Before I give you practical advice about a real walk with the Lord, I have to say one thing: Turn from this sin! You can do it! Jesus will help you! But, if you don't trust Him and let Him handle this sin, you will continue to be bound by it. Don't worry about what people think. People aren't aware of God. They don't care about eternality. They think it's all about the moment. But you, you know! God is real, and He wants to save you, but you have to repent of such sin or every time he tries to throw you the life preserver, you will ignore it.
Watch His power at work to protect and guide you when you turn from this sin. Keep laying down the temptations to Him, and don't listen to the world when it tries to drag you back. If you need a place to live in order to get out of the relationship, go to people at the church. There is someone there who can help you.
Once you have turned and repented and sought Jesus' deliverance... Know the following:
Jesus' blood will cleanse you of all unrighteousness. Confess these sins to Him, and hold fast to the knowledge that He has forgiven you. Then, stop picking away at yourself and don't give an ear to Satan. Spend time in prayer with Jesus. Lift up your hands to receive His Spirit in greater and greater measure while you pray. Spend time studying His word daily. All these things will strengthen your knowledge of Jesus and your understanding of His ways.
Next, listen closely to what the Holy Spirit has to say to lead you through your sanctification. Don't worry about what you've done in the past, it's not about the past anymore. You have Jesus' righteousness upon you as your walk with Him. Satan will lie to you to make you feel guilty. Ignore him. Listen to Jesus' Spirit and He will tell you what to work on and when.
Many people falter because they know they have so many things the LORD needs to work out of them. Knowing this is good, as we should not have a tolerance of sin in our vessels. But, we should not assume to be perfected over night. This is a process. Cling tightly to the truth:
- Your sins are covered by Jesus' blood.
- You can confess your sins daily to be cleansed by Him when you stumble or fall short.
- As you stay close to Jesus through prayer, study of His word, and fellowship with other Christians, He will work a supernatural miracle that will guide you out of the darkness of your sin and into His glorious light.
The lust you're feeling will subside, but you need to continue to lay that sin down at His feet and use His word to rebuke such thoughts. He will do the rest, trust Him.
I pray blessings upon you, may the LORD guide you, protect you, and sanctify you until the day of glory. In Jesus' name I pray.