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Promises - Filled

Staff Member
Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6)

Try as we might, there is no human satisfaction to be found in earthly things. No created thing can hope to fill us, to complete us. For all created things are finite in their very nature. Yet our longing for satisfaction is infinite and therefore can only be filled by One infinite in nature. The righteous are those who are filled by the Spirit of God—they are, therefore, satisfied.

The sad part of the story is that too many people have NOT acquired a hunger and a thirst for the righteousness of which Jesus was speaking. This is foolishness on the part of people, but this is certainly not an uncommon in the history of mankind, is it?
Staff Member
Exactly right Brother. When I read this devotional, I immediately thought of you and your use of this verse in reference to the thread on the shack.

Yet, as you say in question form. A truly repeated action throughout history. Humanity seeking God's righteousness through there own way, temporal, and not His, spiritual.

As always brother. A joy!

With the Love of Christ Jesus Dear Brother.