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SignUp Now!George Barna: One of the advantages that the Revolution has is that it is built on meeting personal spiritual needs and is formed around a person’s natural network of relationships. Because Revolutionaries are driven to love God with all their heart, mind, strength and soul, and they are not confined by programs or places, they have the opportunity to guide outsiders into a faith journey that fits who they are, rather than attempting to force them into a pattern that requires them to conform to something they don’t understand or that does not fit their life. If each Revolutionary sees himself or herself as the Church in action, they feel a greater responsibility for helping others to find and to pursue Jesus Christ in meaningful ways...
...Toward that end, we will try to provide resources that point people in an appropriate direction on their faith journey. The website we’re creating for Revolutionaries will enable them to connect with others moving in the same direction, to identify people and places that might enhance their Christ-quest, and to encourage them to lead a life that places God and His principles first and foremost... We are not abandoning the local church. We’re simply expanding the role of our company and its ministry partners to help people for whom the local church does not meet their intense need to have more of God in their life.