@MisterObjective Still going with this?
You're on a Christian forum remotely suggesting reincarnation is a thing. There's no evidence to support it.
Likeness in handwriting is no indication of such a thing. My father and I have very similar handwriting.
Whatever. Your opinion on what I posted is just that.
You go off an a ramble and go so far off topic the pedo, groomer Left would give you a medal for it.
Just b/c a person or groups supports someone else doesn't mean the support is synonymous.
The gif is stupid. It add nothing of relevance to any sane minded conversation.
Good news there is help for TDS.
- Accusation does not mean guilt.
- Accusations are not guilt.
- Evidence? Fact check simply means non-professional opinions. Weird how the number is always even never an odd number. Website out of C.A.? Nothing good comes out of that state.
- No he didn't and of course no evidence. The country was better off. Obama's results were far worse and Pedo Joe has surpassed that in months. If you support either of them you are part of the problem.
- No he didn't. In two false statements you give highly flawed "evidence" yet for the rest you provide none.
- America is not a democracy. That line is the same one parroted by EVERY news station which are owned by 3 corporations. Sounds like what a good puppet will say.
- Your fanfiction is too far fetched for sane minds.
- U.N. and NATO are useless. They have been for years.
- Evidence? Bigotry is SO overused it has no effectiveness. It's only those three when you and the like don't agree with The Truth and not your subjective reality.
- Obama was keeping kids in cages long before Trump became President.
"The government acquired an empty warehouse a few blocks from the McAllen station and converted it into a sprawling new facility that opened in July 2014, a place that had capacity for 1,500 detainees. The new “Central Processing Center,” or CPC, was clean, spacious, air-conditioned and a major improvement over the cramped detention cells and sweltering garages." - Washington Post
- Obamacare is the worst medical invention. I was in college and the final day we lost the entire class period b/c everyone "had" to get it that day. So much for choice.
Everyone is entitled to "life saving medical" care. Everything has a cost. Nothing is free. Non-life threatening healthcare is not and should NOT be free. You show your ignorance in Medicine.
- Again, no evidence.
- I'll type it louder for those in the back. NBC is owned by one of three companies. You know what they want you to know and know not b/c they don't want you to know.
I know more about ISIS and evil Islam than the general public just like all who have deployed to that garbage dump. Generals aren't fighting the wars. They are sitting in same "safe space" directing things b/c THAT IS WHAT THEY DO.
There are no pictures of Michael Obama being pregnant b/c men can't get pregnant.
You're not pro-America if you're support the Left.
I don't support him 100% but given him or Pedo Joe, Trump is the clear, logical, sane choice. We are all flawed and that nonsense you posted off-topic about what "I" need to do is irrelevant.
A lot of false lies about him are untrue and your lack of evidence support this.
When MSM lies as they have been for at least a decade then their lies need to be exposed.
Obama is not a Christian and has lied many times to the country before, during, and after his "presidency".