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If you want Joy


Jan 9, 2006
“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,
always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” —1 Corinthians 13: 6-7 (NIV)

1. Hundreds Find Christ’s Compassion after the Storms

Read stories from the recent Billy Graham Rapid Response Team deployment to
areas devastated by tornadoes on Feb. 5. Chaplains have prayed with more than
390 victims of the storms, bringing them the hope of Jesus Christ in the wake of

Read more online »
BGEA: About Us: News


2. Listen to Billy Graham’s Message, “Bartimaeus: the Blind Man”

Listen as Mr. Graham speaks about God's mercy and grace through the healing of
Bartimaeus, the blind man. A song by George Beverly Shea precedes the message.

Listen now »
Media Player


3. Tornado Tragedy in Mid-South

Watch a video of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team in action this week after
a tragic series of tornadoes in the Mid-South.

Watch online now » BGEA: Multimedia Center


4. Free This Month: “The Secret of Happiness” by Billy Graham

Based on Jesus’ descriptions of true happiness, this month’s free offer shows
how we can stop striving and start living a deeply contented life today—the way
that God intended.

Order your free copy today »


5. “I guess my wife and I have just slowly drifted apart over the years, and now
I don't know what to do about it. Sometimes we won't even say a dozen words to
each other over dinner. Maybe you can give me some suggestions. Or is it too

*Read Billy Graham's response:

No, it's not too late to reverse what has happened—if you both are willing to
change. I hope you are, because God gave you to each other and He doesn't want
your relationship to come to an end.

This is why the first step I urge you both to take is to turn to God and commit
your lives and your marriage to Christ. Your love for each other may have
cooled—but God's love for you has not, and He wants to help you rekindle your
love for each other. He loves you so much that He was willing to send His only
Son into the world to sacrifice His life for your salvation. Why not ask Him to
come into your lives today?

Then, pause to thank God for the good things He gave you together in the
past—for the love you once had, and the joys you once shared. Focus on these,
and not only on things that have gone wrong. Then ask God to help you think of
ways you can recover those good things.

In addition, learn to communicate with each other. You may feel you no longer
have much in common—but you do, and you need to learn to talk about these
things. In addition, try to be considerate and thoughtful, instead of taking
each other for granted. The Bible says, "Make sure that nobody pays back wrong
for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other" (1 Thessalonians 5:15).

Would you like to know how you can have peace with God through Jesus Christ?
Learn more.
BGEA: Spiritual Help: Steps to Peace with God


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All Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New International
Version, ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of
Zondervan. All rights reserved.

©2008 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association