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- Nov 25, 2007
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Well Hello you all! and how are you on this blessed day? but do reply, ok?
The 7th. Day Is The Lord's Sabbath Day! (Gen. 2:1- "2-And on the seventh day God ended His work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all His work which he had done. 3. Then God blessed the the seventh day and santified it, because in it he had rested from all His work which God created and made.
Exodus 20: 1- " 8-12. Fr: .......
Genesis 2: 1-2-And on the Seventh/7th. Day Not Sat. or Sun. or any many man made name of any day, but if a person would notice! , that each day started with a number system 1-7, but not Mon. -Sun.) -3- Well! ,
WHO AND WHY THE ORIGINAL SYSTEM OF THE DAYS OF THE WEEK HAD BEEN ALTERED/CHANGED Daniel 7:25, Exdus 20:8, Mark 7:13, But please do reply: Sabbath.....
Also! , But why is it that the word "Sabbath" is taken out of its context, and why is the "Sabbath on another day like Saturday or Sunday, or whatever day that a person feel is alright?
Focusing on the Days of the week, for the 7 days of cycle: .......
Days Of The Week. His Seven Day Cycle!
God the Father who is a spirit, so says the bible (John 4:24), has given His only begotten Son! , Our Lord Jesus Christ; Now then! but, and since this is His Cycle of His 7 days.
We are to follow His Cycle of His numbers esp. number 7. His Cycle goes from Sabbath to Sabbath.(Is.66:23) & (Is.58:all verses).
1st day........................Sunday
2nd day........................Monday
3rd day.......................Tuesday
4th day.....................Wednesday
5th day......................Thursday
6th day........................Friday
7th day......................Saturday
Especially His 7th Day of the Lord Jesus Christ.(Gen2:3),(Ez.20:2) & (Is.58:10-14). Blessed Sanctified, Holy, & But most Holy of Them all. It's also a Sign between you & Him To Know & How to Delight Thyself In Him on This Day Only!
The English names for the days originated so long ago that it is difficult to trace their source. However, all of them are of Teutonic (Germanic) origin. The stories that have come down to us are a combination of fact and fiction, myth and legend.
Sunday received its name from the Teutonic translation fo the Roman words dies solis--"day of the sun." Roman soldiers who fought in the German forests prayed to the sun. The Teutons called that day Sunnandag, Sunnan, ineant "of the sun : and dag was "day."
The early Christians worshipped on Sunday because the Resurrection of Jesus Christ took place on the first day of the week. By the beginning of the 4th century the Christian Roman Emperor Constantine ordered that Sunday be observed as a holy day.
The Teutons were responsible for naming the first work day and school day of the week "Monday." Before the Romans came, the Teutons called the moon "teller of time," and used it as a calendar.
The Romans arrived and the Teutons heard the Roman soldiers call Monday Dies lunae ("the day of the moon"). They were astonished to see the soldiers pray to the moon on that day. The Teutons translated dies lunae into Monandag. From that word it was an easy transition to the English word "Monday."
The Teutons had an easy time naming Tuesday. The Romans called it dies Martis ("day of Mars") after their warrior god, Mars. The Teutons had a similar god called Tiu. The Teutons decided that Mars was really Tiu and called that day Tiesdag---hence, Tuesday.
Wednesday was a problem. The Romans called that day dies Mercurii ("day of Mercury"). Mercury was the tireless traveling messenger of the gods who covered a great deal of ground in a short time. The Teutons had no god exactly like that. Woden, god of wisdom, wind, and warriors, resembled Mercury most closely, so the Teutons selected Woden, and honored him with a day called Wodnesdag, Wednesday.
Dies Jovis ("day of Jupiter or Jove"), was translated by the Teutons into Thorsdag, Thursday, for their god Thor. Both Thor and Jupiter were gods of strength and thunderbolts.
Friday in the Teuton language is Friadag, in honor of Frigg, the only major Teuton goddess. The Romans called this day dies Veneris ("day of Venus") for Venus, goddess of love and beauty. Frigg, the wife of woden, was the goddess of medicine, healing, and matrons.
The Roman word for Saturday, dies Saturni ("day of Saturn") really challenged the Teutons. The Romans named that day after Saturn, a god of farming and planting--two occupations fit only for slaves, thought the Teutons. They had no god even remotely resembling Saturn.
The problem was solved by their clumsy attempt to pronounce the word. It came out a harsh-sounding "Saeternesday." However,some Teuton tribes noticed that the Roman soldiers bathed on Saturday. These Teutons liked the custom so much that they named Saturday "bath day." In Iceland, Saturday is called Laugardagur, and in Sweden and Denmark it's Loerdag. Both words mean "bath day."
Now! as of this date "Sunday" or "Sunadag" "day of the sun"-- "dies solis" 5-24-03 (By Roman Calendar) but the first day of the wk. by the Bibical Calendar Or Ziv Or Iyar 22 1st. of The Sixth Wk. 7x5+1=36 Omer Counting, 5763 Since Abib Or Nisan Is The right Year That's If you Really Wanted To Count (His) Days ;
Where We Read (Righteousness) Exaults A Nation But (Sin)Is Reproach to any of people (Prov.14:1-34-35), & Jesus Said In (John 14:1-15-31) If you really (Love) Jesus you would (keep) (his) Commandments and not ours or someone else's right ? ,plus In (John 15:1-27) Proves That he is the "true vine" that always offers "Life Promises"! (Matt.5:19 & "other Scriptures Apply To "The Counting Of "The Omer") Leading up to "The Day of (Shauvot/Pentecost) & An Holy Sabbath", Also "A Feast of Covenant" Gen. 8:All Vs. , Gen. 9:1-9-17-29 Unto this Day 6-11-03, Wed. (Sivan 10, 5763) (Your Response Please!)
What are the dog days?
The hot, muggy days of summer are sometimes called the dog days. They were named for Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in the summer sky. Centuries ago ancient astronomers noticed that this bright star rose just ahead of the sun during the hot summer months from July to September. Sirius far outshone all other heavenly bodies, but only for a short time. Minutes later the sun rose and Sirius, the Dog Star, disappeared.
In Greek mythology Sirius was the faithful dog of Orion, a great hunter. Orion was mistakenly and fatally wounded by the goddess Diana. To atone for the deed, Diana placed his body and his hunting dog among the stars.
The early Romans believed the combination of the Dog Star and the hot sun so close together caused drought and illness. In order to pacify their gods the Romans often sacrificed dogs during the midsummer months.
Please! Don't forget your God. (PS. 9:17)
The Jewish Calendar
The Jews Used Two Kinds of Calendars. ....... Civil Calendar ...... offical calendar of kings, childbirths, and contracts. ....... Sacred Calendar ....... from which festivals were computed.
(1). Abib or Nisan............(March-April)................Ex. 13:42
(2). Zif or Iyar................(April-May)................1 Ki. 6:1,37
(3). Sivan.....................(May-June)...................Esth. 8:9
(4). Tammuz..................(June-July)...................Jer. 39:2
(5). Ab.........................(July-August).............Num. 33:38
(6). Elul........................(August-September).......Neh. 6:15
(7). Ethanim or Tishri........(September-October).......1 Ki. 8:2
(8). Bul or Heshvan...........(October-November).......1 Ki. 6:38
(9). Chislev or Kislev.........(November-December)......Neh. 1:1
(10). Tebeth...................(December-January).......Esth. 2:16
(11). Shebat or Sebat.........(January-February).........Zech. 1:7
(12). Adar......................(February-March)............Esth. 3:7
Now! here is The Jewish/Hewbrew/Biblical 24 Hr. Sys.Chart
We have experienced that we cannot rightly divide the Word Of God, unless we follow this calendar. We live the life by keeping His commandments with His cycle of Sabbaths and Feast Days, which goes together (Jn.14:15),(Ex.20:4). That's if you really love the LORD! (2Tim.2:15) .
If anyone do not understand on the above, please! talk to me, but I only ask that one would use the context of the scriptures, ok?
but there is much more besides the Sabbath teachings with the days of the week as a cycle, and that, as mentioned in the above : .......
Example: ....... in the book of Luke 1: 26And in the 'sixth month' the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
27To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
28And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
29And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.
30And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
31And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
well the 6th. mth. is not like June in the roman/julian calendars but the 6th. mth. is Elul. in the Jewish/Hebrew Calendars, ok? , so we can go on from here. Walter&Debbie ....... and from the above: .......
Many people pertain to The Sabbath Day of The Lord Jesus Christ as what their Pastor says, But how do you! regard The Lord's Sabbath? and as a matter of fact according to the scripture, can this be proved from a bibical context? , but do reply, ok?
The 7th. Day Is The Lord's Sabbath Day! (Gen. 2:1- "2-And on the seventh day God ended His work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all His work which he had done. 3. Then God blessed the the seventh day and santified it, because in it he had rested from all His work which God created and made.
Exodus 20: 1- " 8-12. Fr: .......
Genesis 2: 1-2-And on the Seventh/7th. Day Not Sat. or Sun. or any many man made name of any day, but if a person would notice! , that each day started with a number system 1-7, but not Mon. -Sun.) -3- Well! ,
WHO AND WHY THE ORIGINAL SYSTEM OF THE DAYS OF THE WEEK HAD BEEN ALTERED/CHANGED Daniel 7:25, Exdus 20:8, Mark 7:13, But please do reply: Sabbath.....
Also! , But why is it that the word "Sabbath" is taken out of its context, and why is the "Sabbath on another day like Saturday or Sunday, or whatever day that a person feel is alright?
Focusing on the Days of the week, for the 7 days of cycle: .......
Days Of The Week. His Seven Day Cycle!
God the Father who is a spirit, so says the bible (John 4:24), has given His only begotten Son! , Our Lord Jesus Christ; Now then! but, and since this is His Cycle of His 7 days.
We are to follow His Cycle of His numbers esp. number 7. His Cycle goes from Sabbath to Sabbath.(Is.66:23) & (Is.58:all verses).
1st day........................Sunday
2nd day........................Monday
3rd day.......................Tuesday
4th day.....................Wednesday
5th day......................Thursday
6th day........................Friday
7th day......................Saturday
Especially His 7th Day of the Lord Jesus Christ.(Gen2:3),(Ez.20:2) & (Is.58:10-14). Blessed Sanctified, Holy, & But most Holy of Them all. It's also a Sign between you & Him To Know & How to Delight Thyself In Him on This Day Only!
The English names for the days originated so long ago that it is difficult to trace their source. However, all of them are of Teutonic (Germanic) origin. The stories that have come down to us are a combination of fact and fiction, myth and legend.
Sunday received its name from the Teutonic translation fo the Roman words dies solis--"day of the sun." Roman soldiers who fought in the German forests prayed to the sun. The Teutons called that day Sunnandag, Sunnan, ineant "of the sun : and dag was "day."
The early Christians worshipped on Sunday because the Resurrection of Jesus Christ took place on the first day of the week. By the beginning of the 4th century the Christian Roman Emperor Constantine ordered that Sunday be observed as a holy day.
The Teutons were responsible for naming the first work day and school day of the week "Monday." Before the Romans came, the Teutons called the moon "teller of time," and used it as a calendar.
The Romans arrived and the Teutons heard the Roman soldiers call Monday Dies lunae ("the day of the moon"). They were astonished to see the soldiers pray to the moon on that day. The Teutons translated dies lunae into Monandag. From that word it was an easy transition to the English word "Monday."
The Teutons had an easy time naming Tuesday. The Romans called it dies Martis ("day of Mars") after their warrior god, Mars. The Teutons had a similar god called Tiu. The Teutons decided that Mars was really Tiu and called that day Tiesdag---hence, Tuesday.
Wednesday was a problem. The Romans called that day dies Mercurii ("day of Mercury"). Mercury was the tireless traveling messenger of the gods who covered a great deal of ground in a short time. The Teutons had no god exactly like that. Woden, god of wisdom, wind, and warriors, resembled Mercury most closely, so the Teutons selected Woden, and honored him with a day called Wodnesdag, Wednesday.
Dies Jovis ("day of Jupiter or Jove"), was translated by the Teutons into Thorsdag, Thursday, for their god Thor. Both Thor and Jupiter were gods of strength and thunderbolts.
Friday in the Teuton language is Friadag, in honor of Frigg, the only major Teuton goddess. The Romans called this day dies Veneris ("day of Venus") for Venus, goddess of love and beauty. Frigg, the wife of woden, was the goddess of medicine, healing, and matrons.
The Roman word for Saturday, dies Saturni ("day of Saturn") really challenged the Teutons. The Romans named that day after Saturn, a god of farming and planting--two occupations fit only for slaves, thought the Teutons. They had no god even remotely resembling Saturn.
The problem was solved by their clumsy attempt to pronounce the word. It came out a harsh-sounding "Saeternesday." However,some Teuton tribes noticed that the Roman soldiers bathed on Saturday. These Teutons liked the custom so much that they named Saturday "bath day." In Iceland, Saturday is called Laugardagur, and in Sweden and Denmark it's Loerdag. Both words mean "bath day."
Now! as of this date "Sunday" or "Sunadag" "day of the sun"-- "dies solis" 5-24-03 (By Roman Calendar) but the first day of the wk. by the Bibical Calendar Or Ziv Or Iyar 22 1st. of The Sixth Wk. 7x5+1=36 Omer Counting, 5763 Since Abib Or Nisan Is The right Year That's If you Really Wanted To Count (His) Days ;
Where We Read (Righteousness) Exaults A Nation But (Sin)Is Reproach to any of people (Prov.14:1-34-35), & Jesus Said In (John 14:1-15-31) If you really (Love) Jesus you would (keep) (his) Commandments and not ours or someone else's right ? ,plus In (John 15:1-27) Proves That he is the "true vine" that always offers "Life Promises"! (Matt.5:19 & "other Scriptures Apply To "The Counting Of "The Omer") Leading up to "The Day of (Shauvot/Pentecost) & An Holy Sabbath", Also "A Feast of Covenant" Gen. 8:All Vs. , Gen. 9:1-9-17-29 Unto this Day 6-11-03, Wed. (Sivan 10, 5763) (Your Response Please!)
What are the dog days?
The hot, muggy days of summer are sometimes called the dog days. They were named for Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in the summer sky. Centuries ago ancient astronomers noticed that this bright star rose just ahead of the sun during the hot summer months from July to September. Sirius far outshone all other heavenly bodies, but only for a short time. Minutes later the sun rose and Sirius, the Dog Star, disappeared.
In Greek mythology Sirius was the faithful dog of Orion, a great hunter. Orion was mistakenly and fatally wounded by the goddess Diana. To atone for the deed, Diana placed his body and his hunting dog among the stars.
The early Romans believed the combination of the Dog Star and the hot sun so close together caused drought and illness. In order to pacify their gods the Romans often sacrificed dogs during the midsummer months.
Please! Don't forget your God. (PS. 9:17)
The Jewish Calendar
The Jews Used Two Kinds of Calendars. ....... Civil Calendar ...... offical calendar of kings, childbirths, and contracts. ....... Sacred Calendar ....... from which festivals were computed.
(1). Abib or Nisan............(March-April)................Ex. 13:42
(2). Zif or Iyar................(April-May)................1 Ki. 6:1,37
(3). Sivan.....................(May-June)...................Esth. 8:9
(4). Tammuz..................(June-July)...................Jer. 39:2
(5). Ab.........................(July-August).............Num. 33:38
(6). Elul........................(August-September).......Neh. 6:15
(7). Ethanim or Tishri........(September-October).......1 Ki. 8:2
(8). Bul or Heshvan...........(October-November).......1 Ki. 6:38
(9). Chislev or Kislev.........(November-December)......Neh. 1:1
(10). Tebeth...................(December-January).......Esth. 2:16
(11). Shebat or Sebat.........(January-February).........Zech. 1:7
(12). Adar......................(February-March)............Esth. 3:7
Now! here is The Jewish/Hewbrew/Biblical 24 Hr. Sys.Chart
We have experienced that we cannot rightly divide the Word Of God, unless we follow this calendar. We live the life by keeping His commandments with His cycle of Sabbaths and Feast Days, which goes together (Jn.14:15),(Ex.20:4). That's if you really love the LORD! (2Tim.2:15) .
If anyone do not understand on the above, please! talk to me, but I only ask that one would use the context of the scriptures, ok?
but there is much more besides the Sabbath teachings with the days of the week as a cycle, and that, as mentioned in the above : .......
Example: ....... in the book of Luke 1: 26And in the 'sixth month' the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
27To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
28And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
29And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.
30And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
31And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
well the 6th. mth. is not like June in the roman/julian calendars but the 6th. mth. is Elul. in the Jewish/Hebrew Calendars, ok? , so we can go on from here. Walter&Debbie ....... and from the above: .......
Many people pertain to The Sabbath Day of The Lord Jesus Christ as what their Pastor says, But how do you! regard The Lord's Sabbath? and as a matter of fact according to the scripture, can this be proved from a bibical context? , but do reply, ok?