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Is this thinking wrong?


Dec 6, 2009
I have been dating my boyfriend for 8 and a half months now, and I still love him. I dont wish to change anything, and I am more than happy with who I am with. But today, an adult told me that I shouldnt stick with one person. That I should get out there and date a bunch of guys to know what I like. I feel this is nonsense. I know what I want, and that is a guy with a faith in God, because obviously all the other good virtues come into place when God is their role model. Most girls my age date a bunch of guys, but I prefer less drama and staying with one. The longest I have dated a guy was 11 months. Am I perhaps in the wrong? I dont see anything bad about staying with someone for a long time. Isnt that what marriage is? Sure Im not married but I prefer not having my heart broken over and over, and the guy Im with is perfect enough for me. Any opinions on this matter? Am I naive or is it just fine to date a guy a long time when there is nothing wrong?
Excerpts from Jesus Paid It All

  • I hear the Savior say
    Thy strength indeed is small
    Child of weakness....watch and pray
    Find in me....thine all in all

    Jesus paid it all
    All to Him I owe
    Sin hath left a crimson stain
    He washed it white as snow

    Lord, now indeed I find
    Thy power and Thine alone
    Can change the leper's spots
    And melt the heart of stone

    For nothing good have I
    Whereby Thy grace to claim
    I'll wash my garments white
    In the blood of Calvary's Lamb

    And when before thy throne
    I stand in Him complete
    Jesus died my soul to save
    My lips shall still repeat
God bless you

Dear Danni,

Jesus said, in John10:27-30,

"27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30I and my Father are one."

Sooner or later God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ teaches all of His True Spiritual Sheep, that there are only a few NECESSARY actions on our part...that we must do...NOT to save us...but in Order to Keep The NECESSARY Grace of God flowing from the Heart of Jesus to our heart

these 4 things are:

1 - FULL TRUST IN GOD AND JESUS WITHIN our human spirits
3 - Praying according to God's Holy Scriptures
such as praying slowly what Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew6, also known as the Lord's Prayer


NOTHING ELSE truly does us any good...therefore as soon as you are tempted to fear or doubt or worry or anxious thoughts...simply turn WITHIN to God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alone forever Who truly dwells in the (Zephaniah3:17) MIDST OF your human spirit and quiet yourself...and let Jesus speak to you spirit Peace Be Still t:)

It Is Written, "The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing."

Only God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ WITHIN the very center of your human spirit...can every truly make you or anyone happy. And pray about every thing...but then learn to simply trust and rest in relax in Christ INWARDLY and ask Jesus to keep you perfect close to Jesus forevermore, Abiding in Christ, in the spiritual safety zone, according to John 15, so that you the devil can't get to you to attack you...either through well meaning friends or others.

Even if God does give you a believing in Jesus husband or boyfriend...God wants to teach you to simply trust God and Jesus alone forever...EVERY PRESENT MOMENT...for every thing...for every happening...for every event in the life that God has give you to truly trust seek love and worship God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alone forever

Ask God and Jesus to cause you to trust and seek and love and worship Him like Moses and Joshua and Caleb and King David WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

Also, ask God to teach you about His Truly Perfect Love by buying or obtaining copies of Old Methodist, Baptist, and Lutheran Hymnals...
and STUDY STUDY STUDY and read the Words of Love in the Old Hymn Songs

Thank God, my grandmother on my mom's side accepted Jesus Christ alone, as her only Lord and Savior, as a young woman. And little by little, she learned the SECRET of simply trusting INWARDLY in God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alone, forevermore, EVERY MOMENT, for every thing (1Peter5:7) that God's Providence allowed to happen in her life...from getting married to a carnal Christian man, who believed in Jesus but liked the flesh way too much...to God blessing her with 11 children...to including living with her mother in law for 20 years...talk about lessons in humility...to allowing God to use her to play piano in a little country church...for 40 years...to struggling in near poverty on a farm...to blessing her with 63 years of marriage with the same man.

All to prove that ONLY GOD IS FAITHFUL...we will not always be faithful to God and Jesus unfortunately...but The Secret is to trust and find IN JESUS...and not yourself...not your man...not your husband...not your efforts...not any thing else...All your Joy...Blessing...Comfort...and All in All. :)

God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ULTIMATELY wants every true believer in Jesus Christ, to be His Faithful and Chaste Bride as Jesus is Our Only Faithful and Truly Loving Bridegroom :)

By God's Grace alone forever, through true trust in Jesus Christ alone forever, within our human spirit, God teaches all true Christians sooner or later WHAT GOD TRULY WANTS US TO DO...or what is our truly Blessed Priviledge and Part so that we can truly COOPERATE with God's Grace to the maximum possible in this life...in order to keep our hearts OPEN to God's Truly Good Grace, which we all TRULY NEED FOREVER morewe can do to truly depend on and cooperate with God's NEEDED Divine Grace for all Blessing of God Himself, as well as, God's gifts of blessings in our lives is

1 - WHOLEHEARTED simple childlike FAITH in Jesus and Jesus alone forever for Our Eternal Salvation...as well as...for every thing that concerns us and/or worries us...both in time...and in Eternity.
Proverbs3:5,6 • Isaiah26:3,4 • Acts16:30,31

2 - WHOLEHEARTED simple childlike ABANDON or Realease or casting all your cares upon Jesus, for Jesus truly cares for you. t:) (1Peter5:7) (Psalms46:10)

3 - Pray according to God's Will, with prayers that Jesus taught us to pray, such as The Lord's Prayer, found in Matthew6:1-?
and pray prayers that God taught King David, a man after God's Own Heart, to pray according to Psalms51:All and Psalms119

4 - Give thanks to God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, like God taught King David in Psalms136...
O Give thanks unto The Lord...BECAUSE THE LORD IS GOOD...because The Lord's Mercy (Jesus) endures forever.

So in conclusion...Let go of self forevermore...and Let God :)

The devil knows that WE NEED GOD'S GRACE every moment for every thing...and the devil knows that God is gonna keep sending His Grace...but the devil also knows...that is he can trick us into closing our hearts to God through UNBELIEF, NOT SURRENDERING, NOT PRAYING, AND NOT THANKING GOD...then little by little we will grow weaker and weaker spiritually.

So to keep your heart TRULY OPEN to God's Mercy and God's Love and God's Grace and God's Truth:

do the MOST you can to keep your heart open to God and Jesus...and then all shall be well :)

God and Jesus have already taken care of all our problems and GIVEN US CHRIST'S VICTORY OVER SIN, SINS, DEVIL, DEMONS, DEATH HADES, LAKE OF FIRE, FLESH, when Jesus died for us on The Blessed Cross of Calvalry...BUT WE MUST KEEP OUR HEARTS OPEN in order to KEEP RECEIVING CHRIST'S VICTORY forevermore till we die

simply let God and Jesus little by little take care of every thing concerning your life...because sooner or later you will hopefully realize that God truly Knows what He is doing...and that God truly knows what is best for you. :)

Learn to trust God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alone forever WHOLEHEARTEDLY IN THE PRESENT MOMENT...for every thing that worries you.

I have been dating my boyfriend for 8 and a half months now, and I still love him. I dont wish to change anything, and I am more than happy with who I am with. But today, an adult told me that I shouldnt stick with one person. That I should get out there and date a bunch of guys to know what I like. I feel this is nonsense. I know what I want, and that is a guy with a faith in God, because obviously all the other good virtues come into place when God is their role model. Most girls my age date a bunch of guys, but I prefer less drama and staying with one. The longest I have dated a guy was 11 months. Am I perhaps in the wrong? I dont see anything bad about staying with someone for a long time. Isnt that what marriage is? Sure Im not married but I prefer not having my heart broken over and over, and the guy Im with is perfect enough for me. Any opinions on this matter? Am I naive or is it just fine to date a guy a long time when there is nothing wrong?
Stay with him if he is the one for you. Yes; marriage is ment to spend your life togeather with that special person. It sounds like other people is trying to make your mind up for you in this matter. Only you know who is the right person for you. No one can make that decision for you.....
God Bless You
In my prayers
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hey dannibear

I know what I want, and that is a guy with a faith in God, because obviously all the other good virtues come into place when God is their role model. Most girls my age date a bunch of guys, but I prefer less drama and staying with one.

hey dannibear i can understand what you mean. You think you've found the right person and you want to deal with as less drama and heartbreak as possible. I think if this is what your heart tells you then i say go for it sister. People will try to change your mind and some might question your decision but if this is what you believe then hold your ground .I want you to try reading ARE YOU SINGLE???? by skip beat it's a Social Group i think you can relate to her :) Gold Bless You :)
Thank you all for your answers :) I just sort of got confused because
this person goes to church and tells me about God, and she said that at
this time, it is better to date, and I thought this would be much better anyways. I really love my current boyfriend and have no intention of breaking up with him ^_^ He actually goes on this site...derek6711.
He goes to my church, and because of his faith, he has all the qualities of
a man in Christ that make him kind and good to me :) God Bless