Well there is plenty of reasons to pray. It shouldn't always be asking for help, but don't forget to give thanks and adoration, worship, and just plain spending time with God.
On to stem cells.
Now I am not a biogenic science genious or anything so take this with a grain of salt so to speak...
My understanding is that stem cells are cells that haven't "become" what they are intended to become yet. They haven't been given "instructions" from the DNA inside as to what to be. For instance: a nerve cell, blood cell, or skin cell.
Scientists believe (or hope) that they can take one of these cells and insert it into, a blind persons eye lets say, and the DNA will tell the cell to become an optic nerve cell and therefore cure the blindness. Or into the spine of quadraplegic and the cell will become 'good' nerve cells to replace the damaged ones and therefor cure the paralisys. If this works, you can see the potential to cure cancer, diabeties, the list is endless, really. And Terry Schiavo would have been cured too!
No contriversy so far. No one would say curing these things would be a bad thing. (I'm sure God will create more disease tho, cuz it IS the wage for sin. So in my personal eyes, this may be fruitless.) The problem , however is WHERE the stem cells come from. Researchers want to take "young" stem cells from aborted babies. This is where some (Pres. Bush for one), find it difficult to swallow, as do I. Bush has said he will not use federal $ to fund this research, but he is not outlawing it. You can research it, just not with federal money.
Now this is where everyone stops listening, and starts to form opinions (take sides). Side 1: "how can you stop research that could cure my son/daughter?" Side 2: "how can you condone murdering a baby for medical research?" ---you can see the pasion involved here, and why it's such a heated topic. However, this is not the whole story.
It seems as though stem cells are not found ONLY in fetuses or babies, but are found in adult humans well into adulthood, in fact I believe you can find stem cells in 100 year old people as long as they are healthy. The body is always repairing itself and it uses stem cell for such. The other thing is, that much research has been done on these "older" stem cells and MUCH has come of it. I'm not sure what, but I've heard several treatments for disease that we use today has come from the research of "older" stem cells. The cells are somewhat different in infants from adults. The research for "older" stem cells IS federally funded and suported by Pres. Bush as well as I. That being said, not one new treatment, cure, or medicine has yet come from the research on "young" stem cells, and is therefore, NOT productive, and federal monies should go where results are shown. (In my opinion)
OK, now is it good or bad? Well, I tend to believe that God gives talents to all people, no matter if they are saved or not. And he tends to use those talents for his will no matter if it is intended to be so by the 'researcher', 'doctor', 'scientitst' or not. So I'd say that it is all Gods work, and therefore good.
A man disslikes his neighbor very much and one day sees him admiring a tree on his own property. He looks the tree up and down. Takes a few pictures of it. Measures its circumfrence, and leaves. The hatefull man decides he will cut down this tree one night to spite his neighbor. He does so one night, and watches from his back yard for the man to find that his tree is gone.
The man comes to his backyard with another man carrying a clipboard. They walk to the place where the tree once stood, only to see the tree cut into small piles of wood. Obviously dumbfounded, he hears his neighbor laughing from his porch and goes to speak with him.
He askes, "Did you cut down this tree?"
The man replies, "Yes I did. How do you like that?"
"Very fine." he says. "I was building a barn here and that tree needed to come down. You have saved me much time, money and effort. I was going to sell the logs to this man who was going to cut it for firewood. Since it is already in small piles, he is willing to pay more for it. For he now doesn't need to cut it himself."
"You have meant this for evil, but God has meant this for good" said Joseph to his brothers. -Gen 50:20
God bless,