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I want to get it right...


Dec 6, 2009
Well, I am always nervous telling my friend's about Jesus and how much He loves us, not because I am ashamed, but because I don't know the best way to tell them. Maybe someone can post their experiences, conversations, tips, things to do/not to do, so next time I have an opportunity, I can tell them about God, and know I did my best? It seems like a silly thing to ask...but I do care deeply, and I dont want to offend them, while at the same time, helping them see the Truth...
I'm a pretty shy person but one thing you can do is pray for the confidence of the Lord. I didn't actually pray for it, it just pretty much came from the support of my Christian family, church family and God's great mercy and things he's done for me.
Just know that if they go to hell they'll be blaming you for not trying to help them get saved. Think about it this way, do what Jesus wants you to and you'll never go wrong.
He said "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." In Matthew 28:19-20 (New King James Version)
When Jesus is with you, nothing can harm you unless he gives the okay and anything he does is for your good !
ok, your right, nothing could go wrong. Just the last time I told someone about how much He loves them, one of my friends was like, 'your preaching to me, i dont like that!'
and i didnt want to make anyone else feel that way. I kept going, but I tried to word it as good as possible
Hi friends..... in Jesus...I wish you well...

Maybe I intrude into this Teen Hangout' so you would be in order to tell me to clear off....Doh

Wanting to help I would suggest that you just be yourselves......as you go about your way....followers of Jesus. Christianity gives off its own perfume as it is lived out in word and deed.

Playing golf on many an occasion gentlemen have started conversation because the ambience of Jesus.....and the Faith.....being picked up....over time. Sometime hostile.......but we are able to reply.....in Jesus

In His Love
More than anything, let your life be an example to your non-Christian friends of what a Christian truly is. Don't gossip, don't cuss, don't drink. Go to church, give freely of your means, and love your enemies. And be happy doing all of these things. Show people how much better the life of a Christian is. Don't give them an excuse not to go to church bc everyone in the building is a hipocrit.

And when your friend sees the way you live and asks the reason for your happiness and the optomistic hope that is in you, be ready always to give an answer, explaining how you do not want credit for the kind things you do- for you do it only to glorify God and show Him how much you appreciate His undeserved love. (1 peter 3:15, Eph 2:8-10)

If you live it, they will ask. Pray for those opportunities - pray that they will ask. Because they will be the most receptive when it is of their own interest and not you just telling them something they are not interested in hearing.

My best example would be one time when I went with a group of about 10 college students to an arcade in Gatlinburg, TN. We went in and spent about $100 on a bunch of tokens for all of us to share and played games for about 2 hours shoving all of our tickets into one person's bucket. The manager noticed and commented on the amount of tickets we were earning, and we laughed and joked with him. We all looked like very happy young adults.

At the end of our time in the arcade, we had around 5400 tickets- enough for a very decent prize. We chose a young boy (as our intentions had been from the very beginning) and asked his parents if we could give him all our tickets. The parents were thrilled and so was the little boy. We told them we enjoyed doing it and that it was in the name of Christ.

We piled into our 15-passenger van and were about to leave when the manager came running after us and knocked on the door. He said he just wanted to thank us and tell us how thrilled that little boy was and what a nice thing we had done.

So not only did we get the opportunity to show those parents and boy the love of Christ, but also the manager who just happened to be watching. The manager wanted to know why we would just give away all those tickets, and he was thrilled as well.

And to answer those people, simply saying you are not doing it to get credit for yourself, but to glorify your Father in heaven could have an impact on their hearts.

You never know whose life you will be able to touch just by doing what the Bible says and following Christ's teachings. Do nice things for people you don't know. Be a light in this dark world. Believe me, people will notice, and it will be the perfect opportunity to evangelize and possibly save another precious soul.
I think its just an excuse. Telling them the right way, afraid to offend them, its like excuses. Why? it seems to me that you are afraid to be rejected because of your belief.

If you really believe with your whole heart it shouldn't bother you that much IMHO.

If you believe and stand for what you believe there shouldn't be a problem to talk with them about it. As for their reactions you cant control nor predict what they say because people can surprise you.

So be sure of what your beliefs are and talk with them about it.
thank you for your responses :) i do try my best to live the life of Christ, and I have helped about 5 friends see God's love in my life. I do know that there are certain things to say like, 'Jesus loves you' but when these friends have grown up in a Christian home where thats said all the time, they dont really believe in it, even when its the truth. And its nice to just have someone with an experience tell me what they did to SHOW his love. Im deep with words, but for these friends of mine, i know in my heart, my actions will affect them better. I already have a few ideas in mind that im sure will shock them in a good way, and im praying to God that these people will ask me, and that I will have a good answer for them. More than just 'He loves you'. But everything you all have posted :)
So not only did we get the opportunity to show those parents and boy the love of Christ, but also the manager who just happened to be watching. The manager wanted to know why we would just give away all those tickets, and he was thrilled as well.

This is a great example of what is called servant evangelism in my church - drawing people to Jesus by serving them in some way. What do you answer when they ask "Why?"? Simply say something like "We wanted you to know that God loves you."

The words "God loves you" have their greatest impact when they come at the end of a good deed, a selfless act.

Hey, you can set an example by the way you live.. if nessary use words.. umm I know your concern I have the same with my friends.. but its amazing what God opens up.. for example I had a friend over and we were in my room trying to choose a movie and he saw my Bible and asked me if I read the whole thing and I said not yet.. I have been jumping around here and there, you a Christian? Hes like I used to be I read the whole Bible.. I was like wow.. why did you used to be if you dont mind me asking and hes like after something that happned in the Church i promised myself I didnt want anything to do with it and I will never return to a Chruch.. I said ohh I am sorry.. and hes like lets watch this one.. so we did... God opened the door.. I have been praying about it since he doesnt wanna go in a Church well we have started to do home groups every sunday night where we go to someones house and doing a study in Gods Word.. Right now my group is doing the end times and I dont think thats the best one to invite him to so I will when we start another one.. Also friends have asked me why I dont do certian things and that a perfect oppertunity to say that well i dont believe it is right to do but I dont judge you for doing it (because they are from the world) Most people are looking for acceptance and they will never filll the void without Christ in there life.. So show Christs love to those around you love the people no body likes.. people will ask you questions I have been asked many times if I was religious and I said no but I do have a personal Relationship with Christ and than they say that religious and just tell them a religion is something you do out of duty.. A relationship is something you work on like my relationship with you means alot to me and like the way you and I have a relationship.. God wants to have a relationship with you.. than they say how God wont accept them and sorry i am bad with refences,, but somewheres it says in the Bible while we were yet(still) sinners Christ died for us.. meaning He died for you and I whiile we were sinners not just for the Godly people but the whole world.. He loves you so much that when when you ask Him to forgive you He washes you whiter than snow.. and remembers the bad stuff you have done no more.. and than I told her that she can have a relationship with Him just by asking Him to be her best friend.. that will never leave her nor forsake her.. and shes like well i do this and that God wouldnt want me.. well theres a song that says come just as you are.. meaning that you dont have to change your life before you come to God.. He will help you change it.. Someone once asked a Pastor what He was gonna do about the people smoking outside the Chruch after Church and hes like I am gonna get an ash tray I am tired of sweeping it up.. those people belong in the church and leave the smokeing between them and God.. that man never came back but the Pastor said we all have our ways we mess up at the mark some of them are unseen we cant hold it against them but we can encourage them to do the right thing.. Like one of my good friends used to be on the worship team at his Church and he went through some struggles and hardships and in the mist of it all got tattoes and he got kicked out of the worship team and the Church I praise God that he is still serving God today.. He didnt go to Church for awhile because of it but he felt one time like he should go and all the people that judged him were gone.. So God works everything out Trust Him He Will Guide you!! Like that same Pastor said once when he was talking to a guy working for him and was like what do I need for this to work.. The guy's like you need a good pump and pipe.. without a good pump its weak to pump the water through and without a good pipe it will not get the water to its destanation.. You need both the pipe cant function without the pump.. Just like we cant run properly without God being our pump.. pumping His words of Truth through us so that we are overflowing with His love.. Ask God to help you be His pipe... He is just usuing you to reach the lost its not you that is doing the work its God working through you.. :)
I will tell you how much God loves you:
  • He is perfect and you are not but He still loves you.
  • He has no sin but you do and He still loves you.
  • He sacrifice his only begotten human Son just so you could be forgiven and he calls it a gift because He loves you.
  • He resurrected His Son just for you because He loves you.
  • He devised a supernatural way for His Son's resurrected life to live inside you and calls it a gift, just because He loves you.
  • He has offered these two gifts to you and calls them grace because He loves you.
  • If you recieve both these free gifts He considers you forgiven and saved because He loves you.
  • When you are forgiven and saved, satan is defeated because God loves you.
  • When you have your physical (fleshy) death He will glorify you and make you perfect and give you a resurrected body just like His Son because He loves you.
  • You will then live in heaven with Him and His son and the rest of the Saints for ever because he loves you.
  • He will give you all of His Son's inheritence because He loves you.
  • He wants you as if you were the only living human in the universe because He loves.
  • He loves you as much as He loves His Son.
  • And His love is called "Agape" love, totally unconditional Love, for you.
Does God love you? How could you ever doubt Him!
Oh, by the way, If you have seen Jesus , you have seen the Father!
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Well, I am always nervous telling my friend's about Jesus and how much He loves us, not because I am ashamed, but because I don't know the best way to tell them. Maybe someone can post their experiences, conversations, tips, things to do/not to do, so next time I have an opportunity, I can tell them about God, and know I did my best? It seems like a silly thing to ask...but I do care deeply, and I dont want to offend them, while at the same time, helping them see the Truth...

i totally understand, im really shy but what i usually do is that i start a normal conversation and get them to free themselves out then when i feel that its the time i start talking about church and how my relationship with God is. Sometimes many people have stopped talking to me and walked away but at least i tried....and i try even harder.
hope this helped some way! :)
yes it has :) i at least know im also not the only one this has happened too. some of my friends dont include me in what they do either, just because I believe in God, or because I talk about God a lot.
I Want To Get It Right

yes it has :) i at least know im also not the only one this has happened too. some of my friends dont include me in what they do either, just because I believe in God, or because I talk about God a lot.
"On account of me, you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them. Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit." (Mk 13:9,11 NIV).

Not everyone you know is interested in the gospel message. There are various reasons for that. Ask God for guidance as to whom to approach with the message of Jesus. He knows who's interested and who's not interested.

In the Mark 13 citation above, Jesus is speaking to us in the 21st century as well as to the apostles, and I've learned from personal experience that the Spirit does jump in and supply the right words when we are in a trying situation talking to a non-believer about our faith.

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