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Some of my thoughts on the dating world today...


Mar 8, 2024
So many men today want women to take the lead in the relationship and ask them out and chase and pursue them and court and romance them. The roles have been reversed. It seems everything these days is backwards. It is not Christian for the woman to take the lead and do all these things. I believe God assigned roles for men and roles for women - some things is what the man does and is his job and some things the woman does and is her job. I for one have too much self respect and dignity to pursue a man.

Everything is so mixed up and jumbled up nowadays. There just seems to be so many men that expect the woman to pursue them. There are probably a lot of women who like to chase and pursue too I think it is some kind of ego thing. It boosts their ego. I don't believe that is real love. I want someone to love me for me and love my heart mind and soul. Not someone that just cares about ego. And also not someone who just cares about physical appearance or what they can get out of me. It seems a lot of people do not know what love is anymore. They don't know God they don't know love. God is love.

I could go on and on about this subject but I will stop for now. What do y'all think?
You are correct!!! Men today for some reason have lost their spine! In fact, many of them have become like women!! Terrible!! I am old school, I believe a woman wants to be wanted, secure, and feel needed! The reason why men are having so much trouble?? FEAR!!! Something a man has no need to have! Instead of dealing on the outside they want to be hidden behind their computer and play let's pretend! I like strong women myself, because I am strong, meaning I say what I mean, and I mean what I say! I want my lady to do the same, being honest must be the first step, honest with self means then and only then can you then be honest with others! I good practice for men to follow in! Good call sis!
You are correct!!! Men today for some reason have lost their spine! In fact, many of them have become like women!! Terrible!! I am old school, I believe a woman wants to be wanted, secure, and feel needed! The reason why men are having so much trouble?? FEAR!!! Something a man has no need to have! Instead of dealing on the outside they want to be hidden behind their computer and play let's pretend! I like strong women myself, because I am strong, meaning I say what I mean, and I mean what I say! I want my lady to do the same, being honest must be the first step, honest with self means then and only then can you then be honest with others! I good practice for men to follow in! Good call sis!
I agree! I think men want to be respected and women want to be loved. How can I respect a man who does not want to lead or barely make any effort in the relationship? It does not make me feel loved or wanted when I have to do all the work in the relationship! A lot of men today are so feminine! It's gross! I wonder why men are so fearful? Yes it's important to be honest with yourself especially when realizing you have sinned instead of just being arrogant and acting like you never sin and acting like you are perfect.
I hear you!! To men here, if you really like a woman then go after her!! You have nothing to lose!! If turned down and I have been before myself, just look at it as her loss not yours!! I believe most women want to be chased, they want to know you really care for them, they may play a few games, but right at the start of any relationship you make it clear you are not into games but reality! In this way the lady knows your serious, and if they want to play games not with you!! Period! Pray as well!! You want the Lord in on what you're doing he can sure help you! You want a godly woman! But you as a man must be able to lead her, not as a slave! But rather as the Bible states a helpmate! A man should know God's Word, for how can he teach without knowledge? This is what I have learned in my 70 years about a wonderful woman!
I hear you!! To men here, if you really like a woman then go after her!! You have nothing to lose!! If turned down and I have been before myself, just look at it as her loss not yours!! I believe most women want to be chased, they want to know you really care for them, they may play a few games, but right at the start of any relationship you make it clear you are not into games but reality! In this way the lady knows your serious, and if they want to play games not with you!! Period! Pray as well!! You want the Lord in on what you're doing he can sure help you! You want a godly woman! But you as a man must be able to lead her, not as a slave! But rather as the Bible states a helpmate! A man should know God's Word, for how can he teach without knowledge? This is what I have learned in my 70 years about a wonderful woman!
Yes it is very important to pray about someone you like! I think people should first ask God if the person they like is the right person for them or not! It is important to pray and ask God for guidance! You also must always keep God first in your life! I do not want to idolize a husband or marriage!
Well first let us identify what fear really is, did you know that fear is actually a spirit!!(2 Tim 1:7) I first met him while on duty in Vietnam, the spirit first grips the mindset hence why God's Word (I was not saved at this time by the way) states to renew our mind!!(Rom 12:2) After becoming a believer the very first thing I worked at was my tongue!!(Proverbs 18:21 and James3rd chapter!!) Please do read these.

Everyone struggles with this bad spirit!! But it is how one deals with it that matters most! I stayed deeply in God's Word replaces the temptation of being afraid with speaking out loud what Jesus says!!! NOT what I feel!! This takes some practice sis but within 2 months Jesus helped me conquer this bad temptation! 2 Tim 1:7!!!

I thought than to have fear is to insult my Lord!! That I placed in my mindset so I would not have it anymore!! This worked for me. The point is to deal with it!! If one wishes to go to the store for more food one has to do something to get there. So, it is dear sister with whatever we both need and desire. Blessing always to you!!
Well first let us identify what fear really is, did you know that fear is actually a spirit!!(2 Tim 1:7) I first met him while on duty in Vietnam, the spirit first grips the mindset hence why God's Word (I was not saved at this time by the way) states to renew our mind!!(Rom 12:2) After becoming a believer the very first thing I worked at was my tongue!!(Proverbs 18:21 and James3rd chapter!!) Please do read these.

Everyone struggles with this bad spirit!! But it is how one deals with it that matters most! I stayed deeply in God's Word replaces the temptation of being afraid with speaking out loud what Jesus says!!! NOT what I feel!! This takes some practice sis but within 2 months Jesus helped me conquer this bad temptation! 2 Tim 1:7!!!

I thought than to have fear is to insult my Lord!! That I placed in my mindset so I would not have it anymore!! This worked for me. The point is to deal with it!! If one wishes to go to the store for more food one has to do something to get there. So, it is dear sister with whatever we both need and desire. Blessing always to you!!
Thank you God bless you :love: