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***** of Babylon


Dec 26, 2024
"So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns".

John is taken into the DESERT to see the judgment of the great harlot. Rome does NOT reside in the desert, Mecca and Medina do.

...and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast,
The words, 'sit upon' mean to OCCUPY indicating this beast is dominated by the harlot religion of Islam which has been called a 'desert religion'.


There's also an anti-Christ monument that 'sits upon' God's 'Holy Place' (Mount Moriah) the Dome of the Rock.

Around the octagonal structure of the Dome of the Rock is a long classical Arabic inscription that says that God has no begotten son, thus denying that Jesus is the Son of God.

Inscriptions on the octagonal structure of the Dome are anti-Christ. They say.
- There is no God but Allah.
- God has no son; He begetteth not.
- God taketh not unto Himself a son.
- God has no associate.
- Muhammad is the messenger of God.
- Allah will preside on Judgment Day.

"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son."

Ever see the images that developed over time in the marble of the entrance to the Dome? DEMONS!

So to encapsulate...

The Dome of the Rock is at the geographically center of Jerusalem's seven MOUNTAINS. THIS IS THE ONLY PIECE OF GROUND GOD HAS CLAIMED AS HIS OWN IN THE BIBLE. SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Babylon the Great simply means A LARGE FALSE RELIGION. That religion is ISLAM. The abominations of the earth are worldwide terrorism. 'Sitteth' means "to occupy or have a fixed abode." This indicates that Islam is the dominate religion that 'OCCUPIES' this 10/7 Islamic empire which is an Islamic Caliphate of sorts situated around the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa.

The Meccan harlot already sits upon seven mountains. Mount Moriah is at the geographical center of Jerusalem's seven mountains. God's holy place in East Jerusalem will authenticate the anti-Christ. he's prophesied to come against Jerusalem. HE IS NOT A GLOBAL DICTATOR.

Islam wants East Jerusalem to become the anti-Christ headquarters of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate. This is where the anti-Christ authenticates himself and Islam as the religion of the beast.

Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

The verse should actually read...

Is it coincidence that the Koran is the 'little book' of Revelation 10 that John is instructed to eat which is, "sweet as honey yet bitter to the belly." To "eat a book is to consume its contents."

Is it coincidence suicide bombers are found in Revelation?

Is it coincidence beheading is an Islamic trait and found in Revelation?

Is it coincidence that the locust of Revelation 9 represents the ARABS?

Is it coincidence that Islam is symbolized by a crescent moon and morning star and that's what the word Lucifer represents.

The Islamic ***** of Babylon promises it's fanatical adherents a mansion in paradise with as many as 72 bedrooms and 72 virgins for filling the harlot's cup. The number of virgins they get is dependent upon the magnitude of the abomination they commit. The Islamic ***** will terrorize the world into submission using some of the most horrific means available to man today. Islam will hurl the planet into tribulation.

I've always said that it's easier to take a sliver out of the back side of a wild cat than it is to change the mind of a Christian.

"The greatest impediment Christians have obtaining the Truth is when they think they already have it."

No matter how you cut it, Catholicism IS NOT anti-Christ because they do not deny Christ!

Muslim's want to make East Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock complex the Islamic Capital of the world. East Jerusalem will once again be invaded, and the Wailing Wall will be destroyed. That's the first sign that 'birth pangs' are here. The man of sin and his Islamic false prophet, and maybe even the Muslim jesus, authenticate East Jerusalem as that 'great city' of seven mountains and location of the ***** of Babylon. The Dome 'sits upon' Mount Moriah which is at the geographical center of Jerusalem's seven mountains.

If I were to post the list of wars the Muslims have started in the past you would be astonished at the number of them. Islam has now become the harlots breeding ground of jihadist foreign fighters. They have a propaganda media driven ideology to convert the planet. Jihadism is now a global network of foreign fighters that will bring tribulation throughout the world.

The beast of Revelation 17 is situated in the desert since John is taken there to witness the judgment of the harlot that `occupies' this beast. Mecca and Medina reside in the desert of Saudi Arabia. This beast is likely an alliance of nations probaly mentioned in Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38-39, which I believe is the same as "king of the south" of Daniel 11 or southern Islamic caliphate to form. This one could include jihadist groups like Boko Harem and al' Shabbaab, or any of the other 20 + jihadist groups in the region. This 7/10 alliance includes nations like Egypt, Saudi, and the Sudan, and others in the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa region. Babylon the Great quite simply indicates "a large false religion," and in a futurist context, that would be Islam. The harlot of course is symbolic of Islam giving birth to its jihadist sects. Bottom line, the word `SIT' means to occupy. That implies that Islam is the dominate religion of this 7/10 alliance of nations. Babylon the Great and the mother of these jihadist, are guilty of committing the end-time abominations of the earth. "DOMINATION BY ABOMINATION."