I have been unhappy with Brian and his sister, Holly and his friends, How and Rich and all they did was bring me down and I asked God to help me to get out of this situation without these people thinking I am kidnapping my son to live somewhere where they can't find me so the caseworkers I had they said she is leaving very soon and whether you like or not she is living with that caseworker to go to the shelter well it turns out that everyone was asleep except this guy named How that was the sisters' boyfriend at the time and he stayed up till I left and the last time this took place was about a month and a week today. I am so happy to be away from them and about three weeks ago I got a phone call from the caseworker that the sister, friend and boyfriend throw him out and he is with his mother where I think he should be without those drugdealers. So all I kept doing that Brian kept giving the baby to me and all I did when the baby was with me was God what can I do to get out of her?? He said you keep praying to me and I know a way that you can get out of there in one peace was that the boyfriend was awake but he had no chose but to let me leave with the caseworker with the baby in my hands. I've been doing well as his mother now and there isn't nothing wrong with the baby b/c he has his mother and she isn't stressing anymore about anything. So just keep in prayer that Brian will understand what he misses in me and the baby and maybe if he really loves me he will be right with God like I am now and do what is right for my son. :unlove: I do still love Brian but he needs to leave those people alone and just try to be with me and his son if that's what he wants or he just find another girl and get her pregnant and do whatever but just leave me and the baby alone than.
I pray for your situation. I still didn't quite understand why you need to leave those people you mentioned. Perhaps they are really people who hurt you badly and putting you in bad lights. I pray that God gives you strength to forgive them. I pray that God direct you clearly and distinctly if you should leave your husband like this and that HE helps you with a resolution (remedy). I pray that God gives you a proper place to put up for your baby's seek. May God watch over you and your baby right now and guide you how to resolve your problem with your husband. I pray that your husband will honour and loves you and not drive you away and cause you so much inconveniences. God, continue to bless this family and restore the joy and happiness back to the marriage. Help this family to choose the right circle of friends to associate, and disassociate them from bad companies or unequal yokes who are not walking rightly before GOD. Amen.
i am not married to him and the baby is now with my foster parents we see him biweekly brian and i see our son brian. thanx for your prayers and yes things wont right about this relationship but i wont be walking back into that trap ever again. brian and i are friends and we parent brian at our separate visits. my bf elliott goes to the visits with me to see my son brian with my caseworker at child and youth services i made some wrong decisions to certain people i was hanging with.