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Relational Tension Map

Nov 10, 2015
'Cease not to give thanks for you,
making mention of you in my prayers;
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory,
may give unto you the spirit of wisdom
and revelation in the knowledge of Him:'
(Eph 1:16-17)

Hello @Jesus_is_LORD,

I see that this is in the section of the forum concerning - 'Christian Counselling'.

Yet, I feel it is sad that it is the knowledge of oneself that is being sought, instead of the knowledge of God. For it is the knowledge of God, and all that He has accomplished for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that is the answer to every human need, isn't it?

In the prayer of Paul, prayed for the believers at Ephesus, (Ephesians 1:17-23/ 3:14-21) the very first petition (quoted above) takes our thoughts entirely out of ourselves, and onto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ:- Our Father IN HIM. God would have us taken up with Himself, everything within this first prayer is of God. It is 'the knowledge of God', of 'His calling', of 'His inheritance', and of 'His power'. He fills our vision. No room is left for anything lower than Himself, and His Christ.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
'Cease not to give thanks for you,
making mention of you in my prayers;
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory,
may give unto you the spirit of wisdom
and revelation in the knowledge of Him:'
(Eph 1:16-17)

Hello @Jesus_is_LORD,

I see that this is in the section of the forum concerning - 'Christian Counselling'.

Yet, I feel it is sad that it is the knowledge of oneself that is being sought, instead of the knowledge of God. For it is the knowledge of God, and all that He has accomplished for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that is the answer to every human need, isn't it?

In the prayer of Paul, prayed for the believers at Ephesus, (Ephesians 1:17-23/ 3:14-21) the very first petition (quoted above) takes our thoughts entirely out of ourselves, and onto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ:- Our Father IN HIM. God would have us taken up with Himself, everything within this first prayer is of God. It is 'the knowledge of God', of 'His calling', of 'His inheritance', and of 'His power'. He fills our vision. No room is left for anything lower than Himself, and His Christ.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus

Thanks for sharing you bring up a great point. Let me see if my response can bring clarity and perhaps
you can find purpose in my sharing.

As a Christian Counselor, being aware of both areas of counseling and Christianity, I find that both sides often
seem to not understand the other and therefore reject the other irrationally.

I find that secular clinicians tend to not include the spiritual and I find that Christians with limited
knowledge of counseling tend to only focus on the spiritual and neglect other aspects of learning.

I agree that the knowledge of God is paramount, however we should know that God is a God of order
and God has created us. There are many basic principles that govern how the soul operates or in terms
or the mind and our emotions. Understanding and studying this does not amount to a lack of faith
no more than a scientist studying biology, or a physicist studying the laws of the natural world,
or a mathematician studying the laws of math, or an economist studying the laws of business has anything
to do with discarding the knowledge of God.

The logical fallacy that I often find put forth is one which we call in philosophy false dilemma or false dichotomy
(False Dilemma Fallacy )
That is to state that it is an either or proposition. That is to state that one can either have the knowledge of
God or have the knowledge of how our mind works, and not both. Or accepting one means rejecting the other.

I believe that God created us, and God knows how we operate, and I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where
Jesus discouraged learning. What I do find however is where the Bible discourages lifting up knowledge
apart from the knowledge of God, or being prideful in our knowledge.

For example Sir Issac Newton, called the "greatest scientific mind of possible all time" was a Christian,
and wrote more about the Bible then he did about Physics. Newton also wrote Bible commentaries.
It was his awareness of God's design which led him to study it to understand it.

( The Faith Behind the Famous: Isaac Newton)

So if it is understandable for Newton to study physics and come up with laws such as his laws of motion (inertia, etc)
which explain and give theoretical guidelines for explaining how it works, I think likewise it is both
permissible and beneficial for us to study the mind (not apart from the knowledge of God), but with
the knowledge of God which gives our understanding a better context and perspective.

It is not an either or dilemma my dear friend.

Studying physics didn't make Sir Issac Netwon a rejector of the knowledge or God no more
then my studying of psychology shows a lack of faith in God.

C.S Lewis said "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen not only because I see it but because by it I see everything else.”"

It is our knowledge of God which allows us to see everything else. I am aware that there are many secular
counselors out there. I am not one. I believe that we should not be fearful of studying the mind because we don't understand it.
I have found that studying the mind with my knowledge of God as the foundation has helped me to better understand
and help people in counseling the 17 years I've been in the field.

Surely our God who is Omniscient - Omni(all) Science (knowledge) (All - Science) .

Surely our God who has all knowledge does not discourage His children from studying.

However we should remember the Bible is not a textbook. The Purpose of the Bible is to introduce people
to Jesus Christ, and also give them guidelines for living and the truth of God.

Christians get into needless debates when they try to make the Bible what it never was meant to be.

When I want to learn how to conjugate verbs I don't go to the Bible I go to an English text book.
When I want to do my taxes I don't go to the Bible, I go to a tax accountant.

Yes, the Bible may not be an English textbook but it will tell you to speak in love.
Yes, the Bible may not be a tax book, but it will teach you to not lie on your taxes.

We can benefit when we stop trying to separate the sacred from the secular in the sense that
we understand that God has created all things and knowledge is knowledge. All knowledge comes
from God. And all knowledge does not need to be filtered through the Bible because that is not
the purpose of the BIble, but all knowledge does and come from God and is submitted to God's
Lordship. If that makes sense.

I respect the place you are coming from greatly, but I just think your statement you are putting forth a false dilemma.
It is not either or. And understanding the mind is not evidence of a lack of faith or a rejection of the knowledge of God.

With Love WNL :love:
Lets look at it another way my sister in Christ @complete whom I respect.

So lets look at it this way.
(1) Did God create the mind (YES or NO)?

(2) (YES) If God created the mind, then does the mind and emotions have some order and patterns (YES or NO)?

(3) (YES) If the mind has order and patterns, is it permitted to study this knowledge or is this knowledge forbidden knowledge that it is a sin to study?

(4) If it is not a sin to study this knowledge, then are we to only study this knowledge of the mind from the Bible?

logy means study of
Bio-logy (study of living things)

Physio- logy (study of the body parts )

Psycho-logy ( study of the mind)

If it is ok to study those other fields of our world, why do Christians get scared when it comes to study the mind?

They get scared because they themselves have not studied it, don't understand it, and fear that someone will come
up with a position that stands apart from God's WORD and attack what God has revealed in God's truth, while standing
on the secular wisdom and studies of man.

However, if one knows God's WORD, is familiar with Biblical truth, then when such an individual approaches studying
ANY field, ANY field, they do with with the Knowledge of God which gives insights into what they are learning.

Take @PloughBoy for example, he is definitely a well educated man, and I believe he knows much about
counseling and psychology, but he also knows much about God. And he can study psychology and discard some of
the crazy theories by Freud that deals all about sex and accept maybe Erikson's stages of development which
explain child development.


So when we look again at what I posted we see that it is listing various tensions present.
I agree that speaks nothing about God below, but it is talking about how we relate to others.

When Jesus talked of the two greatest commandments, He spoke of

(1) Love for God
(2) Love for our fellow man (meaning how we related to others).

This below is relating to number (2), how we relate to others based on some well researched


Let us not perpetutae the stereotype to put forth the image that being a Christian means that you
can't read a textbook or the Bible has to be your textbook for everything. I think such a position is misguided.
Many of the greatest minds where Christians ( Mozart studying music, Netwon studying science, Gregor Mendal studying plants )
34 Great Scientists Who Were Committed Christians .

Being a Christian I believe has nothing to do with discarding the knowledge of the world. It has to do with discarding the love of the world
Being a Christian I believe has nothing to do with not studying who we are, it has to do with not putting our faith or finding our identity in self but in Christ.
Being a Christian is not about rejecting knowledge, but embracing Christ's forgiven and Lordship,

These things are not either/or dichotomy, once again that belief is a false dilemma.

Being a Christian doesn't mean running away from studying anything that God created. It simple means having our minds
and hearts given to God so that all that we do is for God's glory, governed by God's principles, and submitted to His Lordship
and for His purpose and Glory.

I believe we can study the mind to the glory of God for the glory of God and help people. I'm not talking
about medications to cure depression, I'm talking about basic talk Christian counseling, informed by an understanding
of some solid mental health theories.
As a counselor who is a Christian and as a counselor who provides Christian counseling services, I many times
pray with my clients who are comfortable and also share Bible verses with those who want to hear it.

I also have asked about Jesus to nonbeliever clients as well.

I normally don't post much in the counseling forum because as a professional I do this for a living and sometimes
when I come home I don't feel like doing more counseling. Which is why I don't post here often, I often just
comment on the other Bible forums, or news, or music, or Christian evidences, etc.

I know as I professional who does marriage counseling, individual counseling,
couples counseling, family therapy, co-parenting counseling, children counseling,
and social skills group therapy, I have much experience to share having done this for 17 years

in the capacity of:
school based therapist,
school based mental health coordinator the county,
intensive outpatient coordinator of youth,
department of social services foster case supervisor of intensive case management,
clinical supervisor under the deputy director of social services
and now in private practice.

I could post on here much more, but like I said, after work sometimes I just don't feel like talking much
about counseling plus I know if I posted I would have a lot to say, a lot, because I have my
bachelors, masters, and finished doctoral courses with a 4.0 (straight As).

So I know much about what man has discovered about the mind, and I put that with the truth of God
and Jesus is the foundation and the Holy Spirit leads.

Stay blessed as always
I know it is hard and can cause you Spiritual Battles too. But I warn many about his years ago, God Will not tolerate "Idol" alternatives for solutions of any type. The Solution for Christians and other in marital condictions no matter how new or old fashion it is. Like I have said, a old quote:

"GOD can do more with your 2 pennys than what you can do with Millions in your Pocket" and not limiting it in materials matters."
"ask for the Ancient paths where is the Good way and walk in it and you shall have rest for Your souls' your Joy has to be in your 4 walls and the only way each person must be in Love is with GOD and not each other but in love with God "The 1ST. Commandment" never mind about 2nd and give it no thought, nor let it enter your mind. "THE GREATEST Command is Good enough! And Keep your money in your pocket instead of A church ofering plate! A church offering plate cannot make you home happy but it will cause it great turmoil! This day and Age GOD do Not NEED your Money and the poor people do not either we Live in Develop WORLDS,

SO FAR The USA as Documented has given "UKRAINE" $60 Billion already and by March or May another $37 billion, i and not talking about these other Countries. I am not A FOOL " I am A CHILD OF THE LIVING GOD" an I am not a " Christian"and neither do I think like one! I got the mind of CHRIST" I know what this world is doing and who is The Ptince of This WORLD. I am not that deceived. But i see a whole lot ! and Lord get me out of here and let these people have their countries their Ukraine their Usa their EU their Cannada, their France, Their Germany their Australia, Their Russia, Their China and Korean and all of their politicians, get me out of here and away from there friends too! because when i get to heaven they still will be wanting to talk about ukraine and tithes, i do not want to hear it! if they talk it here they are going to bringing the same converstaion to heaven!

"Obedience is better than Sacrifice" God Commands is stronger Than The Love Produce by Humans" God's commands keeps Couple together Than The Love that The world calls Love' The Fear of GOD keeps Marriages and Families together.

For what is LOVE define By GOD and not a dictionary. Love define by GOD is KEEPING HIS COMMANDS" The love between Wife and HUSBAND is KEEPIN GOD's COMMANDS and His cmmands are "burdensome" and The world with teach you different. The Suroundings of the World will also tell you different! The world will dictate what love is and how one must conduct themselves to fuel the love between a man and women. The world is all wrong :pensive:

Dinners and vacations trips, washing dishes and men mopping floors and running bath water for wives, and painting their toes and neighbors and fancy cars and friends and pretty clothes and my house and job is better than yours, are enemies that attacks a husband and wife.

Godliness with contentment with what you have is a Blessing of GOD" for GOD alone, Keeping his Commandments alone Holds The MArriage relationship safe, dis obey he will not protect the walls have fallen down. Christian Marriage cannot survive. without each one keeping his Commandments and refraining from ungodly appearances! A woman should not be around another man by herself if that man is not her husband, "even "Chit-Chat" destroys with another who if not your spouse. It is evil in the eyes of GOD and it will tear your home about mere "Chit-Chat".

Excused my grammar, i have no editor. getting tired.

Notice this video next post, you can take a better Temperture than me of the times.
Last edited:

Many couples are divorcing you are definitely correct. I do a lot of marriage counseling and this is very true.

One thing I find is that many people get into relationships and they are not compatible, they follow attraction

rather than compatibility.

I find in my experience doing therapy that people think "I love you" and "you love me" so we should make

a good couple because we both love each other. But that is so not the case in my experience.

I find that compatibility is more important than attraction, although both are important.

But this(my) secular experience doesn't contradict the Bible, the Bible speaks of compatibility from

a different perspective. It calls it being equally yoked.

Another secular theory here on love but it has much practical implications, I urge people not to run away

in fear because they don't understand. God has not given us the spirit of fear but love, power, and a sound mind.

I use this assessment with couples which is part of a 10 page marriage assessment that I give couples which also

includes assessments from the Christian Marriage expert Gary Chapman who coined the 5 love languages.

This one below is based on Sternbergs Theory of Love. He identifies 3 components of Love (Intimacy (emotional connection),

Commitment ( tendency to perserve through hardship), and Passion (attraction, desire))

and list 7 types of love based on what is lacking. For example the Bible talks about lust. If you look at the bottom left

in the table below it list infatuation, which is when you only have passion without the other elements.

This is not meant to substitute or replace anything in God's WORD, it doesn't compete with God's WORD when

used as a tool in the hands of a Christian. It is use a tool we can use when appropriate our toolbox of resources or

to be discarded if it doesn't apply to us. Give people the tools and let the Holy Spirit guide, we need not fear,

but let us proceed in wisdom.

Stay blessed.

Ok, I got you. Now I am going throw in another Equation. And let us look at this, just you and me. at a view that there will be no cure. Now you and me, and we will not tell the world, but do are best to help cure them anyway, But me and you, knows there will not be A cure. "this is the view we will take at this time only" So now Let us step into The "Green Screen".

In the mix, Number 1 we already know that what the world calls Love is Not LOVE at all, It is only a deceptive "Dart " fired By a Demon called "CUPID" to Hit and Magnify The desires of The Evil heart. and Each "ARROW" was Design by a "Demon" who Crafts it is to Design Special Custom made "DARTS" that IS "Tailored" by a Order as liken to a "LOVE PORTION #9" because already The demons know you, by watching you and he knows what you like. For This demon is not only a Scout, but a part of particular host of demons who have been assigned to you since you came out your Mothers womb, But since you are a "child of GOD" before The foundations of The WORLDS. God also Had "DESIGN a Host also to Guard you too, until the Time of Your "Coronation Day" when you will receive Your "Full Inheritance" with all the Power of One of, The Sons of The LIVING GOD"

Number 2
Now the Mission of These are to "only to steal and kill and destroy". Now let us have a "Frank Peretti" moment. and keep it in mind. {His 1st 2 Books}
Now let us go on. The Angels of God are doing their Job. And so is The demons, that also have The Allies, The world and the desirers of Your Flesh, that has a hold on you. But with help for "Cupids" dart, and a coaching to bring two "Creatures" who have the same kind of Ungodly Desires. and The targets get with in range, the Arrows are fired. and The aromas has Hit The Air, Liken, to Two Grizzly Bears Twenty Miles apart With The Noses in The Air and he catch the Scent of the One who is In "HEAT". and Also she Catches his Scent letting her know he too is ready, and letting all other males that he is in sight and beware. Now the Job of The Angels of GOD is keep clear of all Kinds of Engagements, Keep you safe and even protecting from own "wicked ways" but it is A fight especially If "Cupids" Arrow Dart" hits its mark. The child will risk his or her life to fulfill its evil Desires, Mind you they are not really trying to "Populate" the goal is not "Replenish" But Scratch The Itch. Some times The Angels of GOD succeeds , then after Many attempts to divert finally by the persistence. They carry out the act. Meaning the mates.

Number 3
Fornication is Never Love:pensive: If one says they were in Love and committed Fornication, They Lie and are Deceived for One to call "Fornicating" Love. How can anyone Think That Committing Fornicating is "HONORING GOD" the devil but not The "HOLY One", when one commits Fornication they have made themselves An Enemy of GOD, now how can that be LOVE? GOD is Not in it! It is A Abomination to even Think that union Is "HOLY".

Now you think by marrying after falling in the bed of Abomination you married out of Love? No you did not, You married out of "LUST" Now maybe now you might Learn to Love one another, after you have married and start learning How to Love GOD and When You have finally, have came to the conclusion and Now you have started Loving GOD 1st. with all your "MIND" "SOUL" And "STRENGTH", this is the final compiler. in others Word in having entered a "Covenant Relationship" of "FEAR" in not breaking a Covenant, Remember "The PARAKLETOS" has Entered the Picture, and he will Remind you Just who you are, and He will Raise The fear of GOD that is in you, The LORD"S Commandments can and will keep you "HOLY" through Fear of A "HOLY GOD" A Disciplinarian FATHER!

Number 4
The world does not have these "Parameters" and So the world are on their own.:pensive: and if we do not follow His rules and regulations so is our fate as well. And at least we understands. But please Lord Take Not Thy "Holy Spirit" from me!:pensive: Please restore "The JOY of My SALVATION"!

I feel for you, My Brother and the counseling you give and the things you hear:pensive:, what a great responsibility, I know I cannot stand that pain.

I am PloughBoy, Staying in my lane,

And I say, stand still and let the Hand of God do its work when you have fell in errors, iniquities and sins,

So did they in THE BOOK OF EZRA:pensive:

Confession of Improper Marriages​

1Now while Ezra was praying, and while he was confessing, weeping, and bowing down before the house of God, a very large assembly of men, women, and children gathered to him from Israel; for the people wept very bitterly. 2And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel, one of the sons of Elam, spoke up and said to Ezra, “We have trespassed[a] against our God, and have taken pagan wives from the peoples of the land; yet now there is hope in Israel in spite of this. 3Now therefore, let us make a covenant with our God to put away all these wives and those who have been born to them, according to the advice of my master and of those who tremble at the commandment of our God; and let it be done according to the law. 4Arise, for this matter is your responsibility. We also are with you. Be of good courage, and do it.”:pensive:

It always Pains me when I read "EZRA" it hurts me in my Soul, every time I read this Book, and it alway comes to mind. I know it is "The PARAKLETOS" Reminding me, How serious to not date or married non Christians and "Nominal Christians" what it does to the WHOLE FAMILY! It Only Tears Homes apart. I must warn them do not fall into this trap, It is painful especially if you love them. In the end you know not what to do.

And I still say stand still in times like these:

"Stand still and let the Hand of God do its work when you have fell in errors, iniquities and sins, ":pensive: I feel your pain, LORD knows I do.
I feel for you, My Brother and the counseling you give and the things you hear:pensive:, what a great responsibility, I know I cannot stand that pain.

I am PloughBoy, Staying in my lane,

You are correct it is a great responsibility.

I'm however fortunate to at this time be in private practice. Meaning I don't work for another company or bigger agency per say.
It is a group practice, so what I like about that is there is no one supervising my work or telling me I can't talk about Spirituality.

I openly advertise to the group practice that if any of them have clients looking for Christian counseling they can send them my way.

So obviously I work with clients who are Christian, and I also work with clients who are nonbelievers.
I do ask them about their spirituality and religion, all of them during the assessments (all the adults) to see what
foundation they are standing on.

The ones that are not Christian or are atheist, I sometimes will use Christian principles but not tell them about the scripture
because if I did, they would just reject it. For example the Bible has good principles on forgiveness and how it heals the
soul, etc, etc. I use that same concept of forgiveness to help people heal, however on the clients who have told me that
they don't believe in God, I may not tell them that they need to forgive because "the Bible says so" or because "Jesus said so",
but I will still use that principle.

All that you said in your post that I read is true. You spoke the truth @PloughBoy . God bless.
Replies #3,#4. #5
Hello @Jesus_is_LORD,

Thank you for responding to my post. I have not been on to the forum very much over the last week, and so have only now seen what you have written. I thank you for them. I certainly did not mean to discredit the valuable work that your profession seeks to do for people (reply #2).

Within the love of Christ our Saviour,
our Lord and Head.
Replies #3,#4. #5
Hello @Jesus_is_LORD,

Thank you for responding to my post. I have not been on to the forum very much over the last week, and so have only now seen what you have written. I thank you for them. I certainly did not mean to discredit the valuable work that your profession seeks to do for people (reply #2).

Within the love of Christ our Saviour,
our Lord and Head.
And I apologize if I seemed to go off on a rant, and I can understand why some may want to only deal with things that come from the Bible on a Christian forum where
people are seeking specifically God's WORD. Perhaps my share may have been more relevant on a professional forum rather than on a Christian forum.
I can understand and respect that as well.
You are correct it is a great responsibility.

I'm however fortunate to at this time be in private practice. Meaning I don't work for another company or bigger agency per say.
It is a group practice, so what I like about that is there is no one supervising my work or telling me I can't talk about Spirituality.

I openly advertise to the group practice that if any of them have clients looking for Christian counseling they can send them my way.

So obviously I work with clients who are Christian, and I also work with clients who are nonbelievers.
I do ask them about their spirituality and religion, all of them during the assessments (all the adults) to see what
foundation they are standing on.

The ones that are not Christian or are atheist, I sometimes will use Christian principles but not tell them about the scripture
because if I did, they would just reject it. For example the Bible has good principles on forgiveness and how it heals the
soul, etc, etc. I use that same concept of forgiveness to help people heal, however on the clients who have told me that
they don't believe in God, I may not tell them that they need to forgive because "the Bible says so" or because "Jesus said so",
but I will still use that principle.

All that you said in your post that I read is true. You spoke the truth @PloughBoy . God bless.
"WISE as A Serpent but harmless as a DOVE" :pensive:

Complete said in reply#2:-

'Cease not to give thanks for you,
making mention of you in my prayers;
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory,
may give unto you the spirit of wisdom
and revelation in the knowledge of Him:'
(Eph 1:16-17)

Hello @Jesus_is_LORD,

I see that this is in the section of the forum concerning - 'Christian Counselling'.

Yet, I feel it is sad that it is the knowledge of oneself that is being sought, instead of the knowledge of God. For it is the knowledge of God, and all that He has accomplished for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that is the answer to every human need, isn't it?

In the prayer of Paul, prayed for the believers at Ephesus, (Ephesians 1:17-23/ 3:14-21) the very first petition (quoted above) takes our thoughts entirely out of ourselves, and onto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ:- Our Father IN HIM. God would have us taken up with Himself, everything within this first prayer is of God. It is 'the knowledge of God', of 'His calling', of 'His inheritance', and of 'His power'. He fills our vision. No room is left for anything lower than Himself, and His Christ.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus

Hello both,

We consist of both flesh and spirit, and there are times when we need to consult a doctor for a physical or mental ailment, and times when we need spiritual guidance and advice from someone who has experience of walking with the Lord and can advise us accordingly.

I entered my response (above) following a period of time, when the Lord had been showing me, through His dealings with another, following a bereavement, a year ago, how He provides the necessary strength, and help required on a daily basis. It is there for us, and all we have to do is physically draw on it, by simply trusting Him to keep His word, and praising Him and thanking Him in anticipation of a strength that will be provided, although not necessarily felt at the time of doing so. It is a walk of faith, and it is this faith that needs to be strengthened experientially, that our confidence in Him may grow.

It is so much easier to see the Lord's hand at work in someone else, isn't it? Yet we can be sure that that same work is proceeding in and for ourselves, for our strengthening and His glory. The trouble with most of us is impatience, we want the problem to go away 'NOW', but sometimes it just has to be lived through, for we need to learn to TRUST HIM experiencially.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus

Hello both,

We consist of both flesh and spirit, and there are times when we need to consult a doctor for a physical or mental ailment, and times when we need spiritual guidance and advice from someone who has experience of walking with the Lord and can advise us accordingly.

I entered my response (above) following a period of time, when the Lord had been showing me, through His dealings with another, following a bereavement, a year ago, how He provides the necessary strength, and help required on a daily basis. It is there for us, and all we have to do is physically draw on it, by simply trusting Him to keep His word, and praising Him and thanking Him in anticipation of a strength that will be provided, although not necessarily felt at the time of doing so. It is a walk of faith, and it is this faith that needs to be strengthened experientially, that our confidence in Him may grow.

It is so much easier to see the Lord's hand at work in someone else, isn't it? Yet we can be sure that that same work is proceeding in and for ourselves, for our strengthening and His glory. The trouble with most of us is impatience, we want the problem to go away 'NOW', but sometimes it just has to be lived through, for we need to learn to TRUST HIM experiencially.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Once A person has been "born from above" he is made up like this: The FLESH which is The BODY, And A SOUL which is the PERSON, And The PARAKLETOS" which lives in the SOUL of The person. 1 2 3 =1 child of God. and he gets a New Body at Rapture time.

Be fore conversion a person is made up like this The FLESH which is The Body and The SOUL which is The person" 1 2= 1 human.

I think you can figure the rest out. The old body of both returns to the Dirt! from where it came.

ps.thought only
To be in GOD without a Special body even The Spirit of GOD which is The PARAKLETOS is like being in a Consuming Fire without Protection! :eyes: if all are in GOD you need protecting garment For GOD is A CONSUMING FIRE! You need to be Fire Proof!:eyes:

Thought only! The SOUL goes back to who gave it life! :eyes: Adam was laying on the ground when God blew the Breath Of Life in Him and Adams body was made out of dirt! :eyes: He was not in GOD Adam was In Christ Christ Created Adam and Eve, something like that, thoughts.

My advice do not miss the boat!
Here is something another man think he is doing something committing adultery with your wife and they think they are doing something, and everybody telling them, it is ok, GOD forgives, don't worry! :eyes: GOOD Luck! :eyes: GOD THE FATHER believe me, He does Not play! He does not live by laws he hands out commands! and he do not needs us. He throw in that fire just as quick and give it not another thought! He does not have a conscious. He can make another one just like you. By Speech! and forget you ever exist! And do not let that husband start crying! and he do not have to forgiven you! Throw you out, the baby and the bath water Too!:eyes: People calls Him GOD but they Have no Idea what that Mean!!

That he does what ever he wants to do, he cannot sin he is HOLY everything else is less than dirt!

YOU can listen to all these "Speculators" and in up Burning on fire forever! to late for "forgive me father I have sin" when you cross that finish line!

PloughBoy I'm going for the front seat on the BOAT, with a windows view! and will wave good bye with my eyes! and say not a mumbling word until we dock in Heaven and I sat down at The TABLE with my Wedding suit one. Then I am Going to Shout! So hard The Walls of Jericho going to fall down!:eyes:

And say that was close.:eyes:

New King James Version
Now “If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?”

I am not be playing with Fire, let alone hugging it! I am to old now!

Go ahead, let these Dime store Cowboys interpret this for you, All you want!

Warnings Against Adultery
…27Can a man embrace fire and his clothes not be burned? 28Can a man walk on hot coals without scorching his feet? 29So is he who sleeps with another man’s wife; No One Who Touches Her Will Go Unpunished.…:eyes:

You can listen to "PASTOR L-ROY all you want And CO_PASTOR "SUELY MAE"
You better follow me!

So if your wife want to hug hands will another or woman, let them go! and sit at the Table And You Eat Some Ice Cream



These people have lost their mind. They are claiming "fornicating is better by being "Sober" in other words in "their right minds" than being drunk.
Yes they are saying , By being Sober is more rewarding fornicating than committing it "intoxicated".

"Men Love Darkness Rather Than Light" The day will come. "they will not know the difference Between right and Wrong"
Have the Day Finally Arrived ? Has the bitter became The Sweet ?

and The Book said:
New American Standard Bible
And then they came to Jesus and saw the man who had been demon-possessed sitting down, CLOTHED AND IN HIS RIGHT MIND, the very man who had previously had the “legion”; And They Became Frightened. :eyes:[because he was in his right mind]:sob:

Talking about, The Gumbo Mix of reactions. [we are living the Abundant Life alright}

I am PloughBoy,