What is the value of a woman?
Is it ok for a husband to beat his wife?
Are women to submit to men?
As a Christian these are some of the questions that this article may raise. We are Christians and we(should)
believe that God's WORD is the light that by which we see everything else clearly.
Psalms 119:105 reads, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Are women suppose to submit to men? The Bible does not teach, or should I say, I have not found where women are called to generally submit to men. However a wife is to submit into her husband as unto the Lord and men are to Love their wives as Christ loved the Church. So they(husband and wife) are both to submit to each other, just in different ways.
Ephesians 5 reads
21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
The submission of the wive to her husband is for her to line up under his leadership. This is a submission of respect, it brings her protection.
The submission of the husband to his wive is a submission of sacrifice. This submission is shown through love.
So both husband and wive are to both submit to each other, the problem arises often when people take the wife's responsibility
of submission out of context. So many preach about a wife submitting to her husband's leadership but fail to point out that the husband is suppose to be a servant leader. Just as Jesus illustrated when He washed His disciples feet in John 13:1-17. Jesus also said that the greatest will be your servant in Matthew 23:11. If most people knew what it means to be to be a true leader, we wouldn't be running to say, "I'm in charge, I'm the boss." Imagine if you were in heaven and God wanted to pick someone in heaven to come down to be there leader of the world? The carnal man would say, "pick me, I want to lead and be leader of the world". But for being the leader God wanted someone who would make the biggest sacrifice (Jesus) to go down and die for everyone. That is the type of leader a husband is to be and that is the type of man that any woman would rightfully want to submit to. Often times men try to beat women over the head with the submission stick, forgetting that you are to love your wive into submission just as how Jesus loves His church into submission. Jesus said, "Behold I stand at the door and knock". This is the kind of leader Jesus is. He does not kick down the door or force His way in, likewise a husband should be the same type of leader to His wife.
With submission comes sacrifice and accountability. Jesus said the boss is the one who needs to make the sacrifice. The boss is the one that is held accountable. The leader is the one who needs to give up the most and pay the biggest price. Unfortunately many men want their wife to serve them instead of serving their wife. I'm not talking about working in the home versus outside, I'm simply talking about an attitude of leadership. Jesus our leader was the one that made the biggest sacrifice (dying on the cross). He was the one that paid the price.
The leader is the one held accountable. In the Garden, even though Eve took the first bite of the fruit, Adam was held accountable as well by God because as the leader of His marriage He gets the blame. God had given Adam the command to not eat from the tree in Genesis 2:17 and would hold Him responsible even though it was His wife that initially picked the fruit. Someone explained it this way concerning what it means to be the head. They said, "A military general called a squad leader into his office and said. I want you to take good care of my men out in battle. Your head is on the line." And that pretty much sums it up. Being the head, means your head is on the line. You get the blame when things go wrong.
So as a leader of the household is it ok for a husband to beat his wife? We ask the question, "does Jesus beat us"? Did Jesus beat
Peter for denying Him 3 times when He returned from the grave, or did Jesus in love ask Him 3 times again if he loved Him to restore Peter's faith?
Did Jesus beat the women who pulled His garment in the crowd? Did Jesus beat anyone? I don't see any Bible verses where it states that Jesus assaulted anyone. There are verses that talk of Him throwing over tables and driving out animals and people from the temple, but nothing about assaulting people in their bodies. Since the leadership of Jesus does not show any pattern or example in which Jesus was routinely or ever physically violent to His disciples(those He was called leader to), there is no Biblical foundation for supporting a man beating his wife. Though correction is often appropriate in marriage, it should be handled more on the level of an equal to another equal(peer to peer), rather than a master
lording over his subject as we are not to lord over anyone as a leader.
Remember Jesus said, in Matthew 20:25-26 "Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles
lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must
be your servant."
Women have tremendous value as shown by Jesus. The fact that a women is to submit to her husband does not say something about her value being less. Let's remember, Jesus had to submit to His Father (God) and this in no way means that Jesus was of little value.
Women have been blessed with the gift of bring life into the world, women have tremendous value.
Jesus first showed Himself to the women after His resurrection, women have tremendous value.
Jesus remember His mother on His death bed(cross) and made sure that John took care of her, women have tremendous value.
Jesus honored His mother and submitted to her request doing the wedding when she asked Him to turn water into wine.
Obviously this is a topic dealing with Islam, but from a Christian perspective this is how I would see the situation.
What is the value of a woman?
Tremendous. Women have tremendous value which is not diminished because they are called to submit to their husbands. Jesus
showed us through His interactions with many women that women are valuable and should be treated as such.
Is it ok for a husband to beat his wife?
No because as our example Jesus did not show any pattern whatsoever of beating His disciples for correction.
Wives and husbands should both be able to correct each other in a marriage but it should be done in love in gentleness
as with any Christian relationship
Are women to submit to men?
Yes. Submission often has a negative connotation but it can be viewed as a simply military term. Imagine a general who says
"charge!" as he moves into battle and his soldiers say I'm behind you. That's it. The soldiers support the general because
they are one unit, one team, and work together as one. The solider is not less important than the generals, they both need
each other so things can function smoothly. This is the same with a husband and his wive. We are one body, with different roles, both called to submit in different ways.