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Raising Great Kids


Feb 22, 2007
Neil Anderson

Raising great Kids

Philippians 2:2
Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose

Most Christian parents would do the right thing if they were sure what the right thing was. But what does a good parent do? Should you try to control your children? Is loving them the same as controlling them? Is controlling them the same as disciplining them? What kind of parents produce the following? Children who have a good self-image and are happy being who they are. Children who conform to the authority of others and have the capacity to get along with their teachers and other authority figures. Children who follow the religious beliefs of their parents, attend the church of their parents.

The two most powerful influences in parenting are control and support. Parental control is defined as the ability to manage a child's behavior. You can coerce your kids through intimidation, verbally batter them into submission, lay a guilt trip on them, or firmly establish boundaries and provide choices.

Parental support is defined as the ability to make a child feel loved. You need to do more than simply tell your child that you love him in order to help him feel loved. You must be physically and emotionally available in such a way that your child knows that you love him. Your love comes across in the way you communicate with and touch your child throughout the day.

The best children come from parents who can manage their behavior and communicate their unconditional love. The worst children come from homes where they are controlled but not loved. You may not be able to manage your child's behavior, but by the grace of God you can love him.


Dear Lord, I need Your wisdom to help me love my children unconditionally and manage their behavior.
Neil Anderson

The best children come from parents who can manage their behavior and communicate their unconditional love. The worst children come from homes where they are controlled but not loved. You may not be able to manage your child's behavior, but by the grace of God you can love him.


Subdue self-will in a child and work together with God. Teach them to pray as soon as they can speak. Give him nothing he cries for and only what is good for him if he asks for it politely. To prevent lying, punish no fault that is freely confessed but never allow a rebellious, sinful act to go unchecked. Commend and reward good behaviour. Strictly observe all your promises.
Surrender your child also unto God

Thank you very much for this vital post..

The two are indeed strong elements for a parent to raise up children. As for my 2 and a half year old daughter, my husband and i plus the extended family try our best to bring out the best in her. Team work is good.

Another point, its good to combine the two ie Parental control and Support in raising them up in a godly way. The bible says "Teach your children in the way of the Lord and they will never depart from it" Let me share my testimony which is related to this verse. I know it will help a parent whose about to read this.

Well, when i was still pregnant with her, i dedicated my baby to God. I just laid my hands on my stomach and spoke the word, this is how i prayed "Lord you knew her before she was conceived, You also know her future for You're the one who predestines lives....You have a good plan for her life and You know why i have to bring her forth unto this world....... Father by that knowledge of Your word i now dedicate her to You, she's Yours, You are the potter she's the clay let Your will be done upon her life in Jesus name. Whenever she's not in my visinity, Lord keep and guide her from all evil and harm. For i know unless oh lord You watch over her, then i watch in vain.....I pray No gates of hell shall prevail in her life in Jesus Name. May she bring Glory to Your name as long as she lives in this planet earth.....She will be called the Blessed one, Favoured one, People will run to her for wisdom and Godly counselling and above all she'll serve You. Lord i desire she falls in the category of five fold ministry, thank you for you've heard my prayer in Jesus Name. Amen."

Believe it or not, i saw the manifestation of God upon her life while still on womb, whenever i would worship or sing praises she would kick my stomach real hard its like she was jumping and stretching, whenever i felt really low and i was constantly in tears (Was going thru a valley) she would touch my womb very softly and lovingly and i would be comforted, unborn babies knows what their mothers goes through. Now she's two years+ , she knows how to sing and praise God, she actually knows the difference and guess what, she sings in my church in the choir!!! Yes, she does, one of her favourite praise song is "Jesus You are my firm foundation" poeple are so amazed and they say if this child can praise God like that then we ought to praise Him the more. She's a challenge unto many.

Sometimes she climbs our trademill with her small kids bible and pretends it's a pulpit and she says Halleluyah...Praise God? then she murmurs words....Then she knells and prays....its so funny and divine too, :laugh: guess she's gonna be a Teacher. I love Teachers and Apostles. So to me that is the hand of God. Keep raising up Kids in His name and see what God can do.:thumbs_up
Let me just emphasize on what i've written on top, its good to introduce Jesus to children at an early age. As for mine, as soon as she started speaking words like Mama...we had bought her a kids bible full of pictures and illustrations and would read out to her....We also bought energetic Praise and Worship dvd's for kids "Jesus is my super Hero" By Hill songs...this really hepled her and within no time she knew the words...and she can really dance!!

Kids are cleaver and learn very first so whatever you imput now, the results will manifest tomorrow. One day she told my nephew who was unwell, "Dont worry Jesus is gonna heal you!!" and people were amazed. So invest more Word in them as much as you can, when they grow up they'll have no excuse but to follow His way.