment things go our way, and disillusioned when they don't.
Now when you say that you come from a "religious" family, nothing of what you say speaks of having that come to Jesus moment so to speak. Like most people we like the concept of God when things are going bad because then He can help out with the things, we have no control over, but when things are going well and we believe we are in control, we really do not have time for Him. Again, just like children!
Being religious and following the traditions of man, really will only give one a false sense of security. Churches are full of people who are that way. You want to find out where you are in your faith, allow something unplanned to happen that jumbles up your life. Like what has happened with your family taking care of you! They want to help, and believe they should maybe as Christians, should be helping you, but it's a pain to do it, even if they love you! A Brother in Christ likes to say that we are either getting ready to enter into a storm, or are walking in the middle of one, or just coming out of one. However, with all of that the case, the common denominator most people would say is the Storm, but in Jesus Christ, it really is that He is walking the path with us, no matter what the Storm may bring we are not alone!
The people that think that coming to Jesus, is some cure all for all the ills that befall us are wrong, wrong, wrong. You are more likely to have more storms in one's life then we did before coming to Him! And coming to Him, will mean "Change". Oh, we will change!!! That is what that coming to Jesus moment will do for you! You'll start to see the things that have been wrong in your life and will have a desire to change them...even as you hold on tightly to some of them!!!
Then you'll have people coming into your life, that God wants you to help. Yet, you're busy with your own life...can't you find someone else to do it God...please??? Oh, and if you family wants to stop helping you but won't because of what people will say. Well, they have more issues to deal with, and could be the very reason God brought you into their lives!!! Kind of problem-solving thing for them. Might even have less to do with you then you think!!! I mean God cures you, and your life as appreciative of it as you are, you're more focused on the material things that you have lost, and the inconvenience of being with people who really don't want you there! You don't even appear to have a relationship with Him. So, what were you expecting?
If you have friends, do you ignore them forever and a day, and then expect them to drop everything and act like you two are simpatico still? No you wouldn't, so why would you believe that God would, when you haven't even become friends yet??? God made it possible for you to be that with Him through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, whose life was given in place of the sins of the world. All God asks is that you come to His Son, and most will say during the good times why should I? And during bad times, yeah I'll say whatever you want me to just fix it...and then drift away, when it's going good again. If you've read some of the bible, you will see that this was the very problem with the Nation of Israel and with many people in churches today.
So, either you get serious about God, or continue on your way. Maybe, coming to this site, is a first step, which I truly hope it is for you. If you see it that way, then turn to God, and acknowledge your wrong/sin, the Sacrifice of Jesus and ask Him to guide you, move in your life, as only He can. He will not refuse any who come to Him! Then start reading God's Word the Bible. Get yourself in the habit of starting your day with Him, like you would with any close friend. Have a talk with Him. He's listening, and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how He will answer you and begin working in your life!
Shoot, I could probably go on and on and on, because He is Eternal, and getting to know Him requires an Eternity!!!
I'll say a pray that He will help you, but the ball really is in your court!
With the Love of Christ Jesus, again be welcomed William!