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Isn't Jesus wonderfull?


May 26, 2005
In February 15, 1998, after graduating from the Cluj University, the Reformed Theology Faculty, and after a long period of prayer, together with my wife, we decided to move to Republic of Moldova, in order to ministry the God.

From the above-mentioned date till August 25, 1998, I worked in the church from Pelinia, in the north of Moldova. I had many experiences with God there, and I can write, that that I had much to learn about ministry. But it wasn’t a very fruitful ministry, from different reasons. Beginning with August 25, I began to work in Chisinau, in the Filadelfia church, led by brother Doru Cirdei.

At the beginning of my ministry I was a preacher and the leader of a cell group from Ciocana area. Later I worked for a period of time with the youth from Filadelfia church, evangelizations, etc.

Then I was called the leader of the fellowship group’s leaders from Filadelfia church, which work I continue to do.

In march 8, 2000; I was ordained as a deacon in the Filadelfia church. On the 12th of March I organized the first evangelization, which was the first stone for the future Elimm church from Chisinau. Brother Ghenadie Popovici was my assistant. Together with the OM and later with Youth for Mission from Cluj, (Romania), we organized different evangelizations campaigns in two areas, in which we have been working: in Riscani and in Ciocana.

In March 25, 2001: we started the work for the planting of church Bethel in Vadul lui Voda, together with my assistant, and with the youth group from Elimm church. At the moment it consists of 5 members and it has a not very big number of visitors. I think that the ministry will increase, because there is people open to the Gospel.

Through the grace of God, in March 25, 2001, the first evangelization meeting took place in the culture club, hired for this sake, (Vadul lui Voda). At the meeting took part average 30 children began to attend the Sunday school meetings.

Even if during the ministry we had different difficulties, the ministry continued for the Glory of God. In such a way, in March 31 and April first, we organized two days of evangelizations with Jesus film. It was one evening in Romanian and one in Russian. The Lord blessed these evenings, in which took part many grown-ups but especially children. Twenty of grown-ups and many children decided to fellow Jesus.

In June 16, 2001 the youth from the Elimm church, Chisinau organized a special program for children, and for their teachers. Both the children and the teachers were impressed of this program, suggesting the organizing of other programs of kind for children.

Together with OM, (an international and interconfessional missionary organization), we organized an evangelization period for the 16th to the 24th of June. The youth from the Elimm church joined this evangelization campaign. It was a blessed time. The grown-ups, and especially the youth were open to the Gospel and were listening with great interest to the youth group, which were singing and gave their personal testimonies in front of the audience.

On the 22nd of July, when the baptizing water was organized in Filadelfia church from Chisinau the first two persons from Vadul lui Voda were baptized and six from Elimm.

I am one of the editors of the magazine “The Gospel Voice” and of the newspaper “The word of faith”. These publications are in Romanian and Russian.

As a teacher at the Theological Seminary I teach Systematical Theology, Ethics, and Homiletics for 2nd year students, who felt the calling to be future ministers in the field of the Gospel. I am a member of the examination team of the students during the matriculation and the graduation within the Seminary. Also within the Seminary I help as an assistant of the academicals dean at the preparing the courses for the students, at elaboration of the academicals time-table, of the syllabus, etc.

In March 2002, I was called the Sunday school director for adults and children, for Russian and Romanian services in the Filadelfia church. I organized already conferences in order to prepare and instruct Sunday school teachers a children church, five years study plan for the children and three years study plan of Sunday school for adults. We would like the Sunday school for adults to be a place of preparing new ministers and evangelists, who will ministry the God.

Concerning my academicals preparation – I can tell that. I graduated from the Theoretical High school from Hateg, Hunedoara County, biology – chemistry profile, in 1992. I graduated from Theological Pentecostal Institute from Bucharest in 1997, and I took my license in the reformed theology at Babesh – Bolyiai University from Cluj in 1998. in 1998 I applied fro a program of Master of Arts in practical ministry, at TCM International Biblical Studies Institute, Haus Edelweiss, Austria and I finished the program in August, 2002, having the graduation in spring, 2003. Also in 2002 I applied for another program of Master of Divinity in practical ministry at same Institute in Austria, which is a part of Cincinatti Bible College from USA.
Even if during the ministry we had different difficulties, the ministry continued for the Glory of God. In such a way, in March 31 and April first, we organized two days of evangelizations with Jesus film. It was one evening in Romanian and one in Russian. The Lord blessed these evenings, in which took part many grown-ups but especially children. Twenty of grown-ups and many children decided to fellow Jesus.
Soldier of God said:
All praise to God. Keep learning and loving the Lord. To your magazine and newspaper, may they be blessed in spreading the Word. You are a busy man in the Lord, that is a blessing. God bless you.

Why would someone think to post such things jiggyfly?
2Timothy 2
14 Remind them of this, and charge them before the Lord to avoid disputing about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 16 Avoid such godless chatter, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, 17 and their talk will eat its way like gangrene.

Please speak plainly.
Yahwehdove said:

That is awesome! Glad to hear how GOD works through your ministry!

God bless you and thank you very much for sharing
No jiggy. I'm not sure what "speak plainly" refers to but Solider simply quoted Scripture about "why someone would post such a thing". The thing being the original post by I4Jesus, the praise report.
2Corinthians 10:17&18
*17 As the Scriptures say,
“The person who wishes to boast
should boast only of what the Lord has done.”*
18*When people boast about themselves, it doesn’t count for much. But when the Lord commends someone, that’s different!
jiggyfly said:
2Corinthians 10:17&18
*17 As the Scriptures say,
“The person who wishes to boast
should boast only of what the Lord has done.”*
18*When people boast about themselves, it doesn’t count for much. But when the Lord commends someone, that’s different!

I'm not sure where his boasting is and not sure how you have the audacity to say such a thing to a new member but here's one for you brother.

Luke 6:42
How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye

I'm sure you understand what I mean by now. Time will test.

Through the grace of God, in March 25, 2001, the first evangelization meeting took place in the culture club

The Lord blessed these evenings, in which took part many grown-ups but especially children. Twenty of grown-ups and many children decided to fellow Jesus.
Chad said:
I'm not sure where his boasting is and not sure how you have the audacity to say such a thing to a new member but here's one for you brother.

Luke 6:42
How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye

I'm sure you understand what I mean by now. Time will test.
Are you saying that I'm a hypocrite? Please let's be frank here.
Actually Jesus spoke that verse and I am sharing it with you to stop accusing others left and right.

The brother posted a PRAISE REPORT and you questioned him. For what? He did not boast, he PRAISED JESUS.

Other than that, the rest speaks for itself.
Whew! I see a brother being lambasted with the BOOK, for making a mere observation! :confused:

It is important to remember none of us may have exactly the same views or thoughts concerning what we are reading. Need I point out Gal 6:1:
Brothers, if a man is taken in any wrongdoing, you who are of the Spirit will put such a one right in a spirit of love; keeping watch on yourself, for fear that you yourself may be tested. Read this thread again, and ask yourselves the question, is this the way you want others to deal with you when you say something they don`t like?
Yes time will test.

I personally think the initial post did read more like a detailed list of personal accomplishments than a praise report, but regardless, i`m sure the newcomer (not being a newborn) could have handled the remark without being offended. Please, don`t throw the BOOK at me too!
Thank you for your precious response sister. God bless you.

This issue will be resolved shortly between all of us involved in the useless friction caused by the defeated fool satan.

Praise Jesus (once again, always forever) amen :)
YES HE IS AND I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU are giving HIM all the GLORY for what he dose....


YES! HE IS AND I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU are giving HIM all the GLORY for what he dose with you and your LIFE in HIM.

Thanks for Giving JESUS all the Praise.

In :love: of JESUS the Christ, Our LORD.
:love: Yeshua

I4Jesus said:
In February 15, 1998, after graduating from the Cluj University, the Reformed Theology Faculty, and after a long period of prayer, together with my wife, we decided to move to Republic of Moldova, in order to ministry the God.

From the above-mentioned date till August 25, 1998, I worked in the church from Pelinia, in the north of Moldova. I had many experiences with God there, and I can write, that that I had much to learn about ministry. But it wasn’t a very fruitful ministry, from different reasons. Beginning with August 25, I began to work in Chisinau, in the Filadelfia church, led by brother Doru Cirdei.

At the beginning of my ministry I was a preacher and the leader of a cell group from Ciocana area. Later I worked for a period of time with the youth from Filadelfia church, evangelizations, etc.

Then I was called the leader of the fellowship group’s leaders from Filadelfia church, which work I continue to do.

In march 8, 2000; I was ordained as a deacon in the Filadelfia church. On the 12th of March I organized the first evangelization, which was the first stone for the future Elimm church from Chisinau. Brother Ghenadie Popovici was my assistant. Together with the OM and later with Youth for Mission from Cluj, (Romania), we organized different evangelizations campaigns in two areas, in which we have been working: in Riscani and in Ciocana.

In March 25, 2001: we started the work for the planting of church Bethel in Vadul lui Voda, together with my assistant, and with the youth group from Elimm church. At the moment it consists of 5 members and it has a not very big number of visitors. I think that the ministry will increase, because there is people open to the Gospel.

Through the grace of God, in March 25, 2001, the first evangelization meeting took place in the culture club, hired for this sake, (Vadul lui Voda). At the meeting took part average 30 children began to attend the Sunday school meetings.

Even if during the ministry we had different difficulties, the ministry continued for the Glory of God. In such a way, in March 31 and April first, we organized two days of evangelizations with Jesus film. It was one evening in Romanian and one in Russian. The Lord blessed these evenings, in which took part many grown-ups but especially children. Twenty of grown-ups and many children decided to fellow Jesus.

In June 16, 2001 the youth from the Elimm church, Chisinau organized a special program for children, and for their teachers. Both the children and the teachers were impressed of this program, suggesting the organizing of other programs of kind for children.

Together with OM, (an international and interconfessional missionary organization), we organized an evangelization period for the 16th to the 24th of June. The youth from the Elimm church joined this evangelization campaign. It was a blessed time. The grown-ups, and especially the youth were open to the Gospel and were listening with great interest to the youth group, which were singing and gave their personal testimonies in front of the audience.

On the 22nd of July, when the baptizing water was organized in Filadelfia church from Chisinau the first two persons from Vadul lui Voda were baptized and six from Elimm.

I am one of the editors of the magazine “The Gospel Voice” and of the newspaper “The word of faith”. These publications are in Romanian and Russian.

As a teacher at the Theological Seminary I teach Systematical Theology, Ethics, and Homiletics for 2nd year students, who felt the calling to be future ministers in the field of the Gospel. I am a member of the examination team of the students during the matriculation and the graduation within the Seminary. Also within the Seminary I help as an assistant of the academicals dean at the preparing the courses for the students, at elaboration of the academicals time-table, of the syllabus, etc.

In March 2002, I was called the Sunday school director for adults and children, for Russian and Romanian services in the Filadelfia church. I organized already conferences in order to prepare and instruct Sunday school teachers a children church, five years study plan for the children and three years study plan of Sunday school for adults. We would like the Sunday school for adults to be a place of preparing new ministers and evangelists, who will ministry the God.

Concerning my academicals preparation – I can tell that. I graduated from the Theoretical High school from Hateg, Hunedoara County, biology – chemistry profile, in 1992. I graduated from Theological Pentecostal Institute from Bucharest in 1997, and I took my license in the reformed theology at Babesh – Bolyiai University from Cluj in 1998. in 1998 I applied fro a program of Master of Arts in practical ministry, at TCM International Biblical Studies Institute, Haus Edelweiss, Austria and I finished the program in August, 2002, having the graduation in spring, 2003. Also in 2002 I applied for another program of Master of Divinity in practical ministry at same Institute in Austria, which is a part of Cincinatti Bible College from USA.
Praise God for his wondrous gift to you.With His help you are making a difference. Your witness is an inspiration. God Bless you.