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Jan 4, 2007
Like I wanted to know are most of ya'll sure about what you want to do in life. I'm nineteen and I feel like alot of other people my age knows what they want but I don't.
I feel like there's all these ideas in my head. But when it comes down to choosing one I'm unsure.

Like I'm fine where I am now I just know it's not what I want to keep doing. And when I do decide on what I want to do how do I know whether it's God will or not and not just what I want to do? Does this make sense to anyone?
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God did not design humans to grow and develop at the same pace across the board. Just because so-and-so is doing such-and-such at this time in their life doesn't mean you're supposed to be doing it too. We are individuals, in every sense of the word.

Study Matthew 6:25-34; very important scripture fo you!

This is a word from the Lord for you: "You're a work in progress and you're right on schedule!"

Also, I'm moving this thread to the "Teen" forum, too.

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If I was you I would just keep on praying about it and I believe God will help you find something to do in your life. This is one of those things, where you have to do your part also. I would suggest looking around and seeing what things interest you and then read about them. I will pray that you find a job that you love.

Also a doctor came to my church wednesday and told us how he was called by God to be a doctor. He told us how his family was rich then hit rock bottom. So it was almost impossible for him to get that much money to take the college courses to be a doctor. But he said he kept on praying and trying his hardest and one day when he went to pay his fee, he found out that someone had went and payed every bit of his fee, I think they payed around 70,000 dollars. To this day he still doesnt know who payed it, but that just shows how God will help you when things seem impossible.

Just keep praying and put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and he will help you, not just with finding a job but life itself. God Bless

Matthew 19:26
"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."
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