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Lightning in a Bottle


Feb 15, 2007
Lightning in a Bottle

Recognize the name Judson 'Jud' Laipply? Nope, me neither. At least not until I developed a curiosity about the Orange Crush shirted white boy who busts out six minutes of dancing skillz on one of the most watched YouTube videos of all time.

Now you know who I'm talking about - right? Evolution of Dance has over 115 million views and is still one of the most discussed videos ever.

Of course, some would say it's overrated but you gotta admit that watching Jud showcase pretty much all the hit dances from 1956 to today is a unique and entertaining way to blow off a few minutes.

OK, so I have a question...why is Evolution of Dance the #1 video of all time?

Remember, this is the world of YouTube where millions of people are uploading billions of videos per second about everything from squirrel rescues (no, seriously) to things we hate about Facebook to what's the latest on Rihanna...

I think it comes down to what is known as 'catching lightning in a bottle.' In other words, there was something that happened on that stage during those six minutes that makes you want to join in. It's a combination of Jud's passion behind his message, timing, and the crowd's reaction. It's one of those spontaneous moments that couldn't ever be planned out...and it's one of those connections that obviously brings joy to people.

Now you must understand something...I cannot dance. If I made a dance video and posted it on YouTube, it would be rated the worst video of all time. It would have a negative number view count and people would pay money NOT to watch it. It would be outlawed as cruel and unusual punishment and I would probably even receive a few death threats.

However, I have a passion and a message and a power. I have a passion for people, that they would enter into a right relationship with the God who created them. I have a message that is literally the best news in the universe. And I have a power that comes from God Himself through the Holy Spirit.

And when my passion, message, and power all align, sometimes God allows me to catch some lightning in a bottle.

Is this because I'm something special? Totally not. It's because through the Holy Spirit, I have been faithful in putting myself out there to share the simple message of the gospel with a lost and dying world.

Did you know that you have the same message and power inside of you as well? The good news of Jesus Christ is like a keg of dynamite just waiting to explode and create amazing moments for you and those around you.

The question is: are you willing to put yourself out there and risk rejection for a chance to catch lightning in a bottle? The Apostle Paul sure was - that's why he wrote this:

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).

I'm sure Paul would agree with me in saying that few experiences in this life even come close to sharing the gospel and witnessing the power of God bring healing to the hurting, grace to the guilt-ridden, freedom to the addict, and hope to the forsaken.

And this is where the passion comes from. Think about it - 'Jud' Laipply practiced and planned for probably weeks or months just to create a six-minute experience because he wanted to reach his audience. We have a message that can change a person's eternal destiny and give them unending joy and contentment here on earth...how much more should we be preparing to share it!

So how can you catch some lightning in a bottle? Talk to your friends about what they believe. Bring up the real and raw issues that lurk in our hearts like a caged lion just waiting to be released and dealt with. Then...help them connect the dots and watch God bring an evolution of hope to a world that cries out for it!