Well, of course, we can always say the root problem of any crime is the result of a people moving away from God. That is accepted by all who are believers. The issues I raised were the way our country wants to disregard race in it's effort to govern, unless it is the white race. Which is why concerning these incidents you don't hear any report of a hate crime. At least I haven't. Have you? Do you believe it should be a hate crime?
Why do you blame the Church? Don't the Christians have the freedom to gather and worship with who they want? You say you went to a church which was all black mostly. But they didn't throw you out, did they? They didn't stab and beat you did they? An all black church likes worshiping with its people. That isn't wrong. Same is true with a white or Mexican Church. As I said, race is a powerful factor not to be ignored. The fact that churches of another race let you in and worship shows the power of Christ in His people. When missionaries went to the ends of the earth, and many of these were white Europeans, with the Gospel, they not only brought salvation to these people of other races, but they also had a cultural impact. And for this many were maligned for trying to make these people function in the European culture. In other words that is a no win situation.
Concerning the response of the parents, that is fine. That does not however negate the duties of the government. Do you think the man should be told that Jesus loves him and be set free? Should he not pay for the crime he committed? You can't run a country like you run a church. It won't work. We as Christians can forgive and pray for one, but the government had better do it's job in protecting it's people from these sort of crimes. And, the fact that they are ignoring race as a factor, shows me that they do not care to protect the people from these sort of crimes.
My point is this. I am addressing our countries failure here. Not the Church.
Hello Brother,
Interesting response. You agree with the result from moving away from God, which is accepted by all believers. Then look to a government of people selected from the very pool that is moving away from God, and expect them to consider resolving said issues of race/violence? :smile: Not going to happen is it? The changes must come as it is in Salvation, one by one or hopefully like on the day of Pentecost, by the thousands!
Each person (non-believer) coming to Christ, and not corporate changes will move the people of this country and then its government to not look to what is on the outside, but what is spiritually discerned. Only the church, the body of Christ, has the ability and power from on High to change what is slowly getting darker and darker within this country. The church sadly for the most part is slumbering, while the Nation crumbles.
What the churches or in other words, believers, need is revival. A spiritual awakening that will move them to the highways & byways of America, with a life changing Gospel of faith. I found a site that gives a short synopsis on 5 American Revivals. I'm sure more meat is out there on each of them, but it's enough to show what needs to happen in order for this country to be lifted up from the abyss of darkness that racial division is only a symptom of.
What sparks a revival? The short answer is the Holy Spirit. Here are five great American revivals, citing the who, what, when, where and how.
Now I'm not saying that believers shouldn't use the God given sense they have to help select officials that can help to move us in a direction that promotes race relations, and not increase the divide, but the real onus is in spreading the Gospel to an unbelieving World. Therein, you'll have the numbers to illicit the changes that are needed in the government.
So, when I related the story of what happened in this black church. I was pointing out that if in the church environment they have difficulty accepting differences that are seen, how can one expect them to discern and caste out the unseen that rejoices at the confusion of the church that doesn't allow us to come together? And so the need of revival.
The way I see many churches in part behaving is reflected in a song that was sung by Casting Crowns, called "We are the Body of Christ". Still, there is hope, which is in Christ Jesus. For I honestly believe there are strong Body of Believers that do promote racial blindness, and the only color they see is the Red that is the Blood of Christ. So, we keep praying brother. Taking our supplications on High!
Again thank-you brother for sharing your thoughts on this.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.
2 Chronicles 7:14
2 Timothy 2:23-26