Reading scripture regularly helps you to know God better which helps your faith grow and praying a lot. If you see God as this magnificent and powerful creator of everything (which He is actually), you might sometimes be in such awe, that you dont know what to say to Him, but rest assured, He has adopted you because He loves you. It would please Him greatly if you would not just pray once or twice a day, but on a regular basis talk to Him in your mind (He can hear your thoughts to Him), just like you would a best friend. I am talking to Him right now and now doubt will at least several dozen times a day, asking Him for help in many situations, telling Him my fears and asking Him to help me overcome them, letting Him know how beautiful His creation is, praying for the people around me that need Him in their lives more, telling Him how weak I am at times and to help me through those weak moments. I share the real me with Him just the way I would a good friend.