Thank you Chad
Now, that made me cry. And it made me stop & think. Watching what Jesus went through does that to me, every time it seems.
I love The Almighty GOD & Jesus Christ. And I can't help but feel sad that there are so many people out there who could care less about Them.
How The Almighty GOD saved mankind a numerous times from death. And the abuse & sufferings that Jesus [Christ] went through, because He loves us.
Oh I know, it's because some people don't truly understand.
But this is why we need to pray for them.
And as I was watching this clip, where it was showing the abuse that Jesus went through & the abuse of others, it broke my heart. As it does every single time I whatch a movie of Jesus.
It also, reminded me of the abuse some people to day.
So I'm thinking, lets all say a special pray for the homeless, runaways, the abused children, women, men & animals alike. Not just because it's heart breaking what they are going through - but also because that is what Jesus would want for us to - at least- do.
Because of the fact that Satan is with out a doubt taking his on them.
Where I live, the snow is heavy this year. We need to pray & ask GOD if HE will think of these people, and take pitty on them. To ask The Almighty GOD show them HIS mercy, once again. To make HIMSELF known to them, even more.
And of coarse never forgetting the many times HE has shown us HIS mercy to us through the years & centuries past.
Never forgetting how Jesus died for us all, for those who long to turn away from their wrongful ways, giving Worship to The One & Only Almighty GOD with hope we will be saved.
And why we also need to pray for those who hurt us; "But love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. "Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either. Luke 6:27-29
Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:35-36
For how can the lost ever find their way, if we do not at least pray for them. How will the Bind [those who are born worldly] ever See? How will the Cripple [those who continue fall] walk?
Even the wicked can change to righteous with a change of heart. Ezekiel 3:18, 33:11
Setting examples are not aways that hard to do, if we approve of the examples that we are setting.
If some one says to you; "he/she thinks he/she is good," in a sarcastic way, because you live according to The Almighty GOD'S Word, don't let it offend you, or get you down in any way.
Anyone doing GOD'S Work will look good - because GOD is good!
Does this mean we are good? That's not for me or anyone to really say, for it's written only GOD is good. [Mark 10:18]
But it is also said we will know them by their actions. [Luke 7:16, 20]
And I have always felt it true, that action speeks loader than words.
I do believe this much if we have a love for The Almighty GOD, then we have a love for goodness = to righteousness & wanting to be Holy, and therefore we will want to show it in our daily actions.
Love *genesis, a sister in Christ Jesus.