"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein." (Jer 6:16 KJV)
JEREMIAH CHAPTER 6 God sendeth and strengtheneth the Babylonians against Judah, Jer 6:1-5; for her oppression and spoils, Jer 6:6-8, and obstinacy; which provoke God’s wrath and their destruction, Jer 6:9-12. Their covetousness, false confidence, and impudence; people and priests refuse to obey God, Jer 6:13-17. Their hypocritical worship shall not prevent their sure destruction, Jer 6:18-25. The people called to mourn, Jer 6:26. The prophet encouraged under their wickedness and the fruitlessness of his ministry among them, Jer 6:27-30.
When I graduated high school in 1960, from what I considered the Christian faith based on "Thus saith the LORD"; the dry, boring, dead mainline churches, Roman Catholics, and Holy Rollers (Pentecostals) were seen as doubtful as to their even being in the body of Christ. Today, it seems the Holy Rollers have infested the church to where they are seen as Christianity and often holding hands in unity with Rome. When I see these as the supposed Christians supporting President Trump, I truly fear for the future of America. I'm concerned that the USA is on a trajectory like Israel described by Jeremiah. I know on this Forum, I'm seen as the son of Satan himself, but just wait til I post the "thus saith the LORD" concerning the older Christian view of abortion by most American Christians in 1776 as compared today. Even if I'm seen as a crazy heretic, hopefully it will drive some to do some serious Bible study!
JEREMIAH CHAPTER 6 God sendeth and strengtheneth the Babylonians against Judah, Jer 6:1-5; for her oppression and spoils, Jer 6:6-8, and obstinacy; which provoke God’s wrath and their destruction, Jer 6:9-12. Their covetousness, false confidence, and impudence; people and priests refuse to obey God, Jer 6:13-17. Their hypocritical worship shall not prevent their sure destruction, Jer 6:18-25. The people called to mourn, Jer 6:26. The prophet encouraged under their wickedness and the fruitlessness of his ministry among them, Jer 6:27-30.
When I graduated high school in 1960, from what I considered the Christian faith based on "Thus saith the LORD"; the dry, boring, dead mainline churches, Roman Catholics, and Holy Rollers (Pentecostals) were seen as doubtful as to their even being in the body of Christ. Today, it seems the Holy Rollers have infested the church to where they are seen as Christianity and often holding hands in unity with Rome. When I see these as the supposed Christians supporting President Trump, I truly fear for the future of America. I'm concerned that the USA is on a trajectory like Israel described by Jeremiah. I know on this Forum, I'm seen as the son of Satan himself, but just wait til I post the "thus saith the LORD" concerning the older Christian view of abortion by most American Christians in 1776 as compared today. Even if I'm seen as a crazy heretic, hopefully it will drive some to do some serious Bible study!