Sorry so late with this, reason.....
Sorry so late I have just came across your post, I have not been around for a while as my pc needed replaced, so please forgive me all for scraping this up from the bottom of the pile, but I was goind through them.
I do believe you should definatly go to the Pentecostal Church, you will hear good preaching there, I used to go to one, I now go to Brethren and Independant Methodist and a Mission so I get plenty of preaching but it is all Christ centred and Bible preached, I do hope you did decide to go,the one thing I have about the RC religion and no offense meant is the second commandment, 'Graven Images' about bowing down to them it is against Biblical teaching to do so, I have heard quite a few Testimonies by RC people who left their Church and became Christians, you keep going and Lordbless you.