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Science v the Bible - Are LHBPs born or made?


Sep 20, 2024
All churches have varying numbers of Lesbians, Homosexuals, Bisexuals and Pedophiles in their leadership or congregations and many of those people try very hard to justify their perversions by deliberately mistranslating or falsely changing the meaning of Bible verses.

In these Last Days science and the discernment given by holy spirt has allowed the root cause of LHBP to be determined.

Far too often we hear of schools, clubs, groups, churches, childrens homes, scouts and guides being exposed as run by or permitting LHBP perverts to sexually molest or rape children, teens, women and men.
Many such places are exposed as having cliques of LHBPs on staff and management with member facilitating each other's perverted acts.

THe reason these cliques develop and prosper in these places is that the clique are all infected with PGSISD.

PGSISD is an unrecognised and unfelt effect that makes LHBPs become sexually aroused by other men, women or children.
Then when they are driven to perform sexual encounters of their taget the attacks reinforces the PGSISD until eventually it becomes the main sexual driving force of the pervert.

The press and iterature has recorded myriads of PGSISD institigated occurrences.

In my town the teenagers at a Catholic seminary all gloated about their mutual homosexual acts. Priests attached to convents are known to treat the novice nuns as sex slaves. Boys clubs regular are exposed as safe havens where men of all social classes are permitted to assault victims who are silenced by threats. The sports, dance, theatre and ballet world are full of LHBPs.
The Boy's Town pedophile scandal exposed many men; The Princeton Homosexual-Transvestite clubs is well known; the lesbianism of Berkely; the lesbianism of black schools - all are well documented.

The problem with PGSID is that it affects and addicts the brain to the sexual target and each sexual encounter reinforces the perversion just as a druggies needs bigger and bigger fixes.

While ever single sex situations are set up there will be LHBPs buzzing round like bees round a honey pot.
Dear Sister @Rxlx
Just because someone has the inclination to sin, doesn't mean you have to. Though I don't think you'll be able to do it without Jesus, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to help sanctify you during the change process!

Just a quick two cents on this subject.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
PGSISD = Pheromone and Genital Secretion Induced Sexual Deviancy.

We've all seen animals smelling each other's genitals and embarrassing humans by smelling theirs.

It is well known that we all have phermone scents that are below our noticing diectly but are noticed subliminally though the advertising industry fills stores with them to induce us to buy.

In a same sex group in schools, colleges, clubs, seminaries, ships etc the group will be susceptible to each other's pheromones and genital secretion smells though unaware of it.
As the pheromones act on the brain and senses the continued isolation in same sex groups will lead many to become addicted to same sex pheromones - especially in the puberty years. This is the root cause of same sex attraction for many although obviously each person's background and time away from the group may erase the addiction.

I first saw PGSISD in action on a tv program when nurses sharing rooms in hospital quarters mentioned how their periods synchoronised after a few months.

A youth from my school was always popular with girls but joined the navy but came home a year or two later with a boyfriend.

I posted about how my childhood town had both Jesuit and Catholic seminaries that were centres of homosexuality and pedophilia due to the enforced isolation of youths and predatory homosexuals and pedophiles in the places.

Once a person engages in sex with a same sex person the PGSISD will imprint on the brain of the instigator or perhaps both to ensure they seek out further same sex activity - just as surely as druggies seek fixes.