I was just watching a movie and it caused me to think of this somewhat strange question. If a person commits suicide but they are brought back to life, does that mean that when they finally do die will they go to hell? I know this is a strange question, but it really pertains to me and here's why. I know this is going to sound far fetched, but it's 100% true...When I was 10 years old (I'm 29 now) I was out shooting my BB gun and I remember this overwhelming feeling, almost like a dark presence coming over me and a voice told me, "Go ahead look down the barrel, nothing will happen to you." So I did and then the voice said, "Now, put your finger on the trigger and show them you can do it and that nothing will happen to you." I too did this and the next thing I remember was opening my eyes and seeing the sky above me, so I stood up and everything was spinning out of control. I then stumbled into the house and my parents rushed me to the hospital. I remember bits and pieces of everything that happened from this time until I was finally released from the hospital a month later. I don't remember saying this, but according to my mom and grandmother, while I was in the hospital, I had told them that I had died and saw God and that He told me, "It's not yet your time, you are one of my chosen ones." I don't remember saying this and I have no recollection of seeing God or anything, just the voice telling me to basically shoot myself and then waking up on the ground. The doctor's even said that there is zero reason that I survived because the BB traveled into my eye and halfway through my brain (the BB is actually still in it's same place in my brain to this day). Ever since this incident, my life has been nothing but complete misery and hell and it just keeps getting worse as the years and days go by and I don't know if it has anything to do with any of that, but I can see how it would. So basically, I committed suicide and came back to life, so does this mean that when I do die that I am going to hell? I've always had this strong feeling like I am destined for hell and after thinking about this, it's really freaking me out. Any help and/or advice is greatly appreciated because like I said, I'm really freaking out over this since I began thinking about it.