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In need of prayer


Jun 19, 2016
I am going through something that has had me in bondage for three years. The man I love introduced me to it and insomuch it has consumed me. Being a women of God I know what I need to do, but it is hard. I don't want to leave him but it's know survival of the fittest and I want both of us to fight this temptation, but I fear we will not be able to do it together. Please someone inject your views in this situation. Chere's! And God bless :-)
You need to do what you already know you need to do. Since you love this man, continue to pray for him, and occasionally contact him to let him know you are thinking of and praying for him. Praying for you!
To separate from someone you love can be difficult, but any case be certain what God's will is for the situation. We do have a Leader and that is the Holy Ghost. We need to pay close attention to what God is saying to our heart.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt 6:33

I am praying for your situation.
Thank you for inviting us to see a powerful move of God in your life.
2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

There is a difference between willpower and God's power in you.
If you beat this thing through willpower then we can give you a lot of credit and we will praise God for giving you the willpower.
If you don't feel you have the willpower then praise God because that gives us the opportunity to see a move of God.

I'm praying that you will be so set free that you will know that it's not from you.
And that everyone in your life will be amazed at the excellency of God's power.

Don't give up and if you fail just praise God a little louder and keep your mind on things from above.
It's God's will to set all free so you can pray for everyone you know that suffers from some kind of bondage.
The focus you spend on God's will to set captives free gets God's will flowing in your life.
That's why I thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray for God's will flowing from him to you and from him to us to you and from God and us and you flowing to those in your life.

Romans 11:32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.

Romans 2:4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

This is from the Aramaic Bible in Plain English
Romans 2:4 Or do you presume upon the wealth of his sweetness and upon his patience and upon the place that he gave to you, and do not know that the sweetness of God brings conversion to you?

I'm standing in faith with you to see that sweetness of God flood your life.
Godspeed and peace

the longer you mess around with something you know is wrong, the more it will ensnare you. Flee while you can and you will know the peace that you had beforehand.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Bless you ....><>
Clearly the spirit won't let you have peace in this. You will never find peace in it unless it is from God. God will bless what he has originated. He will not bless sin, ever, never. Think long term here.

I give you my advice from personal experience. Fall into God headlong. Get into the word. Take time every day for personal worship. Pray with someone, every day. Get a prayer partner. Here's the hard one..ruthlessly trust God, even unto death. Make Jesus the best friend you have.

You're in bondage. Satan's not going to want to turn you lose. He wants you to go running back to what's familiar right now. The people around you may not be in your best interest. Find TD Jakes sermon from the book of Hosea about Gomer. Listen to it. It's on youtube. Satan will buy your soul for pennies on the dollar. God wants way more for you than this. In the powerful, wonderful name of Jesus I pray that you are delivered.
keep in mind there is a difference between separating for a heavenly cause and permanently severing a tie. It is up to you how to proceed with such a thing; but you are not relegated to complete severance here. It seems you have a convicted heart and willingness to turn from sin; this is true repentance even before the act is abolished, because in your heart you are turned back to God in the matter. (IE, see Paul's discourse in Romans 7:6-22)

Given the situation i concur that at the very least a temporary distancing would be called for. We are told to "flee temptation," and to "resist satan," so your best bet is to extricate yourself from the situation and/or environment that put you in a position to be overly tempted and under spiritual attack. As long as you stay embedded in "enemy territory," you will find it quite difficult to make headway, not only due to the temptation; but because of the enemy's dominion in the atmosphere to obstruct God's movement in your life.

In any event our prayers are with you, Father sees your heart and we are all encouraged by your courage even to get to the point you are at now. It shows true strength and sound character. Rise up Princess! The enemy has no hold that you do not allow!