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Please pray my wife will be saved


Jul 21, 2004
I am consumed in the Lord and promised our Savior when my Daughter was born I would give her back to him with all my strength. My relationship with my wife has been strained because of me being saved. As we all have experienced Gods grace and mercy there is nothing like it in this world. There is no turning back ever for me because the truth has truley set me free. I look at life through new eyes and all that i am is centered around serving and pleasing Christ. I know that he is always with me but sometimes i feel alone in wanting to raise a true christian family. A house divided will not stand and Jesus Christ must be the foundation and corner stone of our marriage to make godly family choices. I have had success in being a tool for Christ in planting the seed in others but can not seem to reach my wife who unfortunantley no longer understands me. I pray that she will some day come to truley Know him not just about him and be reborn in the spirit. I SO MUCH MORE THAN ANYTHING WANT THIS FOR HER AND OUR FAMILY. We are about to have another child and it is becoming more important by the day. My patience is in the Lord and i know it is in his hands. It only seems we are drifting appart as I walk this new road and hope that God can bring us together. When some one looks through worldly eyes they see very different things than you or I. Sometimes it can allienate us from each other and become painfull over time. I Love her with all my heart. I told her that if I had the world I would give it to her well; now i do. it is jesus Christ. PLEASE PRAY FOR HER AND OUR MARRIAGE. P.S Forgive the spelling
Welcome to the site! I will pray for her and your family. God bless you and Merry Christmas!
Dear SlaveToChrist:

Congratulations to you and your wife with your expected second child! Praise God for he honors you and your heart! Everything you just mentioned in your thread God already knows!

You may need to take that "energy" of consumption and strength you said you have for Christ and apply this to your family. Are you involved in ministries that take you away from home? Your wife is not saved yet, however, your being there, being visible for her, and your children is a witness and ministry in itself, brother. This is the witness that your wife may see, "hey, is this the Jesus that she is seeing in you?" When you have that short time by yourself in the house, give God that 15 minutes, if you can give more, then great! Have that devotion with Him, read His Word.

SlaveToChrist, God understands you need to tend to your family, He expects you to. God will honor your trust and faith in Him. He will work through your wife gradually. On Sundays sit with your family and just worship! In the meantime, God will send other reinforcements to cover for you at church. Give your wife time. She will see your being Christ like in your home is the husband and father that she will see as a blessing to her and your children. Pray, pray, and pray. We will pray for you as well. Give her time, give her your time, brother.

Your brother in Christ Jesus.
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Hi SlavetoChrist,

I understand what you are going through, as also my husband has not yet been saved. I've prayed to Jesus to plant the seed in his heart. My husband is very confused, he says he believes in God but doesnt believe in religions and "they can't all be right" I've explained to him that Christianity is not a religion it is a way of life and having an intimate realationship with the Lord and religion is man made beliefs. I have gradually introduced him to different materials, like DVDs and books that helped strengthen my faith. I will continue to do that and try my best to answer all his questions and keep praying to our Lord Jesus.

I just have to remember that Jesus is knocking on my husbands door and I will do my best to help him open that door as the handle is on the inside.

Kind regards,
SlaveToChrist said:
I am consumed in the Lord and promised our Savior when my Daughter was born I would give her back to him with all my strength. My relationship with my wife has been strained because of me being saved. As we all have experienced Gods grace and mercy there is nothing like it in this world. There is no turning back ever for me because the truth has truley set me free. I look at life through new eyes and all that i am is centered around serving and pleasing Christ. I know that he is always with me but sometimes i feel alone in wanting to raise a true christian family. A house divided will not stand and Jesus Christ must be the foundation and corner stone of our marriage to make godly family choices. I have had success in being a tool for Christ in planting the seed in others but can not seem to reach my wife who unfortunantley no longer understands me. I pray that she will some day come to truley Know him not just about him and be reborn in the spirit. I SO MUCH MORE THAN ANYTHING WANT THIS FOR HER AND OUR FAMILY. We are about to have another child and it is becoming more important by the day. My patience is in the Lord and i know it is in his hands. It only seems we are drifting appart as I walk this new road and hope that God can bring us together. When some one looks through worldly eyes they see very different things than you or I. Sometimes it can allienate us from each other and become painfull over time. I Love her with all my heart. I told her that if I had the world I would give it to her well; now i do. it is jesus Christ. PLEASE PRAY FOR HER AND OUR MARRIAGE. P.S Forgive the spelling
Lord i pray in the name of Jesus for salvation for tthis mans wife to come to know about your forgiveness of sins and your salvation plan, help this man to walk in you she will see jesus in him, that great love, she will see it is real.........amen
Thank You so much for your prayers and concerns. I praise and thank the lord for such spirit filled members. You are all truley the Body of Christ! I Know in my heart these prayers for salvation and rebirth will not return void. GOD BLESS!!
I often see desperation in prayer requests for family members, and I know that emotion, and relate to it very well...but I must share something God spoke to me in a similar situation .. It is such a simple word, yet it has the power to change the dynamics of our relationships...

"Stop trying to be the Savior of your family, that is My job" - God

Wow, so that means i can relax...stop striving...get on with cheerfully serving them..

You know the old saying has a great deal of truth to it, "preach the good news, and when necessary, use words..."

The good news, the message, speaks much louder in the nitty gritty details of how we act (live) towards our families...than what we harp on ...(preach)

2Co 3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:

(notice the above points the the heart not the mouth)

Talk is easy...but how much "heart" are we putting into the message?

The trouble with us is , we think we have to put ourselves on Audio all day long or they wont "hear" God :embarasse

Open that book...grab a cup towel...join your wife in the kitchen and help her dry the dishes...let her see Jesus bending to help with the chores ...with a smile on your face...cheerfulness in your voice...and the light of love shining from your eyes...in other words BE the good news to your family...now there`s good news even the blind can read

2Co 3:3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

(notice the above speaking of the good news being "ministered" - to minister literally meaning to serve - and again points to that which is flowing from our hearts)

I must add ...it is important that we do not minister to others with the hope of seeing results...(that sort of love is motivated by selfishness and gets impatient and gives up on others really fast)

love for loves sake...because that is how God loves us...

Luk 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
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"Stop trying to be the Savior of your family, that is My job" - God

Wow, so that means i can relax...stop striving...get on with cheerfully serving them..

"....get on with cheerfully serving them." In my church, we say "Love them until they ask 'why?'" Just love them. Don't try to force Jesus down their throats.
