You've probably seen "The Idiot's Guide to the Bible" and "The Bible for Dummies." It's hard to go through a secular bookstore and not see such things. The popular majority of books which "deconstruct" the Bible were written by people who were trying to disprove it.
As such, I've always thought that "cliff notes" for the Bible were a bad idea. Now I am changing my mind.
There is a wonderful book out there called "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours" by Dr. Chuck Missler.
Dr. Missler was called to the ministry through study, a passion for the Scripture, and severe hardship. His works are researched with the precision of an advanced systems engineer (because he is one), and the no-nonesense attitude of an American military officer (he's one of those too). He writes with a bit of bravado and wonder that makes this extremely technical book a pure joy to read. He can get a bit "hip" at times, and he isn't afraid to use words like "extraterrestrial" and "interdimensional" with respect to God (both words are true if you think of their pure meanings and not little green men from Mars), but he maintains an obvious respect, faith, and awe of the Lord through all of his writing.
I have *never* seen a so faithfully concise and organized volume on the Christian Bible.
This book is written from the standpoint of a believer who has studied the Word for years. It won't "really" teach you the whole of the Bible in 24 hours, but it does divide the Bible into 24 hour-long "lessons" which one should then build upon by reading the actual Scriptures in question. It connects the prophecy of the Old Testament directly to the events in the New, and moves back and forth to point out exactly when we were "first told" this or that would happen (and that it did in fact come true, as God said.)
I hightly recommend it as an addition to any Christian library.
As such, I've always thought that "cliff notes" for the Bible were a bad idea. Now I am changing my mind.
There is a wonderful book out there called "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours" by Dr. Chuck Missler.
Dr. Missler was called to the ministry through study, a passion for the Scripture, and severe hardship. His works are researched with the precision of an advanced systems engineer (because he is one), and the no-nonesense attitude of an American military officer (he's one of those too). He writes with a bit of bravado and wonder that makes this extremely technical book a pure joy to read. He can get a bit "hip" at times, and he isn't afraid to use words like "extraterrestrial" and "interdimensional" with respect to God (both words are true if you think of their pure meanings and not little green men from Mars), but he maintains an obvious respect, faith, and awe of the Lord through all of his writing.
I have *never* seen a so faithfully concise and organized volume on the Christian Bible.
This book is written from the standpoint of a believer who has studied the Word for years. It won't "really" teach you the whole of the Bible in 24 hours, but it does divide the Bible into 24 hour-long "lessons" which one should then build upon by reading the actual Scriptures in question. It connects the prophecy of the Old Testament directly to the events in the New, and moves back and forth to point out exactly when we were "first told" this or that would happen (and that it did in fact come true, as God said.)
I hightly recommend it as an addition to any Christian library.