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SignUp Now!I'm afraid I am not very fond of Jimmy Swaggert.
From his repeated adulteress relationships with prostitutes, to his threat to "kill" any homosexual that looks at him "that way" (In a September of 2004 sermon), he just doesn't seem to represent the Christian idea.
I'm afraid I am not very fond of Jimmy Swaggert.
From his repeated adulteress relationships with prostitutes, to his threat to "kill" any homosexual that looks at him "that way" (In a September of 2004 sermon), he just doesn't seem to represent the Christian idea.
Many years ago,I used to like him,but I'm in agreement with you now.I'm shocked he has been allowed back in the pulpit! I remember watching him crying and begging forgiveness from his family, tv viewers and the church, on tv, and 2 weeks later was caught with the same prostitute again! I thought the Assemblies Of God had revoked his right to preach?
And what have you done for Jesus? How many can point to you and give God praise?
Kenwyn, amen to your post! You hit the nail on the head brother.
soblesssed....your post makes it seem as if you've never messed up. What about when David or Solomon messed up? Did they not receive forgiveness from Christ? Who are we to put people down?
Once again, where is your credit due that you have the right to put others down and make it seem as if they are not capable of receiving grace from GOD? Are you perfect? Have you never messed up in your "witness" to others? As a human, I think you sure have because after all - we're just human.
Pleas think before you speak because the response your giving here is showing a little bit of pride and lack of acknowledging GOD's grace for others who do mess up. How would you like it if someone pointed out your faults and made it sound as if your not worthy to serve GOD? This is exactly what you've done in your responses here in this thread. You are not, nor is any man one to determine who will or will not continue in his or her ministry to server GOD after falling, stumbling. Only GOD makes those calls and GOD made His call for Mr. Swaggart clearly. He is forgiven and moves on to serve GOD. That is GOD's call, not mine nor yours.
What about pastors who mess up and get caught up in adultery or even drug use? Do we kick them while they're down and say they are not worthy to serve GOD by pastoring any longer? GOD heals, forgives and brings back up to stand as He wishes.
Wow,talk about judgemental! You demand that I defend myself for using scripture to warn Christians just to be discerning about supporting a man with his record! Just because you like him and support him,is no excuse for TOTALLY DISREGARDING his past,sounds like compromising to me! I have no more to say about it.