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Is anyone in the same situation?

Feb 3, 2007
I have been feeling lonely lately.
And I have had many freinds walk in and out of my life before, both Christians (walking away from GOD) and non-Christians because of what i believe. But in return I have gained better and more faithful friends. However it has been happening again. Friends that have been on fire for GOD and that have shared life with me are walking away because of temptations, and no matter what i say or what i encourage or what i do, can change their ways. I still have a best friend, but our Godly journey's are taking seperate paths. I have a youth leader that I consider a close friend, but she is going through a rough time lately, with her sister being dianosed with cancer.
The reason why I am feeling lonely is that, I dont have anyone to turn to, to share my life's feelings, highs and lows,..to chat about God and Godly things. I am am the only christian in my family and of course the circumstance are different. At my youth I am also finding, others friends and even the strongest in faith, turning to temptations, its discouraging to watch.
But of course there is always one thing i can rely on and thats God, He can always be enough for me. I don't know what He is doing in my life at the moment, whether it is a test or not, but i'm sure there is oportunity and joy around the corner. Someone told me not long ago that they had a vision about me, and I was walking in a desert alone, I can't help but think it has something to do with this,.. or maybe a big part of my life.
So my question is,.. is anyone in a similar situation? because i would definately love to chat.
Sister, one thing I don't really have is the gift of discernment. I'm not shy to admit that, my discerning skills are not what it should be, I can only pray to God for it to grow.

The reason why I say that is that I don't have any friends either, I have a few, but like you they are turning to the world and away from Father.

I would love to chat, right after posting this message, if you accept my invitation to share my life and experiences with you, I'd like to send you my email address in a private message.

Don't feel obligated to do anything, really. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and let's get to know each other. We may have oceans parting us from ever seeing each other, but I feel God wants me to do this.

I'm a moderator on this site and all the moderators and brother Chad know about my life, my loneliness and trials. I choose to share it all privately with them, and I believe it would be beneficial if I share it with you.

But it's not just about me, I would really love to get to know you, see how you fit into the body of Christ, see which part of the body you are.

Hope to hear from you in email soon, I'll try my best to respond promptly, and if I don't respond as soon as you expected, please be patient, I surely will.

God bless
Much love
brother teraside