So little devils.......oh my......they are a blessing , cute as can be, but they are like little monkeys too. Always wanting that banana that is just out of reach, if they do not get it they throw a tantrum.
They will test you as they get to be about two or three, they seek to see what you will do.
So before I say, discipline before you get to the store, will prevent such situations.....but you will have one or two or maybe three instances with each child, where public discipline is required, as you have to enforce the reaction to the situation at that time. It does no good later. As they get older you can add talking to the situation.
I have three children , all grown now. And now I have three grand children.
I grew up friends with a hickory switch. If I was bad or sassed my mother or father, I got a whipping, up to about age ten. After that they did not have to do anything but talk to me, you see I had learned to respect them. So they had won the battle.
I did the same with my children, those who say it is abuse are a product of modern times and are the very reason the world is in the fix we are in. If a child is throwing a tantrum because you will not buy them a superman toy, starts throwing things out of the shopping cart, yelling at the top of their lungs.....bust them. They learn this is not a wanted reaction. A time or two and they learn.
Then one day when they are good, reward them and buy them that toy......they learn being good is better than bad.
To not discipline them only allows them to grow up, disrespectful, and does them the great harm of inattention.
There is a great difference in discipline and abuse. A spanking is good for them, abuse is when you as a parent lose control. And besides past about 10 years of age, physical punishment is not a good option anyway, but up to that age, it gets their attention, it keeps you in control, and as they enter the teenage years you can talk with them. If you have not gained their respect, let them run loose, you have done great harm. At his point you may not be able to control them.
Modern society has taken it to an extreme. So one does have to be intelligent, and maybe even let it go that time, deal with a situation the next time .
I can in my generation to the next see a huge difference. My children are respectful, do well and honor things. The grand kids are products of the modern age, they are disrespectful, sassy, fight, fuss and have no respect for things. But if one does spank them they know they can use the system to run to school and say, Grand Pa spanked me.......and Grandpa goes to jail. As they get older, it becomes worse. There is no control and they can challenge and do at now they do as they will....and society says this is just OK.
A couple years ago on the local news, and in the paper in Lexington South Carolina a lady got a call from the police that her teenage son was at the jail. He was driving drunk in a stolen car.
She went to get him and when they let him out, the boy told her where to go, and she hauled of and smacked him across the face.
The mother ended up in jail. The boy ended up in a social care program and a foster home situation.
Beware of society, do not let them control you, stop it before it ever gets to this.
Spank the little monkeys, teach them respect, talk to them about thing as they grow older.....sit with them and help with school work and take the time to listen to them..... The world and society is a great obstacle and becoming more so all the time.
We have entered a time in our society where self preservation is the goal. Unfortunately the lack of discipline allows the kids to run loose, have no respect or self worth. So yes , be careful with public spanking, try to teach at home, before you enter public , as a public spanking this day in age may result in the consequences of a liberal society. Out of self preservation, nip it at home, do not let it get to the point you do have to public discipline.