Sister Vickie,I remember working as a inventory manager in a hardware store, a new general manager came and brought two of his pal's with him,they believed the best way to motivate others was to bully them in words,and always in front of others! Of course this showed just how insecure they all were in themselves and looked to cause others to be the same way,I asked the General Manager for a private meeting,and looked to reason with him concerning this,but he would have none of it,when he found out i was a believer why things got even worse for me!! LOL
He would say "hey everyone here comes the Jesus freak of the company!!" They would laugh. As mad and as angry as my flesh wanted to become,and with good reason, Holy Spirit helped me greatly,and that night went into prayer over this situation. Holy Spirit inside me gave me this scripture to speak out loud.( Psalm 63:1-11) Which I did,I then stayed thankful as our sister spoke of, believing Jesus not only heard my cry,but indeed has also answered my cry!!
The second day was much the same.and this is because of this sis ( John 10:10) The enemy was looking to move my feeling and emotion to say, i guess my prayer did not work.I was NOT MOVED SIS!!! That night I thanked the Lord for answering my prayer,as I do not live any more by my feeling or my emotions! Again recited Psalm 63! Out loud, Thanking and praising the Lord!!( 1 Thess 5:18)
On the third day as i walked in there was a buzz among many. I asked what was going on, and they said that the area directer of the Company came in soon after you left,and heard how the manager was treating the others,and moved him and his and his two pal's out of the company!! Psalm 63:11!!!!! for the mouth's of those who speak lies will be stopped!!! Jesus did it!
We received restoration from a far better new general manager, who was a believer by the way!! LOL And after 2 more weeks i received a promotion in my pay grade! Sometime dear sister Jesus will hide from us,because it is test time for us.(Isaiah 45:15) and ( 1 Peter 4:12-16) Jesus knows what we will do,but we and the enemy do not until we pass the test!
The purpose for the test is to examine ourselves to see if we are indeed in balance in our faith.( 2 Cor 13:5) And the reward for keeping our tongue in line with his word ( Heb 11:6) lies upon the result of Jesus always watching over his own word to ALWAYS!!!!! Confirm it!!!( Jer 1:12) I praised the Lord for his Word, and perfecting,confirming,making us stronger,and establishing us!!!( 1Peter 5:9-11!!!!)