All I am to the people that I once mattered to is a sinner. A nutcase. Trash. [end quote] These people you speak of I'm not sure which set they belong to so I will hopefully give you two senerios with one being those who are the ones who are unsaved from the old crowd you once associated with in your past? (Luke 14: 25-34 is close to the chapter and verse I was looking at but I think there is another I am not quiet finding) We are to leave the past.
Some believe leaving the past is to leave it with the air of "I'm much better than you now" which is a lie. We leave the past with the humble knowledge that Christ has taken us from a life of sin and has begun a good work in us. (Phillippians 1)
I believe, we 'leave' with the air of "I am here for you if you need me (in hopes that others will decide to follow Christ maybe only by our example). I can no longer live as I once did, however (and the changed life must show Christ and obedience). My life is no longer my own to destroy. And I pray that one day, the life I live, you will be able to see as true to Christ." (kindasorta) To get to this point take study, bible reading and a good church for fellowship and guidance for a new believer.
Now if these people you speak of who
All I am to the people that I once mattered to is a sinner. A nutcase. Trash [end quote] you are meaning church goers, you need to understand that not alll who go to church and Not ALL churches are of God nor do they teach the obedience that Christ taught on this earth. (2Corinthians 11:13-15; 1 Peter 5:7-9) Pray always while reading and searching for a godly church, He will answer (Luke 11:9) because your asking for a godly church and searching for His truth IS of His will.
I hope this helps and brings a bit of comfort for your day today. God bless always.