i am 16 and have recentaly accepted god into my life, however my parents do not believe in god and i am worried about talking about him with them.
i also have never being to church before and want to start. how can i ask my parents to take me or support me when they think it is a total waste of time?
Pray for them and for yourself, Ask him in love and don't give up but keep on praying and try to serve yourself because only then you will be able to serve others.
Give the poor, Love the weak people and weak creatures and don't disturb anyone, Be Love like Jesus is Love and never give up asking Jesus to love you and help you and pray for weak people too, and never stop growing in Jesus Christ.
I was 14 and gave my heart to Jesus and my folks ,like your parents, did not believe. To make matters worse they had a real bad experience with "a" church before I was born. My dad even to this day sometimes refers to it as a "cult".
I would just like to say two things to encourage you...
1) Get well connected to a church, and that is where your support will come from. When I have a problem of a heavenly matter, the only people I can really go talk to it about is other believers who understand God and his purposes. We are the body of Christ, Brothers and Sisters to one another and that makes us family
2) Contrary to popular belief, God does exist outside the walls of a church. Church fellowship is a really important thing to have in your walk with God, but that is not the only place where you will encounter Him and grow in your faith. I have a friend that was pretty much my mentor since I gave my life to The Lord. We drifted away for 2 years, but when I heard of his "adventures" recently it surprised me. His schedule is extremely full with his jobs that he hardly ever attends church (maybe once a quarter year). But I hear that he is still going strong in his Faith. I don't mean to say that church can be left out, what I mean to say here is Do not be Discouraged in your faith by not attending church. God can meet you anywhere you are at and that always amazes me
So go strong Mink. I pray that you shall walk in blessing
My sister, prayer and the testimony of a transformed life as they witness Christ in you; those are two powerful forces.
Do not be discouraged but trust God to move on their hearts and draw them in. Other than sharing what He did for you if He wants you to witness to them He will lead you to do so.
Congratulations on being born again, I will be praying for you.