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Not sure where to put this but I think Catholics and non-Catholics have a barrier.


Jun 26, 2022
I probably fall under a Baptist but I don't think group or labels largely relevant. You either follow all of God or not at all.
Our group(s) (non-Catholics) believe/know we are saved by God's Grace; given freely by Him. We are NOT, repeat NOT N O T saved by works, actions, checklists, etc.
Catholics believe in purgatory. No scriptural evidence.
Rosary. No scriptural evidence for, instructions to make, or how to use it.
Church Calisthenics. Stand. Sit. Kneel. Pray. Sit. Kneel. etc. variations. Again, no scriptural evidence.
Repeated "re-enactment" of Mass as if His Death and Resurrection the first and only time wasn't good enough.
The idea that another flawed sinner can "forgive sins" when only God can.
Instructions for costly clothing for those priests and expensive, elaborate "churches" and "relics". Again, no instructions. No commandments. Nothing.
Over the years I've yet to meet and have any Catholic explain these with scriptural evidence and from their governing authority and the latest Pope has been cherry picking and "changing" things.
Last I checked no one has the authority to change what God has said.
I probably fall under a Baptist but I don't think group or labels largely relevant. You either follow all of God or not at all.
Our group(s) (non-Catholics) believe/know we are saved by God's Grace; given freely by Him. We are NOT, repeat NOT N O T saved by works, actions, checklists, etc.
Catholics believe in purgatory. No scriptural evidence.
Rosary. No scriptural evidence for, instructions to make, or how to use it.
Church Calisthenics. Stand. Sit. Kneel. Pray. Sit. Kneel. etc. variations. Again, no scriptural evidence.
Repeated "re-enactment" of Mass as if His Death and Resurrection the first and only time wasn't good enough.
The idea that another flawed sinner can "forgive sins" when only God can.
Instructions for costly clothing for those priests and expensive, elaborate "churches" and "relics". Again, no instructions. No commandments. Nothing.
Over the years I've yet to meet and have any Catholic explain these with scriptural evidence and from their governing authority and the latest Pope has been cherry picking and "changing" things.
Last I checked no one has the authority to change what God has said.
Have you every heard the term Sola Scripture?
There's a lot of things Catholics have wrong and as usual none of them have given any evidence to their "traditions". Nothing from God to command them.
So perhaps you dont think much of the Holy Spirit then, not dependable like the word. Do you think there is any scripture that negates that?
So perhaps you dont think much of the Holy Spirit then, not dependable like the word. Do you think there is any scripture that negates that?
Assumption? Yes. Leading question? Yes.
One can NOT believe in/have faith in less than the Three and be Christian. Very simple concept.
Assumption? Yes. Leading question? Yes.
One can NOT believe in/have faith in less than the Three and be Christian. Very simple concept.
I am not talking about the intellectual concept of the Holy Spirit, I am talking about using the Holy Spirit daily in "addition" to scripture.
I am not talking about the intellectual concept of the Holy Spirit, I am talking about using the Holy Spirit daily in "addition" to scripture.
This isn't talking about the HS but the problem with Catholics, the RCC, and how a lot of what they do and say isn't backed by scripture.
The Trinity is in what they and all Christians believe. If a person doesn't then they are not Christian despite saying otherwise.
I am more then happy to look into all of this for you and explain as much as I can, as long as your willing to actually read. Just remember that Catholics are CHRISTIANS and so are you, we all believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and even though we are of different denominations we should respect one another view with grace and decorum. We can have disagreements but it should be done with integrity.

As long as you agree, I will spend my hours this Sunday looking into this and posting more information as many answers you seek. I already know quite a few answers.

Kind Regards,
This isn't talking about the HS but the problem with Catholics, the RCC, and how a lot of what they do and say isn't backed by scripture.
The Trinity is in what they and all Christians believe. If a person doesn't then they are not Christian despite saying otherwise.
Oh, but its part of the problem you state, but you dont want to admit to that.
The Holy scriptures are a guide book, but they dont cover every aspect of life, or the teachings of people down throughout the ages who were truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. Yes, there were charlatans who claimed to speak in the name of God, but that doesnt make them all that way. In ancient Israel, there were true prophets and false prophets, the same has always been true, just because there are false prophets doesnt mean there isnt any truth out there thats not worth accepting as from God, and thats where the Holy Spirit comes in. If you are actively using the Holy Spirit, you can tell if any teaching is false or true, or at least if its mostly true with some drama due to people inserting their emotions into a subject while speaking the truth that was specifically desired by God. There are aspects of the Roman catholic faith that are in conflict with Protestantism, where the Roman catholics are correct, but those who only see whats in scripture as valid are not able to see that, but if you truly were in touch with the Holy Spirit in you, you would.
This isn't talking about the HS but the problem with Catholics, the RCC, and how a lot of what they do and say isn't backed by scripture.
The Trinity is in what they and all Christians believe. If a person doesn't then they are not Christian despite saying otherwise.

You should be aware that there are some differences between the Catholic Bible and other Christian Bibles, primarily in terms of the number and arrangement of books in the Old Testament. This is because the Old Testament of the Catholic Bible includes additional books that are not found in Protestant Bibles. ....These books are referred to as the deuterocanonical books or the "Apocrypha" by some. I have been reading these for a little while and trying to get into terms with this, I have read NKJV and NIV before but studying Catholic at the moment.

(Feel free to correct me if I am wrong with anything I say as I am still studying)

Just encase you was not aware, the Catholic Old Testament contains seven additional books: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach , Baruch, and First and Second Maccabees. ( I believe Maccabees will have scripture on purgatory from what I remember) . There are also additional sections in the books of Esther and Daniel. These books were written in Greek and were considered part of the Jewish canon until debates occurred around the time of the Reformation. Their maybe scriptural information you arn't aware of if you never researched about this so I do need to look into it myself. I prefer double checking before I state anything, which is natural and everything should be fact checked.

When it comes to Protestant Bibles ( KJV, NIV,ASB etc) , these follow the Hebrew Bible or the Masoretic Text as the basis for the Old Testament canon and do not include these deuterocanonical books. Protestant Bibles usually have a total of 66 books, while Catholic Bibles have 73 books.

I am aware that the New Testament, however, is the same in both Catholic and other Christian Bibles, which consists of the same 27 books. I also know that the differences in the Old Testament can sometimes lead to divergent interpretations of certain doctrines and practices. My Family are Anglican so I am very much aware how things can differ.

However, it's worth noting that the core beliefs and teachings of Christianity are shared across denominations, regardless of the variations in the biblical canon. Please be respectful, that is all I ask and I am more then happy to debate with you. I will wait until you decide whether or not you will be respectful for a debate.

Kind regards,
The Holy scriptures are a guide book, but they dont cover every aspect of life, or the teachings of people down throughout the ages who were truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. Yes, there were charlatans who claimed to speak in the name of God, but that doesnt make them all that way. In ancient Israel, there were true prophets and false prophets, the same has always been true, just because there are false prophets doesnt mean there isnt any truth out there thats not worth accepting as from God, and thats where the Holy Spirit comes in. If you are actively using the Holy Spirit, you can tell if any teaching is false or true, or at least if its mostly true with some drama due to people inserting their emotions into a subject while speaking the truth that was specifically desired by God. There are aspects of the Roman catholic faith that are in conflict with Protestantism, where the Roman catholics are correct, but those who only see whats in scripture as valid are not able to see that, but if you truly were in touch with the Holy Spirit in you, you would.
Agreed, the Holy Spirit does help discern true teachings from false ones.
Though from my memory Catholics have the holy scripture but its more then a 'guide book', it is the word of god and what is said is divine law. It binds them to their faith. Other denominations do see it as a guidebook instead of covering all aspects of life. Different denominations have different views of scripture.

BIble = "Basic Instructions before leaving earth". It was never meant to be the all in all of God's revealed truth. If that were so, there wouldnt have been so many pharisees and saducees that was determined to kill Jesus and his followers. They loved to be right about, because of their learned knowledge of scripture, anything concerning faith in God. Not only were they wrong, but they fought over the meanings of scripture, just like so many do today.
Agreed, the Holy Spirit does help discern true teachings from false ones.
Though from my memory Catholics have the holy scripture but its more then a 'guide book', it is the word of god and what is said is divine law. It binds them to their faith. Other denominations do see it as a guidebook instead of covering all aspects of life. Different denominations have different views of scripture.

There is another book, a big one that covers nearly everything not included in scripture I think, but I think those are a mistake, the jews had something like that, and Jesus spoke negatively about that. I cant think of the name of it, but its a collections of things thats supposedly wiser things to do.
You should be aware that there are some differences between the Catholic Bible and other Christian Bibles, primarily in terms of the number and arrangement of books in the Old Testament. This is because the Old Testament of the Catholic Bible includes additional books that are not found in Protestant Bibles. ....These books are referred to as the deuterocanonical books or the "Apocrypha" by some. I have been reading these for a little while and trying to get into terms with this, I have read NKJV and NIV before but studying Catholic at the moment.

(Feel free to correct me if I am wrong with anything I say as I am still studying)

Just encase you was not aware, the Catholic Old Testament contains seven additional books: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach , Baruch, and First and Second Maccabees. ( I believe Maccabees will have scripture on purgatory from what I remember) . There are also additional sections in the books of Esther and Daniel. These books were written in Greek and were considered part of the Jewish canon until debates occurred around the time of the Reformation. Their maybe scriptural information you arn't aware of if you never researched about this so I do need to look into it myself. I prefer double checking before I state anything, which is natural and everything should be fact checked.

When it comes to Protestant Bibles ( KJV, NIV,ASB etc) , these follow the Hebrew Bible or the Masoretic Text as the basis for the Old Testament canon and do not include these deuterocanonical books. Protestant Bibles usually have a total of 66 books, while Catholic Bibles have 73 books.

I am aware that the New Testament, however, is the same in both Catholic and other Christian Bibles, which consists of the same 27 books. I also know that the differences in the Old Testament can sometimes lead to divergent interpretations of certain doctrines and practices. My Family are Anglican so I am very much aware how things can differ.

However, it's worth noting that the core beliefs and teachings of Christianity are shared across denominations, regardless of the variations in the biblical canon. Please be respectful, that is all I ask and I am more then happy to debate with you. I will wait until you decide whether or not you will be respectful for a debate.

Kind regards,
I know what the Apocrypha is.
I know that only the Catholics hold that as "sacred" but there are so many contradictions to what God said and Jesus taught it's why the rest of us, using common sense, do NOT use it.
I agree. We share the Core beliefs but when the Catholics are hardcore "actions and traditions make us better and the one true church" I call a lie.
Nowhere is the Roman Catholic church named nor said to be created by Jesus. I've listed but a few examples of the many things they do and believe and don't add up.
We know we are NOT saved by actions/works, repetitive prayers, Church exercise, and magical amulets.
Pretty sure most Catholics are ignorant of being "born again" of which Jesus Himself stated. Tell me how they can ignore that?
The Holy scriptures are a guide book, but they dont cover every aspect of life, or the teachings of people down throughout the ages who were truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. Yes, there were charlatans who claimed to speak in the name of God, but that doesnt make them all that way. In ancient Israel, there were true prophets and false prophets, the same has always been true, just because there are false prophets doesnt mean there isnt any truth out there thats not worth accepting as from God, and thats where the Holy Spirit comes in. If you are actively using the Holy Spirit, you can tell if any teaching is false or true, or at least if its mostly true with some drama due to people inserting their emotions into a subject while speaking the truth that was specifically desired by God. There are aspects of the Roman catholic faith that are in conflict with Protestantism, where the Roman catholics are correct, but those who only see whats in scripture as valid are not able to see that, but if you truly were in touch with the Holy Spirit in you, you would.
where the Roman catholics are correct - Says who? By that the rest of us are wrong? The Romans were the ones who did the actual killing of Jesus and yet to name the "one true church" the "Roman Catholic Church" is hypocritical.
All denominations have their flaws but the more I see the CC, the more I think Luther was right in what he did and how the rest of us are living lives more akin to Jesus than they are.
where the Roman catholics are correct - Says who? By that the rest of us are wrong? The Romans were the ones who did the actual killing of Jesus and yet to name the "one true church" the "Roman Catholic Church" is hypocritical.
All denominations have their flaws but the more I see the CC, the more I think Luther was right in what he did and how the rest of us are living lives more akin to Jesus than they are.
Now you are just being childish. Its the Roman catholic church because that was the center of christianity for many many many years, with the pope living in "rome". Okay, just forget it, you are obviously right and I am wrong, because thats the only way you are willing to see it. Not gonna argue with a blind man on how things look to the human eye.