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need advice


Oct 8, 2006
To the one reading this thread.

I don't exactly know how to come about this, because sometimes I wonder whether I truly understand my feelings.

I don't believe that I am happy. And talking on the web is even more depressing, because I don't have a bossom friend to share with around me.

....I recently came back from a tour to our coast, and I had such a good time with my class mates, that I did not really want to return, though I missed my family.
When I arrived I realised that I am back to the place where I do not have a good friend with whom I can laugh and share with - the friends I have a of such that I see them either at church, or at the technicon for brief moments. This surely can't be the life - what is God trying to teach me in that I have lost my friends.
Should I rather glory in that I now have a greater zeal to chase after our Fahter in prayer, or should I just be patient....this is reallly a mystery to me, how come am I am not happy, even when I try my utmost to be in the will of God. Am I missing something?

I have my own thoughts and answer to that, though a second opinion would be much appreciated

All the best to you.
Hey Zee, I believe God lets us go through hard times sometimes to get us to look to Him. Go to the Lord in prayer and be patient. God will answer a humble prayer according to His will. I believe he has already answered it for you, he gave you a friend that died for you and loved your more than anyone in this world can possibly love you. I will pray that you find good Christian friends on earth also. God Bless

John 15:13-14
13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
14 "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you."
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hello brother

i understand were you are coming from on this ,yes it can be very hard without friends to have around us every day ,we all get lonely but it is at this time we learn to become closer to our King.

Try to spend the time praising the lord then thinking about what your missing ,God works in funny ways and we do not always understand them i dont anyway but trust in him mabey God want you to spend more time with him than others at the moment.

Stay strong God will give you what you need in time

God Bless :star:
hi zee i don't know if this help u or not, i've been through the same, when i back to my hometown, i don't have someone to share, i don't know where to begin, i don't know what i should do, my friends seem all gone, i try to be a faithfull Christian and believe that He will show His ways for me, but it's like i lie to myself, my mind ask "God what are you doing with my life..???" in those days i've been being far away from Him, but now through that all hard days, i've found that He's been good to me, now i've found new friends, and thank's for all that, just believe Him in all of your ways OK :)
Re: I need advice.


I'm not exactly a teenager (70 years old), but I want to share something that I remember from my own teen-age experience: teenagers tend to limit their view of life to the "here and now" instead of seeing a bigger picture. You tend to think only in terms of the few people you know right now, the people you are comfortable around right now. You are afraid to risk meeting new people, for fear of being rejected.

I apply what I call "the 80/20 rule" to the concept of making friends, i.e. 80% of the people I meet will not become my friend. Either I will never see them again or they will reject me (yes, you can be certain that some folks will reject you). But, relationships will develop with the other 20% and some of those people will become good friends of yours.

It's strictly a matter of numbers. The more new people you meet, the more people will fall into that 20% category and more of the people in that category will become your friends.

When I first came to Christ twenty-three years ago, I had only acquaintences. There was no one I felt close to. Then I was told to just start saying "hello" to people I didn't know and I heard about the 80/20 principle. Now I have more than 90 people on my e-mail address list and they are truly my friends. Many of them live in the area I live in and I see them often.
