@Sue D.
I really do feel that many miss the point when we say things like, we do things differently now, that was then, this is now, that was 2000 years ago, or we live in a different country, different culture, different time period, etc.
Scripturally when we compare the time of Jesus and the time now it is wrong to look at crucifying or stoning people what we should be looking at is...
- what was the early church like - is it like that today
- what did Jesus do and teach - are we really following Him
It is important to look at the culture then as it often portrays better what our Lord was saying, but not to say I live in USA, or UK, we do things differently.
There was a discussion recently, a question was asked saying... 'scripture says men are not to wear women's clothes and women are not to wear men's clothes, can we wear unisex clothes?' It sounded like a sensible question for the person who posted it, but the person failed to look at the culture at the time of Jesus, men and women's clothes were totally different, men wore long robes, women wore long dresses. (They covered their bodies). If the person had read scripture and considered what it was like in the time of Jesus, they would have never asked the question, the reason they asked the question is because... yes, things are done differently today.
We must not fob things off as 'Totally different culture and time'
It is the same with the church, the
ekklesia, we should all look back to the early church, from Pentecost, and compare the differences between then and now. But sadly people don't, they are used to church buildings often with comfy seats and yes electric! Those are not the things we should be looking at, we should be looking at the early church, the believers, what they did together, why numbers were added to them daily.
Acts 2:46-47
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Bless you