Greeting brother and Peace be with you my friend.
Taking an example from God brother, God takes us as we are, all of us.
Is your brother born-again?
Even if he is born again we are all at different stages, we all have different talents, we all like to do something a certain way, and all saved believers are blessed with different fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.
One persons love may be open and joyous, another persons may be more internal but they both love. One persons patience may be outstanding, another persons may be only for shirt periods, but they both have patience.
Just love him through it my friend, even if only for short periods, love him through it. Let God's love flow from you, let the light of Christ shine from you.
Give it to the Lord in prayer, Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding, we come together in prayer my friend, in agreement, in Jesus precious Name. Amen
Jesus loves you we do too.