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Salvation for an orthodox Jew


Jan 1, 2019
Before I became a Christian I was pretty rough. Growing up in a wild area of west Little Rock I learned from my peers how to drink, lie, swear, fight, steal etc. After Jesus came to the rural wooded hills where we live far from town life was changed. When he baptized me in his Holy Spirit my life was empowered to serve God with zeal and fire.

In my workshop one day I set eyes on some reloading equipment I'd stolen from a sporting goods store in Little Rock some fifty miles distant. I heard nothing but knew instantly that God wanted me to return the things to that store.

If we are prayed up and walking close to the Lord we can hear his still small voice above all noise.

Carrying them with me the next work week I walked into the store and asked for the manager. A clerk told me he was busy with a customer but would be free soon. I asked his name and was told "that's Mr Eichenbaum, Daniel Eichenbaum".

When he came over I introduced myself and gave the reason for my visit there. I explained about meeting Jesus and that he had told me to return these things. He asked what denomination I was and I explained that I was a Christian, a follower of Jesus and did not belong to any denomination. He then shook my hand and told me he admired what I had done and I said that God had told me to return the things and tell my story. We said goodbye and I left.

I wrote him a letter giving old testament scriptures about the Messiah and their accompanying scriptures that gave fulfillment of the prophesies.

I didn't make any other contact with him. He was a orthodox Jew and son of a man that was partner in a very large architectural/engineering firm, Erhardt, Eichenbaum, Rausch abd Blass, all of whom were Jews.

A few years later I read that Daniel was chairman of the governor's prayer breakfast. He had become a Christian.

Dan died in 2003 at 64. On his headstone is carved :

Matthew 25:23 KJV
... Well done, good and faithful servant,... enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

One sows, another waters but God grants the increase. It was wonderful to witness Jesus to a Jew and find that they had turned to their Messiah. We must be sensitive to listen to the Holy Spirit so we can be led to one that will receive. Amen