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My Lord


Aug 28, 2008
The lord has saved me from heart ache and pain. He has made me new. I was made new on July 17th 2007. I can not explain in words, how my life has changed.

Everything has changed for the better. Much better, I need help staying strong. I promised the lord that I would try hard not to falter. I speak to him daily and love him, but I can not get myself to church. I stopped reading my bible.....and I am starting to return to my old self.
Hey great to hear Jesus has saved you and made you new. But we all stumble and Bible reading can be tedious sometimes but God can give you the hunger for His word and indeed it's our spiritual, daily, bread.
I hope you find a good living church.. let's pray for that! Praying is what we need to do everyday, cry out to Jesus..

I'll pray for you.
Dear Redeemer32

Yet not I but Christ liveth in me Galatians 2:20

It can be such a struggle sometimes to read the Bible and when Ive been through difficult patches (like we all do) I sometimes try to focus on His promises and hold them in my heart and pray that the Lord in His strength will remove all the stumblingblocks.

Rejoice that the Lord is the strength of your life now..and you don't need to rely on your own frail human strength.

I will guide thee with mine eyes upon thee ...Psalm 32:8

I, the Lord called thee...and will hold thy hand......Isaiah 42:6

My times are in Thy hand Psalm 31:15

I was playing in the sea today with my children and suddenly a choppy wave made my little daughter loose her footing and she fell. As I picked her up to cuddle her....expecting tears..she said don't worry mummy I knew you were there. It made me think about our Father in heaven...no matter how far we fall....Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.

God bless you brother

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The lord has saved me from heart ache and pain. He has made me new. I was made new on July 17th 2007. I can not explain in words, how my life has changed.

Everything has changed for the better. Much better, I need help staying strong. I promised the lord that I would try hard not to falter. I speak to him daily and love him, but I can not get myself to church. I stopped reading my bible.....and I am starting to return to my old self.

Greetings Redeemer32,

I'm not sure I can add much to the replies you have had from jari and Julia, but please let me say a couple of things... (oh, and please listen to what jari and Julia have said to you, my brother.

Our Lord is so very gracious to us. I am sure you would agree with that.

Brother, you have made a vital step in coming here and confessing your need, and I know that the Lord will bless you for doing that.

May I share with you something from C. Spurgeon, which goes with what our sister, Julia, has said?

“On mine arm shall they trust.”
Isaiah 51:5

In seasons of severe trial, the Christian has nothing on earth that he can trust to, and is therefore compelled to cast himself on his God alone.

When his vessel is on its beam-ends, and no human deliverance can avail, he must simply and entirely trust himself to the providence and care of God.

Happy storm that wrecks a man on such a rock as this! O blessed hurricane that drives the soul to God and God alone!

There is no getting at our God sometimes because of the multitude of our friends; but when a man is so poor, so friendless, so helpless that he has nowhere else to turn, he flies into his Father’s arms, and is blessedly clasped therein!

When he is burdened with troubles so pressing and so peculiar, that he cannot tell them to any but his God, he may be thankful for them; for he will learn more of his Lord then than at any other time.

Oh, tempest-tossed believer, it is a happy trouble that drives thee to thy Father!

Now that thou hast only thy God to trust to, see that thou puttest thy full confidence in Him. Dishonour not thy Lord and Master by unworthy doubts and fears; but be strong in faith, giving glory to God.

Show the world that thy God is worth ten thousand worlds to thee.

Show rich men how rich thou art in thy poverty when the Lord God is thy helper.

Show the strong man how strong thou art in thy weakness when underneath thee are the everlasting arms.

Now is the time for feats of faith and valiant exploits. Be strong and very courageous, and the Lord thy God shall certainly, as surely as He built the heavens and the earth, glorify Himself in thy weakness, and magnify His might in the midst of thy distress.

The grandeur of the arch of heaven would be spoiled if the sky were supported by a single visible column, and your faith would lose its glory if it rested on anything discernible by the carnal eye.

May the Holy Spirit give you to rest in Jesus this closing day of the month.

And may you know His joy and care for you every day of your life and forever more, in Jesus name....amen.

Bless you ....><>

Br. Bear

And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

This then is the message which we have heard of Him,
and declare unto you,

that God is light,
and in Him is no darkness at all.

If we say that we have fellowship with Him,
and walk in darkness,
we lie,
and do not the truth:

But if we walk in the light,
as He is in the light,
we have fellowship one with another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.

If we say that we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves,
and the truth is not in us.

If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If we say that we have not sinned,
we make Him a liar,
and His word is not in us.

1John 1:4-10

the following is also from C. Spurgeon

“If we walk in the light, as He is in the light.”
1John 1:7

As He is in the light!

Can we ever attain to this?

Shall we ever be able to walk as clearly in the light as He is whom we call “Our Father,” of whom it is written, “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all?”

Certainly, this is the model which it set before us, for the Saviour Himself said, “Be ye perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect;” and although we may feel that we can never rival the perfection of God, yet we are to seek after it, and never to be satisfied until we attain to it.

The youthful artist, as he grasps his early pencil, can hardly hope to equal Raphael or Michael Angelo, but still, if he did not have a noble beau ideal before his mind, he would only attain to something very mean and ordinary.

But what is meant by the expression that the Christian is to walk in light as God is in the light?
We conceive it to import likeness, but not degree. We are as truly in the light, we are as heartily in the light, we are as sincerely in the light, as honestly in the light, though we cannot be there in the same measure.
I cannot dwell in the sun, it is too bright a place for my residence, but I can walk in the light of the sun; and so, though I cannot attain to that perfection of purity and truth which belongs to the Lord of hosts by nature as the infinitely good, yet I can set the Lord always before me, and strive, by the help of the indwelling Spirit, after conformity to His image.

That famous old commentator, John Trapp, says, “We may be in the light as God is in the light for quality, but not for equality.” We are to have the same light, and are as truly to have it and walk in it as God does, though, as for equality with God in His holiness and purity, that must be left until we cross the Jordan and enter into the perfection of the Most High.

Mark that the blessings of sacred fellowship and perfect cleansing are bound up with walking in the light.

Bless you ....><>