My daughter and I both love this book and have said that we plan to read it at least twice a year to renew our inspiration. I loved some of the ideas in it,like making your own praise journal to keep track of how God has worked/answered prayer in your own life and those close to you. It is an excellent idea to have testimonies right at hand to review when you are experiencing a trial for instance. I did not agree with every personal viewpoint of the author,but in any non-fiction work,a person needs to be aware that there will be some of the author's personal beliefs or agenda. I have especially read many bad things about people leaving churches because their church became a "Purpose Driven Church", but I have not read that book yet,so am not sure what changes it endorses,but have read,things such as no personal pastor giving a sermon,but instead watching a video sermon by Rick Warren, no more supporting foreign missions,ect. I did immediately think of the marketing ploy of TPDL saying you should only read 1-chapter a day,thereby ensuring you must purchase the book! Otherwise I say "take the good" forget the rest.