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- Dec 4, 2016
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What does that phrase really mean?
Except a man be born again, he CANNOT see the kingdom of God.
How am I born again? a spiritual birth, according to Gods election of you. Election according to grace, for you have no say in when that happens
to/for you. Just like you had no say as to in what decade you were born into the world. It's all done according to the Fathers will.
Why can I not see/understand the kingdom except I be born of the spirit? Because the things of the kingdom are spiritually discerned and
the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit.
If you are not born again then the kingdom principles do not actually apply to you. When Jesus speaks as to the kingdom can be likened unto.....
If you are not born again how can you understand what He is saying for His words are SPIRIT(ual), and they are life. As a natural man you
cannot receive the things of the Spirit. So then how could these things be spoken to/for you?
Those instructions are only to those to whom they pertain, the elect for now, they are meant to help one into becoming a better son of God
than they were yesterday, day by day growing/maturing into the best son they can become.
Well Jesus says that if they do this or don't do that they are cast into outer darkness. True, where is the darkness? In the world, for darkness
covers the earth and gross darkness the people. So spiritually discerned, that is right back to being a vessel to dishonor and temporary destruction.
How so? Paul speaks of turning a couple disciples over to Satan so that they MAY LEARN to not blaspheme. 1Ti 1:20 does that mean they are not
saved? No as the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance, and they have already received the gift of salvation they are simply turned back
in order to experience the consequences of their non kingdom practices. In time, when the Father decides they have suffered enough He will give them space to repent and they will continue to mature into the sons they were predestined to be. How is that conclusion determined?
Because it is Gods will that all men should be saved and come unto the knowledge of the Son of God. 1 Ti 2:4
Salvation, a gift, given at this present time to the elect, whom are then empowered to become sons. Is coming unto an understanding of who Jesus
is important? Absolutely. But the verse does not actually stop there as it states that all men should come unto the KNOWLEDGE of the Son of God.
What? Indeed the listening to the King will allow one to practice what He has taught you and increase your UNDERSTANDING/KNOWLEDGE
that will in time PERFECT your faith, and you too will then be just like Him. You'll never be Him and He will never be you, but you will be so alike
that it will be hard to distinguish the two, for both are one in Spirit and it is a spiritual kingdom.
Why are some not elect in this period of time? The Mystery of Iniquity. Basically, God decides to choose some to receive mercy and most to remain
as vessels to dishonor for now. Why? Because this is Gods way of perfecting His chosen sons. In a world filled with the fruit of the tree of good and evil they are processed into haters of evil and even sacrificing what they call good in favor of Gods perfect will.
Remember both good and evil grew on the same tree of death. IN the carnal mind of man what may be seen as good is sometimes not,
and while what may appear as evil is actually meant for good. Ex Joseph being sold into slavery. Joseph told his brothers that what they meant for evil,
was actually what God meant for good.
Ex 2 Sin against you is a necessary requirement to learn forgiveness. If there were no sinners in the world bringing sin against you, then you
would not mature into becoming like your Father which is in heaven. Do we oppose sin? In and of ourselves, yes, but overcoming sin against us
by forgiving is our task.
So then is sin a bad thing or a good thing? Rom 8:28 " And we know that ALL things work together for GOOD to them that love God, to them
Would a non elect be able to comprehend that even sin is a good thing in that it is an opportunity for the elect to forgive it in the process of becoming a son of God?
So what happens to the non-elect? It is Gods desire that all men should be saved and come unto the knowledge of the Son of God, right?
And salvation brings the opportunity to become a son of God with all the knowledge that comes with it, and salvation being a gift,
and without receiving that gift no man cane even begin the process, so they will come into that when it is their turn according to His
schedule. All of Gods works including that schedule of who and when the call goes out were determined before the world was formed.
He also promised life before the world was formed Tit 1:2 , where were you at that time? Psa 90:1-2 right there with Him as part of Him
and that promise was to you in your specific order. 1 Co 15:23
The resurrection unto life occurs in stages, each stage is called a dispensation of time, and appears as a great week of God
7 days=7,000 yrs. We are in the first now. And approaching the end of the first 6,000 yrs when a Sabbath rest of 1,000 yrs will
cover the earth (the kingdom reign, the FIRST DOMINION) and new son development will stop, as the maturing elements in the world
will be locked up (Satan and the horde).
Jas 1:18 Of His (Gods) own will BEGAT HE US, through the word of truth, that we should be a kind of FIRST FRUITS OF HIS CREATURES.
The creatures are matured spiritual sons, whom He predestined before the world was formed Rom 8:29 Jesus was the first to complete the process
as 1Co 15:23 shows the order and calls Christ the FIRST of the harvest. Those elected to become sons now are the first fruits unto God and the Lamb.
So how are the fruits depicted in scripture? I like Rom 11 for it shows us that the branches (us) are grafted into the Root (Christ), that is
something we cannot do for ourselves it is done by grace. The branches are Holy because they are IN the root and the fruits of the branches
are then Holy too for it is all part of the same vine.
Consider that the grapes in the cluster are ripened at different times, there is the very first one to ripen(Christ), you pluck it off and taste of the fruit,
it's a sweet tasting thing, but just one, do you not want another and can hardly wait for more(first fruitS) to be RIPENED so that you can enjoy it again.
Now do you desire that ALL of the grapes in the cluster be ripened so that your harvest is the fullest it can be? Of course. And so does your Father.
Rom 3:22 "even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ(given faith to the ELECT),
TO ALL and UPON ALL who believe, FOR THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." What? There is no difference between the believer and the unbeliever
simply because the believer has been graced with faith to begin the process of becoming what they were predestined to become, the unbeliever
has not. It is an election according to His schedule, not ours. The faith that God gives is what begins the ripening process for analogies sake.
The fruit cannot ripen of its own accord, it needs special attention with fertilization, water, sunlight etc... to make the best fruits the vine can
bring forth. Is any of that done without God providing all of it? NO And in the same way you will be fertilized, watered, and the light of
God will shine on you until you have become a fruit worthy of the title of a son of God. The original predestined plan.
There is an order to this resurrection(ripening), Christ the FIRST of the harvest, then those that are Christs at His coming(first fruits), then cometh
the end when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to the Father.
Is the harvest complete after the first fruits? No for there are more unripened fruit on the vine than there are first fruits.
Paul puts it plainly that when the DISPENSATION OF THE FULLNESS OF THE TIMES have come He might gather all things in Christ.
NLT says it this way: And this is the plan; At the right time He will bring everything together under the authority of Christ(the body with Jesus
as the head of)-everything in heaven and on earth. (I speak only of man meaning humans) Man= male and female=human race.
Jesus made the statement in Jo 10:10 ..........." I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Life eternal was promised to all who were with God before the world was formed, ALL of us, this is the beginning of the fulfilling of
the promise. "I am come that they(the children, his brethren) might have life" Did He succeed at His cross? Most definitely!
"and that they(His brethren) might have it more abundantly" Who are His brethren? Considering He said this before anyone was ever born again
it is all of us for we all came from the same place, GOD.
What is the more abundantly? Independent life as a son of God with all power and authority in heaven and earth etc.....just like Jesus. Life within
Rightly dividing the word is an ability that only a spiritually discerning elect can even attempt. The carnal non elect today will only see
everything written as literal, thus death and destruction, when indeed the words of the book are spirit(ual) and they are life.
Is this post an admonishement? No, it is simply an explanation of the plan of salvation to those who are not elect in this time.
1 Jo 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is NOT made perfect in love.
Rightly dividing the word will bring you into the love of God (perfect love, perfect understanding) and all your fears will be cast out, and you
too will be made perfect in love.
Do you fear for your loved ones that they will roast in eternity if they do not accept Jesus? Then your love is not perfect.
Understanding the plan of salvation for all, will bring you into a perfect understanding of Gods love for all of us even before the
world was formed.
Jo 3:16-17 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.
Who can believe? Only the elect of God, from the heart. Many have head faith and we see them every week at the organized churches.
The elect are told to "come out of her my people" why is she there in the first place? As an overcoming obstacle by design. For without
overcoming her there is no reward garnered for doing so.
There is an interesting point in 16 "His only begotten Son" Jesus was begotten as a man, in the flesh, by God then at Jordan He was
spiritually begotten of the Father, thus a second birth. Was that a necessary thing? Yes for He said that a MAN cannot see the kingdom
except he be born again of the Spirit. Did the heavens open to Him at that moment? Yes. He had no carnal veil. We see through a glass
darkly for that is the carnal veil. He partook of everything we are to partake of to show the pattern/process.
This begotten(twice) Son was a Son that had the full measure of the Spirit of God residing in Him, and He laid that down to do the will of
His Father which was to take the sin of the world upon Him and pay the price for it. Crucifixion
He laid down a life that no man could ever lay down again, for no man dwelt in the fullness of the Spirit of God. His sacrifice was so
much beyond the mere death of a man that we cannot truly appreciate what He did for us, as well as Himself.
In the moment that the sin of the world was placed on Him he became subject to the death penalty imposed by God upon all men
for He became sin for us, all of us. He knew that when He did it, and still laid it down for you.
When will you rightly divide the word of God? Once you truly have been elected to begin your sonship quest.
The Holy Spirit is your guide to bring you into all truth and if you will follow His guidance He will bring you into freedom, and
thus perfected love. For you will understand Gods plan for man from before the world was formed.
Except a man be born again, he CANNOT see the kingdom of God.
How am I born again? a spiritual birth, according to Gods election of you. Election according to grace, for you have no say in when that happens
to/for you. Just like you had no say as to in what decade you were born into the world. It's all done according to the Fathers will.
Why can I not see/understand the kingdom except I be born of the spirit? Because the things of the kingdom are spiritually discerned and
the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit.
If you are not born again then the kingdom principles do not actually apply to you. When Jesus speaks as to the kingdom can be likened unto.....
If you are not born again how can you understand what He is saying for His words are SPIRIT(ual), and they are life. As a natural man you
cannot receive the things of the Spirit. So then how could these things be spoken to/for you?
Those instructions are only to those to whom they pertain, the elect for now, they are meant to help one into becoming a better son of God
than they were yesterday, day by day growing/maturing into the best son they can become.
Well Jesus says that if they do this or don't do that they are cast into outer darkness. True, where is the darkness? In the world, for darkness
covers the earth and gross darkness the people. So spiritually discerned, that is right back to being a vessel to dishonor and temporary destruction.
How so? Paul speaks of turning a couple disciples over to Satan so that they MAY LEARN to not blaspheme. 1Ti 1:20 does that mean they are not
saved? No as the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance, and they have already received the gift of salvation they are simply turned back
in order to experience the consequences of their non kingdom practices. In time, when the Father decides they have suffered enough He will give them space to repent and they will continue to mature into the sons they were predestined to be. How is that conclusion determined?
Because it is Gods will that all men should be saved and come unto the knowledge of the Son of God. 1 Ti 2:4
Salvation, a gift, given at this present time to the elect, whom are then empowered to become sons. Is coming unto an understanding of who Jesus
is important? Absolutely. But the verse does not actually stop there as it states that all men should come unto the KNOWLEDGE of the Son of God.
What? Indeed the listening to the King will allow one to practice what He has taught you and increase your UNDERSTANDING/KNOWLEDGE
that will in time PERFECT your faith, and you too will then be just like Him. You'll never be Him and He will never be you, but you will be so alike
that it will be hard to distinguish the two, for both are one in Spirit and it is a spiritual kingdom.
Why are some not elect in this period of time? The Mystery of Iniquity. Basically, God decides to choose some to receive mercy and most to remain
as vessels to dishonor for now. Why? Because this is Gods way of perfecting His chosen sons. In a world filled with the fruit of the tree of good and evil they are processed into haters of evil and even sacrificing what they call good in favor of Gods perfect will.
Remember both good and evil grew on the same tree of death. IN the carnal mind of man what may be seen as good is sometimes not,
and while what may appear as evil is actually meant for good. Ex Joseph being sold into slavery. Joseph told his brothers that what they meant for evil,
was actually what God meant for good.
Ex 2 Sin against you is a necessary requirement to learn forgiveness. If there were no sinners in the world bringing sin against you, then you
would not mature into becoming like your Father which is in heaven. Do we oppose sin? In and of ourselves, yes, but overcoming sin against us
by forgiving is our task.
So then is sin a bad thing or a good thing? Rom 8:28 " And we know that ALL things work together for GOOD to them that love God, to them
Would a non elect be able to comprehend that even sin is a good thing in that it is an opportunity for the elect to forgive it in the process of becoming a son of God?
So what happens to the non-elect? It is Gods desire that all men should be saved and come unto the knowledge of the Son of God, right?
And salvation brings the opportunity to become a son of God with all the knowledge that comes with it, and salvation being a gift,
and without receiving that gift no man cane even begin the process, so they will come into that when it is their turn according to His
schedule. All of Gods works including that schedule of who and when the call goes out were determined before the world was formed.
He also promised life before the world was formed Tit 1:2 , where were you at that time? Psa 90:1-2 right there with Him as part of Him
and that promise was to you in your specific order. 1 Co 15:23
The resurrection unto life occurs in stages, each stage is called a dispensation of time, and appears as a great week of God
7 days=7,000 yrs. We are in the first now. And approaching the end of the first 6,000 yrs when a Sabbath rest of 1,000 yrs will
cover the earth (the kingdom reign, the FIRST DOMINION) and new son development will stop, as the maturing elements in the world
will be locked up (Satan and the horde).
Jas 1:18 Of His (Gods) own will BEGAT HE US, through the word of truth, that we should be a kind of FIRST FRUITS OF HIS CREATURES.
The creatures are matured spiritual sons, whom He predestined before the world was formed Rom 8:29 Jesus was the first to complete the process
as 1Co 15:23 shows the order and calls Christ the FIRST of the harvest. Those elected to become sons now are the first fruits unto God and the Lamb.
So how are the fruits depicted in scripture? I like Rom 11 for it shows us that the branches (us) are grafted into the Root (Christ), that is
something we cannot do for ourselves it is done by grace. The branches are Holy because they are IN the root and the fruits of the branches
are then Holy too for it is all part of the same vine.
Consider that the grapes in the cluster are ripened at different times, there is the very first one to ripen(Christ), you pluck it off and taste of the fruit,
it's a sweet tasting thing, but just one, do you not want another and can hardly wait for more(first fruitS) to be RIPENED so that you can enjoy it again.
Now do you desire that ALL of the grapes in the cluster be ripened so that your harvest is the fullest it can be? Of course. And so does your Father.
Rom 3:22 "even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ(given faith to the ELECT),
TO ALL and UPON ALL who believe, FOR THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." What? There is no difference between the believer and the unbeliever
simply because the believer has been graced with faith to begin the process of becoming what they were predestined to become, the unbeliever
has not. It is an election according to His schedule, not ours. The faith that God gives is what begins the ripening process for analogies sake.
The fruit cannot ripen of its own accord, it needs special attention with fertilization, water, sunlight etc... to make the best fruits the vine can
bring forth. Is any of that done without God providing all of it? NO And in the same way you will be fertilized, watered, and the light of
God will shine on you until you have become a fruit worthy of the title of a son of God. The original predestined plan.
There is an order to this resurrection(ripening), Christ the FIRST of the harvest, then those that are Christs at His coming(first fruits), then cometh
the end when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to the Father.
Is the harvest complete after the first fruits? No for there are more unripened fruit on the vine than there are first fruits.
Paul puts it plainly that when the DISPENSATION OF THE FULLNESS OF THE TIMES have come He might gather all things in Christ.
NLT says it this way: And this is the plan; At the right time He will bring everything together under the authority of Christ(the body with Jesus
as the head of)-everything in heaven and on earth. (I speak only of man meaning humans) Man= male and female=human race.
Jesus made the statement in Jo 10:10 ..........." I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Life eternal was promised to all who were with God before the world was formed, ALL of us, this is the beginning of the fulfilling of
the promise. "I am come that they(the children, his brethren) might have life" Did He succeed at His cross? Most definitely!
"and that they(His brethren) might have it more abundantly" Who are His brethren? Considering He said this before anyone was ever born again
it is all of us for we all came from the same place, GOD.
What is the more abundantly? Independent life as a son of God with all power and authority in heaven and earth etc.....just like Jesus. Life within
Rightly dividing the word is an ability that only a spiritually discerning elect can even attempt. The carnal non elect today will only see
everything written as literal, thus death and destruction, when indeed the words of the book are spirit(ual) and they are life.
Is this post an admonishement? No, it is simply an explanation of the plan of salvation to those who are not elect in this time.
1 Jo 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is NOT made perfect in love.
Rightly dividing the word will bring you into the love of God (perfect love, perfect understanding) and all your fears will be cast out, and you
too will be made perfect in love.
Do you fear for your loved ones that they will roast in eternity if they do not accept Jesus? Then your love is not perfect.
Understanding the plan of salvation for all, will bring you into a perfect understanding of Gods love for all of us even before the
world was formed.
Jo 3:16-17 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.
Who can believe? Only the elect of God, from the heart. Many have head faith and we see them every week at the organized churches.
The elect are told to "come out of her my people" why is she there in the first place? As an overcoming obstacle by design. For without
overcoming her there is no reward garnered for doing so.
There is an interesting point in 16 "His only begotten Son" Jesus was begotten as a man, in the flesh, by God then at Jordan He was
spiritually begotten of the Father, thus a second birth. Was that a necessary thing? Yes for He said that a MAN cannot see the kingdom
except he be born again of the Spirit. Did the heavens open to Him at that moment? Yes. He had no carnal veil. We see through a glass
darkly for that is the carnal veil. He partook of everything we are to partake of to show the pattern/process.
This begotten(twice) Son was a Son that had the full measure of the Spirit of God residing in Him, and He laid that down to do the will of
His Father which was to take the sin of the world upon Him and pay the price for it. Crucifixion
He laid down a life that no man could ever lay down again, for no man dwelt in the fullness of the Spirit of God. His sacrifice was so
much beyond the mere death of a man that we cannot truly appreciate what He did for us, as well as Himself.
In the moment that the sin of the world was placed on Him he became subject to the death penalty imposed by God upon all men
for He became sin for us, all of us. He knew that when He did it, and still laid it down for you.
When will you rightly divide the word of God? Once you truly have been elected to begin your sonship quest.
The Holy Spirit is your guide to bring you into all truth and if you will follow His guidance He will bring you into freedom, and
thus perfected love. For you will understand Gods plan for man from before the world was formed.
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