I've noticed that Christian's here post a lot of thread's with questions about how to live the Christian life, and what's right and wrong. Also I've noticed Christian's trying to educate other Christian's about what they perceive as morally grounded.
Most of what I read doesn't really end in a final solution, and the same questions eventually gets posted later on.
What I think though is that if many of you are asking and re-asking rudimentary questions with no real solution, doesn't that show that the Bible is an inadequate source for dealing with these questions you ask.
You think that it has all the answers, but your constant questioning and bickering shows it doesn't.
You mean kind of like the smoking thread?
There is always a fine line with humanity and how the Word of God is understood verses what God actually wants us to know/receive from it. Oh, I know, then why didn't God write it in such a fashion whereby even the simplest would understand it

Man is such an obstinate creature, that you can find people arguing over Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham or even the color of the sky! Doesn't matter what it is, you will always find another side of the coin with any discussion. Part of why you're here, isn't it?
The Apostle's had Jesus right in front of them and they had difficulty at times understanding what He was saying. So, the expectation that everyone will know everything is kind a false premise to attempt to hold to in critiquing Biblical content.
On the argumentative nature of many of the threads.....well we're not perfect are we? At least not yet! Well, at least not all of us

Still, because the messengers happen to be with some fault, doesn't make the Source invalid. Yet, I will agree with that assessment to some extent. We, all get caught up on what we believe to be true, we miss out on being able to share the Love that God has shown/given us through His Son Jesus Christ. It's less about content, then it's about focus and the loss of it when debating most subjects. That's how we grow, in bouncing things back and forth. Who to do it better with than with a Brother or Sister in Christ Jesus? At least for us who believe.
Well, as far as solutions being the end all where everyone agrees. Can't please everyone, but though not posted, many do come to find the answer that they are seeking. They just don't necessarily say it in the post. At times, just saying it out loud, or in this case writing it down. Is sufficient to provide one clarity and resolution. Whether it confirms or invalidates ones original thought on the matter, and their willingness to share it, is another subject entirely.
Would love to continue, but have to give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar! (I'm at work and my day starts now!).
With the Love of Jesus Christ. I hope this clears the air a little for you.