Hi imani,
That's great that you are ready for a long term relationship again. Just remember our Lord's timing is not our own timing. I myself have been single for a number of years and am just now ready to be in a long term relationship with the man of God's choosing, but also I know at this time God has me placed where I am supposed to be right now...taking care of my niece and nephew, helping my neighbors with things like dog sitting, taking out the trash for them and im working each day as well. So, right now even though im praying for that right man to come along I know my timing isn't God's and that God knows the exact right time and place that i will meet and be with that special someone. You ask where to begin...an important place to start is knowing that God Himself is the match maker not us. He will bring that one He has created for you. So many think that they need to go out there and find someone or they will have nobody, the fact is atleast for me...a few years ago I entered into a relationship with a man that ended up to be alot of heartache and left me in tears more often than not. God helped me walk away from the relationship and today im better for it...the point im trying to make is don't rush into a relationship let God lead you and provide you with that special someone you were meant to be with and yes it might mean waiting for abit longer than you thought, but in the end you will be more blessed for having waited on our Lord because you will have the man and the relationship that He has in mind and planned for you. Afterall God wants His children to have the best and He knows what is best for each of us.
I will be praying for you my sister and friend in Jesus and knowing that He is in control and will as He has done so far keep on blessing you beyond anything you can imagine.