I am looking at what you have posted in this post. And I wondering, because the very words that is coming out of you.
Now my question is.
You talk like that you do not believe That Jesus is a Part of "The TRIUNE GOD" your language describes that you do not believe that JESUS is THE CREATOR OF ALL CREATION. if you believe this , why would make a statement like that in "Post 1". Strange. how say Jesus knew , Does not "GOD" knows everything? Do we have to remind people that GOD KNOWS everything, Do we have to remind people that Jesus Christ DIED on a "TREE"? and are you K Saying "You Know GOD's THOUGHTS"? and why he does things, Who are you that you know What "GOD"S" thoughts are. because that is what you telling us,
your Quote:
and that is why he wept, because they didn't believe? You mean "GOD" did not know this before he created the WORLD?
I Got a better than that one, given to me, by another who I was a member of the same organization as I was a young Minister of a membership of over 300 Pastors in private every week, and This man got up for giving us The message for that day, A old man in his 70's a "Yale" Graduate a black man who had a "Ph'D" in Theology,"Theology Proper", I have never heard a "Theologian", speak, on even heard of one. he started talking about "GOD" with that deep "Stentorian Tone" voice, it made the walls Rumble, not volume it was "TONE" that Bald headed old man, made "GOD" come alive.
And a old pastor was sitting beside me, and gave me a nudge, and he said: Now son, that is what you called
"A THEOLOGIAN" the real deal. and I said to him; "A Theo WHAT" "That Old Black Theologian" How that man Talked about GOD, and said right there, on that Pew and I prayed "Lord, I want to know GOD you, Like that man" teach me how to know you and talk about you just like that old man" and I think it was that day, he mention that "text portion of Scripture", and he said, that maybe, why "Jesus Wept" was because He was about to do "Lazarus" a great injustice. and awaken him from his peace and bring him back into this world of suffering pain and hunger and he would have to die again! just to prove that He was "GOD' in the flesh to an unbelieving people. so it sorrowed Him to Lazarus back into this terrible world, but it was His Father's Will for Him to do so.
And the way that "Theologian" said those Words, and cocked his head to the side, he took you to eternity. Lord I want to know God like that.
"Dr, Charles Butler" was his name. and those were the men that inspired me to know and to speak and how to present no matter where I went on paper in the square on standing behind The Podium, presenting God like no other man could do, and with out error or imaginations or Speculations only by "Exegesis' and not a oz of "eisegesis" and weeks of weeks of raw studying night and day even studying the text at hand in my dreams!
They do not make them like that anymore more, Many used to come to Detroit, Michigan from all over this country and we would go from "Church to Church" at night clear up to 1-2 O'clock in the morning listening to Theologians talk about GOD in churches, no Church services Men Talking about GOD and sometimes 2 or 3 15 minutes a piece, 'it seems like GOD would Stop time! Lord, you talking Thunder not Volume making loud noises, The walls would Thunder! we all were young minsters during the week church hoping doors open no services Preaching, no programs and introductions, Mount the Podium and take your Text, by memory, and tell the biblical story about GOD mostly through the old testaments, Battles, .Their words came alive and you found yourself on the "battleField". and you stop at the allotted time you are supposed to stop and never went over your time. next one up, you learn how to be an "orator" empower by God. and your life had to be clean, for that Spirit to flow through you. and your audience is going to know it.
it tickles me that people think that they can just speak and quote and write, and the anointed cannot tell that your life style is crocked and evil and unclean, and while you speak, that those who have the gift of discernment cannot tell, the life style you have and the anointing of God is not on you. the Lord the Parakletos is not going to anointed a unclean vessel. you just cannot just print or use God's word and be affective, you must be anointed and live a clean lifestyle, to be use how God wants you to be used in every situation. and every situation is different.
I do not care if a 100 people is standing before, you got to know what GOD is doing as you stand before the hundred. and what The target is.
John 15 BSB
…"You are My friends
If You Do What I Command You. 15
No longer do I call you servants, for a servant Does Not Understand What his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you. 1
6You Did Not Choose Me, But I Chose You.