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Jesus is My Reality

lion's torch

Dec 18, 2006
Of course personal problems and maladies will occur, but we have no reason to be depressed. Jesus gave us the power to conquer the earthly things of this realm. God endows us with creativity so we can discover new routes out of messes. I don't know about you but I don't kill my fleshly desires, transform unto a living sacrifice, and discipline my flesh daily, just to say "I did it!" The Breathing Word clearly states the power that we now have with the Holy Spirit and the blessings we will receive. We need to stop thinking about it and act upon our vision God has implanted on the inside of us. Apparently we sometimes doubt within ourselves. We need to tell the carnal mind (*our worst enemy!) that there is no room for doubt; that only God's creativity can dwell in our mind.

Life is full of pushings. It may push hard sometimes. But we have to understand who is pushing. If God is pushing, He is pushing you into your destiny and manifold blessings. But if you or satan is pushing, then you don't know where you will end up. But our hope in Jesus helps us to endure. Spiritually transform your hardships into hope-ships (ships of hope carrying you in the sea of destiny in God). Like Kings we need to decree and declare the miracles to flow!

A Kingdom of God Mindset. It is a kingdom-driven, conscience mindset that directs and responds to the affairs of life through the eyes of God. Your mind is the gateway through which the Spirit expresses Himself freely. When people have strongholds, whosoever controls the mind- controls the destiny (God or satan). IF there is a familial generational curse of death from heart attacks then the curse is controlling the mind, not the Spirit of Freedom.

Read the Word continuously to renew you mindset. Because we sometimes get tired of the same thing. But our God is spontaneous and fresh!! Take the Word of life and envision your chains of sin being melted away. Sin never wins.

2 Cor. 10:4-5 "(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds,) Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Gdo, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"