First welcome to Talk Jesus an online community of Jesus Christ believers.
Second, you ask a question that goes along the lines of many other questions people have asked through the ages i.e.
Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?
Why does God allow evil in the world?
Why does God allow war?
Why do good people die young, and evil people prosper?
And the list of questions goes on and on and on...
I've wondered why finite people believe they have the ability to understand much less dictate to an Eternal God/Creator what is acceptable or not to do? Especially since we only see a small part of an infinite tapestry of life to begin with. We don't even see what will happen the rest of our day, much less tomorrow, or the succeeding days, weeks, years of others that are going through what we believe is undeserved.
Why? Why? Why?
We are so unable to accept the fact that we are sinners, and that only God's Grace, and Mercy has allowed us to continue in the very existence we have! A suggested read for you would be the Book of Job. There are some very good questions asked in that book, and God does answer some questions that you might have. Just understand that we are not equals with God, that we, who are sinners should come before the Creator of all that is and dare to question Him as to why!
I can understand the emotions, the frustrations of the questions that come to mind. People would very well say, "Why Heavenly Father was I even born if this is what I was going to go through?" Humanity is prideful, and unable to see themselves as only a creation, and not a prime mover, and ungrateful for the very things they credit themselves for having. God, it appears only does the bad things, and the good things are from their own power and might! The audacity to believe that He our Heavenly Father should answer to us!!
Maybe, one day you'll get the answer you seek. However, I won't expect man to give you the answer, that is God's to give.
Again, I would suggest you read the Book of Job. It might provide you a glimmer of comprehension of how great our God is!
Again, yup, be welcomed to this online community of believers in Christ Jesus called Talk Jesus.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.