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Singlehood works


May 2, 2007
Until the fine threads of our individual walk intersects the paths - divinely marked out blueprints of our lives - where He has ordained for us to flourish (in his word God says that He will show us the paths of life Ps 16:11);

Until the tiny pulse of our vessels connects to the divine vibrations from the conduits of the blood of Jesus, where his very heart beats (because He is the Vine and we are the branches and can not bear fruits if we abide alone Jn 15;4,5);

Until the little ideas from our fragile minds converges with the priorities of the vast mind of Christ (for we have the mind of Christ, so let this mind be in you 1cor 2:16; Phil 2:5);

Until the little acts that create our history befits the acts of an apostle (for by their fruits you shall know them Matt 7:16);

Then brothers and sisters, it is my humble thinking that the one who is the Begining and the End, will like us to endure the pains of singlehood for yet a little while; since our light affliction (singlehood) which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we look not on singlehood (the things which are seen) but at the Gifts and calling of God for our lives (the things which are not seen or very obvious or maybe still room for more) because singlehod is temporal but the gifts and calling of God are permanent, eternal (and without repentance) 2 cor 4: 17,18; Rm 11;29.

Let us most importantly consider worshiping and praising God (for who He is) which to me is the most noble thing a living being could ever do (Ps 150:6, Jn 4: 24). These are the few thoughts I feels we should reflect on, Peace and Love, Manny.
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Jesus my Lord

Grace and Peace

Manny, that was well said.
I enjoy my singlehood,the free time spent with God I would not trade it for anything.Now is the best time to say " God where do you want me to go "

There's no commitment holding me back,no distractions. He has my 100% attention. When he's ready to share me he'll send someone. His timing is always perfect.

I love this
because singlehood is temporal but the gifts and calling of God are permanent

Praise God.
Thanks Manny
Hi rizen1

I am so glad that this post encouraged you and I am equally impressed by your walk with him, I pray that He will continue to fan you heart with his peaceful bliss, God bless your sweet soul. Manny.